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CAS tarkvaras tehtud kohanduste ja täienduste kirjeldus.

Integrator's guide

1. Logging

1.1 Configuration

Logging in TARA is handled by Log4j2 framework which can be configured by using an xml configuration file (log4j2.xml).

By default TARA uses an example configuration embedded in the service application, that contains configuration samples for using local log files and remote syslog server (needs further configuration).

Logging behavior can be customized in the following ways:

  1. By providing your own configuration file and overriding the default file. Using the property logging.config in the (see CAS documentation for further logging implementation details.)



    Note that CAS monitors the log4j2.xml file changes and reloads the configuration automatically accordingly.

  2. By overriding the parameter values in the default log4j2.xml configuration file with system properties (see table 1.1.1)

Table 1.1.1 - configurable parameters in log configuration

Property Description Default
tara.log.dir Output directory for the log files /var/log/cas
tara.log.level Controls the detail level of the main event stream (cas.log). info
tara.console.level Console log verbosity level off

Parameters in table 1.1.1 can be overridden when needed by providing the parameter as a system property on service startup.


export JAVA_OPTS="-Dtara.log.level=debug -Dtara.console.level=off"

1.2 Log files

By default, all log files are written to the local filesystem /var/log/cas and a log rotation is performed daily. The location of the files can be overridden either by providing a parameter -Dtara.log.dir=<logdir> during TARA startup or overriding the log4j2.xml file.

Log files names correspond to pattern logfile-%d{yyyy-MM-dd}.log and the names are not modified during log rotation. Example: cas_audit-2025-01-31.log. Logs are rolled over at midnight by creating a new file with the pattern. Old files are kept uncompressed in the same directory for seven days.

List of log files created by TARA on initialization:

Type of log Contents description
cas.log TARA's main log event stream that contains all authentication attempts and general system events (session expirations and cleanup events, etc).
cas_error.log Errors with technical and detailed stack traces.
cas_audit.log Pre-defined events derived from user actions to be audited for security purposes.
stats.log Simplified CSV formatted authentication statistics. See statistics specification for log record specification and further details.
perfStats.log Performance metrics. Periodically prints report that consists of brief memory, thread allocation and ticket stats. Kept for one day by default


Events are recorded in the json format, separated by the newline character \n.

Log event structure:

Field Description Always present
date Event date and time in ISO-8601 compatible format. Example: 2018-08-17T18:23:48,543 Y
level Level of importance. Possible values (from the least serios to most serious): TRACE, DEBUG, INFO, WARN, ERROR, FATAL Y
requestId Unique 16 character alphanumeric string to identify the user's request. Empty when the event was generated by CAS itself. N
sessionId Session id hash. Base64 encoded session identifier (sha256 hash from of the session id). Empty when the event was generated by CAS itself. N
logger Logger name Y
thread Thread name Y
message Log message using the JSON encoding format, this follows the escaping rules specified by RFC 4627 section 2.5. Y


{"date":"2018-08-19T17:11:25,373", "level":"ERROR", "requestId":"LPBA1Q0KKC8DNJSK", "sessionId":"xB4WXSgEJgFIUtGLjq0bTswIzgrWTsUX-ik6LrpKQ1w=", "logger":"ee.ria.sso.flow.action.AbstractAuthenticationAction", "thread":"http-nio-8081-exec-4", "message":"Authentication failed: Sertifikaati ei leitud! Kas Teie ID-kaart on kaardilugejasse sisestatud?"}


Events are recorded in the json format, separated by the newline character \n.

