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Infra for Physical Data Model generation

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Repo for PDM dataset generation

Initial setup:

PDM requires that data from Crown platform (HDFS location) be ingested for 5 tables namely agent_dim, appointment_type_dim, site_dim, team_dim, to_do_type_type_dim. This data is ingested into S3 from Crown through a Concourse job and placed into common-model-inputs/transactional_data prefix of the published_bucket. When initial_transactional_load property in is set to true for each environment, the initial_transactional_load step in the application will create tables for the initial transactional tables.

Retries on cluster failure

When the PDM cluster fails or succeeds it creates a cloudwatch event. A cluster can fail for a multitude of reasons, therefore an automated retry of a failed cluster is warranted.

PDM logs its run information into a DynamoDB table with the following structure:

Correlation_Id DataProduct Date Run_Id Status CurrentStep TimeToExist Cluster_Id S3_Prefix_Snapshots S3_Prefix_Analytical_DataSet Snapshot_Type
123 PDM 2021-02-11 1 FAILED Model j-1SM0GDS5 path_to_snapshot_data/ path_to_analytical_data/ full

The cluster will log information resembling the above DynamoDB table. If it fails, it will kick off a cloudwatch event that has a target lambda - dataworks-emr-relauncher
The retry logic is contained within that lambda as well as more detailed documentation. If the failed cluster is restarted it will skip to the failed step and resume from there.

Concourse pipeline

There is a concourse pipeline for Clive named pdm-dataset-generation. The code for this pipeline is in the ci folder. The main part of the pipeline (the master group) deploys the infrastructure and runs the e2e tests. There are a number of groups for rotating passwords and there are also admin groups for each environment.

Admin jobs

There are a number of available admin jobs for each environment. These can be found in the Concourse Utility pipeline

Start cluster

This job will start an pdm cluster running. In order to make the cluster do what you want it to do, you can alter the following environment variables in the pipeline config and then run aviator to update the pipeline before kicking it off:

  1. S3_PREFIX (required) -> the S3 output location for the HTME data to process, i.e. analytical-dataset/2020-08-13_22-16-58/
  2. EXPORT_DATE (required) -> the date the data was exported, i.e 2021-04-01
  3. CORRELATION_ID (required) -> the correlation id for this run, i.e. <some_unique_correlation_id>
  4. SNAPSHOT_TYPE (required) -> full

Stop clusters

For stopping clusters, you can run the stop-cluster job to terminate ALL current pdm clusters in the environment.

Clear dynamo row (i.e. for a cluster restart)

Sometimes the pdm cluster is required to restart from the beginning instead of restarting from the failure point. To be able to do a full cluster restart, delete the associated DynamoDB row if it exists. The keys to the row are Correlation_Id and DataProduct in the DynamoDB table storing cluster state information (see Retries).
The clear-dynamodb-row job is responsible for carrying out the row deletion.

To do a full cluster restart

  • Manually enter CORRELATION_ID and DATA_PRODUCT of the row to delete to the clear-dynamodb-row job and run aviator.

      - name: dev-clear-dynamodb-row
          - .: (( inject meta.plan.clear-dynamodb-row ))
                AWS_ROLE_ARN: arn:aws:iam::((aws_account.development)):role/ci
                AWS_ACC: ((aws_account.development))
                CORRELATION_ID: <Correlation_Id of the row to delete>
                DATA_PRODUCT: <DataProduct of the row to delete>
  • Run the admin job to <env>-clear-dynamodb-row

  • You can then run start-cluster job with the same Correlation_Id from fresh.

Pipeline not running in QA?

There is an automated AMI upgrade pipeline embedded into the pipeline of this repo (ci/jobs/ami-test). This is in a serial_group with the QA deployment pipeline to ensure that they do not interfere with each other.

Please let the tests run and the deployment pipeline will continue automatically.

