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JSVJP Library

A lightweight JavaScript library for DOM manipulation.


You can install the library using npm:

npm install jsvjp


Import style you need from the library:

<link rel="stylesheet" href="jsvjp/style.css" />
<!-- or you can import from -->
<link rel="stylesheet" href="" />

Import the functions you need from the library:

import { $, $$, HTML, CSS } from "jsvjp";
import log from "jsvjp";
// or you can import from
import { $, $$, HTML, CSS } from "";
import log from "";

Use the functions to manipulate the DOM:

HTML("h1", "success", "Welcome to jsvjp!");

CSS("h1.success", {
  color: "red",
  backgroundColor: randomColor(),
  padding: "10px",

const html = HTML("a", "link", "Follow me on github", {
  href: "",
  target: "_blank",

log(html.outerHTML, [{ This: { is: "an" }, example: "!" }]);


  1. Use the $ function to find the first HTML element that matches a CSS selector:
const firstElement = $("h1");
console.log(firstElement); // Outputs the first HTML element with the <h1> tag
  1. Use the $$ function to find all HTML elements that match a CSS selector:
const allElements = $$("p");
console.log(allElements); // Outputs an array containing all HTML elements with the <p> tag
  1. Use the HTML function to create a new HTML element and add content to it:
HTML("div", "class", "This is the content of the new div element");
HTML("a", "link", "This is google!", { href: "" });
// Outputs the newly created HTML element
  1. Use the CSS function to change the CSS properties of one or more HTML elements:
CSS("p", "color", "red"); // Sets the text color of all elements with the <p> tag to red
CSS("header#header", "font-size", "24px"); // Sets the font size of the element "header" to 24px
  1. Use the log function to display data in the browser using HTML tags:
log("Hello, world!"); // Displays the string "Hello, world!" in a div with class "code"
log([1, 2, 3]); // Displays an array of numbers in a pre tag formatted as JSON


Contributions are welcome! Please see the CONTRIBUTING file for guidelines.


A lightweight JavaScript library for DOM manipulation.



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