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Dynamic Flying


This repo contains the source code for the Dynamic Flying website.

Any questions about the competition rules should be directed to the committee at


This website is built with Next.js, TypeScript, and React.

Set up

If you want to set up the environment locally, you can clone the repo and run npm install to install the dependencies.
If you want to use Docker, you can use the devcontainer in the .devcontainer folder.

Repo structure

Here's a summary of the most notable directories in the repo:

  • pages: the pages of the website, following the Next.js file-based routing system.
  • components: the React components used in the website.
  • public: static files that are served directly by the web server.
  • data: the data used by the website, such as competitions rules and events
  • utils: utility functions used by the website.

There are two persistent branches:

  • main: serves as the staging, and is automatically previewed here
  • stable: serves as the production branch, and is automatically deployed on GitHub Pages on the official website domain

When opening a PR, a preview will be automatically deployed to Netlify, and a link will be posted in the PR: this is a way to test the cahnges before merging them to main.


To run a local development server, run npm run dev.
If you want to export a static build of the website, run npm run build.


This project is licensed under the MIT License.