Full cluster restart

Sometimes the PDM cluster is required to restart from the beginning instead of restarting from the failure point. To be able to do a full cluster restart, delete the associated DynamoDB row if it exists. The keys to the row are Correlation_Id and DataProduct in the DynamoDB table storing cluster state information (see Retries on cluster failure). The clear-dynamodb-row job is responsible for carrying out the row deletion.

To do a full cluster restart

  • Manually enter CORRELATION_ID and DATA_PRODUCT of the row to delete to the clear-dynamodb-row job and run aviator.

      - name: dev-clear-dynamodb-row
          - .: (( inject meta.plan.clear-dynamodb-row ))
                AWS_ROLE_ARN: arn:aws:iam::((aws_account.development)):role/ci
                AWS_ACC: ((aws_account.development))
                CORRELATION_ID: <Correlation_Id of the row to delete>
                DATA_PRODUCT: <DataProduct of the row to delete>
  • Run the admin job to <env>-clear-dynamodb-row

  • You can then run start-cluster job with the same Correlation_Id from fresh.


This clusters metrics are exported using Json Exporter. The metrics file is created and written locally to


This file is then uploaded to S3, where the Json Exporter scrapes the metrics and stores them in Prometheus. The S3 file is deleted at the start and end of every run to prevent stale metrics being scraped.

Additional metrics such as pdm_views_table_count, pdm_views_row_count and pdm_views_max_date are sent to the PDM pushgateway. These metrics represent the number of tables in the PDM database, the total number of row in the PDM database and the time at which the latest raw entry was added.

Upgrading to EMR 6.2.0

There is a requirement for our data products to start using Hive 3 instead of Hive 2. Hive 3 comes bundled with EMR 6.2.0 along with other upgrades including Spark. Below is a list of steps taken to upgrade PDM to EMR 6.2.0

  1. Make sure you are using an AL2 ami

  2. Point PDM at the new metastore: hive_metastore_v2 in internal-compute instead of the old one in the configurations.yml

    The values below should resolve to the new metastore, the details of which are an output of internal-compute

    "javax.jdo.option.ConnectionURL": "jdbc:mysql://${hive_metastore_endpoint}:3306/${hive_metastore_database_name}?createDatabaseIfNotExist=true"
    "javax.jdo.option.ConnectionUserName": "${hive_metsatore_username}"
    "javax.jdo.option.ConnectionPassword": "${hive_metastore_pwd}"
  3. Create ingress/egress security group rules to the metastore in the internal-compute repo. Example below

    resource "aws_security_group_rule" "ingress_pdm" {
      description              = "Allow mysql traffic to Aurora RDS from PDM"
      from_port                = 3306
      protocol                 = "tcp"
      security_group_id        =
      to_port                  = 3306
      type                     = "ingress"
      source_security_group_id =
    resource "aws_security_group_rule" "egress_pdm" {
      description              = "Allow mysql traffic to Aurora RDS from PDM"
      from_port                = 3306
      protocol                 = "tcp"
      security_group_id        =
      to_port                  = 3306
      type                     = "egress"
      source_security_group_id =
  4. Rotate the pdm-writer user from the internal-compute pipeline so that when PDM starts up it can login to the metastore.

  5. Give IAM permissions to the PDM EMR launcher to read the new Secret

    data "aws_iam_policy_document" "pdm_emr_launcher_getsecrets" {
     statement {
       effect = "Allow"
       actions = [
       resources = [
  6. Bump the EMR version to 6.2.0 and launch the cluster.

  7. TODO: still figuring out how to get the speed back to normal. Once done update this with instructions

Make sure that the first time anything uses the metastore it initialises with Hive 3, otherwise it will have to be rebuilt.

How the PDM object tagger works

Upon the successful execution of PDM, a pdm_success Cloudwatch Event is created. When this event is created it triggers an event rule named pdm_success_start_object_tagger.

Definitions for both of these can be found within

The Event rule will trigger a batch job titled s3_object_tagger with 2 parameters, which are provided as values on the rule definition using local.data_classification which can be found in


Key Example
data-s3-prefix analytical-dataset/full/2021-04-01_09-40-02
csv-location s3://bucket/prefix/data.csv