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Atia's Shrine Automation

Automated Atia's Blessing, runs every day automatically.


Warning > Run it locally and preferably on an encrypted volume, your private keys can be exposed!


  • Node.js 20+
  • pnpm (or Yarn/NPM)


Install dependencies

pnpm i

Copy example privateKeys

cp privateKeys.example privateKeys

Edit privateKeys and add your keys and optional delegatees

Example #1:


Use prayerPrivateKey to pray for selected delegatees (max 5). If you want to pray for the PK address as well, you have to include it in the list.

  "prayerPrivateKey": "0x9165004be40eb157edf922afe9decec26cc930d208877b547dba58039a786e1a",
  "delegateeAddresses": ["0x40ae3EfE4bE1Bb0402c075C0E42902Ba5B930682", "0x021E95f0043c4E94dd39a5cB008CF2aF2Ca187Cf"]

Example #2:


Use prayerPrivateKey to pray for itself, you don't have to specify delegateeAddresses

  "prayerPrivateKey": "0x9165004be40eb157edf922afe9decec26cc930d208877b547dba58039a786e13"

Start Application

pnpm start

The application will be launched by Nodemon so it's will restart automatically on file change