Log event structure:

Field Description Always present
date Event date and time in ISO-8601 compatible format. Example: 2018-08-17T18:23:48,543 Y
level Level of importance. Either: ERROR or FATAL Y
requestId Unique 16 character alphanumeric string to identify the user's request. Empty when the event was generated by CAS itself. N
sessionId Session id hash. Base64 encoded session identifier (sha256 hash from of the session id). Empty when the event was generated by CAS itself. N
logger Logger name Y
thread Thread name Y
throwable Exception trace using the JSON encoding format, this follows the escaping rules specified by RFC 4627 section 2.5. Empty when no trace was provided. N


{"date":"2018-08-19T17:11:25,373", "level":"ERROR", "requestId":"LPBA1Q0KKC8DNJSK", "sessionId":"xB4WXSgEJgFIUtGLjq0bTswIzgrWTsUX-ik6LrpKQ1w=", "throwable":" ee.ria.sso.authentication.TaraAuthenticationException: Sertifikaati ei leitud! Kas Teie ID-kaart on kaardilugejasse sisestatud?\u000A\u0009at ee.ria.sso.service.idcard.IDCardAuthenticationService.handleException(\u000A\u0009at ........ more\u000A"}


Events are recorded in the json format, separated by the newline character \n.

Log event structure:

Field Description
request Request method and URL in the form of METHOD protocol://server_name:server_port/request_uri. For example POST
requestId Unique 16 character alphanumeric string to identify the user's request. Empty when the event was generated by CAS itself.
sessionId Session id hash. Base64 encoded session identifier (sha256 hash from of the session id). Empty when the event was generated by CAS itself.
message JSON object (escaped by the rules specified by RFC 4627 section 2.5).

List of fields contained in the JSON object (all mandatory):

* action - Audit event code, that describes the action in the audit trail. See TARA related events here.
* who - User ID. Principal code if authenticated, otherwise audit:unknown
* what - Custom message related to the event
* when - Event date and time in ISO-8601 compatible format. Example: 2018-08-17T18:23:48,543
* clientIpAddress - Client IP
* serverIpAddress - Server IP
* application - Server instance name from the application configuration parameter cas.audit.appCode. Defaults to CAS.

Example of unescaped audit message:

	"who": "audit:unknown",
	"what": "[event=success,timestamp=Sun Aug 19 13:45:25 GMT 2018,source=RankedAuthenticationProviderWebflowEventResolver]",
	"when": "2018-08-19T17:11:25,373",
	"clientIpAddress": "",
	"serverIpAddress": "",
	"application": "TARA-INSTANCE-3"

Example - a failed ID-Card authentication:


Example - full audit trail of successful ID-Card authentication:

{"request":"GET", "requestId":"V6XLELRZM4RVF6K4", "sessionId":"smvSJcXB8r0rnBnR5-jePEq4rI7fRN3K6mT-VA_pbaw=", "message":"{\"action\":\"AUTHENTICATION_EVENT_TRIGGERED\",\"who\":\"audit:unknown\",\"what\":\"[event=success,timestamp=Fri Sep 07 14:47:13 GMT 2018,source=RankedAuthenticationProviderWebflowEventResolver]\",\"when\":\"2018-09-07T14:47:13,486+0000\",\"clientIpAddress\":\"\",\"serverIpAddress\":\"\",\"application\":\"TARA-INSTANCE-3\"}"}
{"request":"GET", "requestId":"OSWL57CE8O3MQOS2", "sessionId":"smvSJcXB8r0rnBnR5-jePEq4rI7fRN3K6mT-VA_pbaw=", "message":"{\"action\":\"CLIENT_CERT_HANDLING_SUCCESS\",\"who\":\"audit:unknown\",\"what\":\"Supplied parameters: map[[empty]]\",\"when\":\"2018-09-07T14:47:27,023+0000\",\"clientIpAddress\":\"\",\"serverIpAddress\":\"\",\"application\":\"TARA-INSTANCE-3\"}"}
{"request":"POST", "requestId":"7D8CEU4BJX0C8EN2", "sessionId":"smvSJcXB8r0rnBnR5-jePEq4rI7fRN3K6mT-VA_pbaw=", "message":"{\"action\":\"AUTHENTICATION_SUCCESS\",\"who\":\"EE47101010033\",\"what\":\"Supplied credentials: [TaraCredential{type=IDCard, principalCode='EE47101010033', firstName='MARI-LIIS', lastName='M?NNIK', mobileNumber='null', country='null', dateOfBirth='null', levelOfAssurance=null, banklinkType=null}]\",\"when\":\"2018-09-07T14:47:27,481+0000\",\"clientIpAddress\":\"\",\"serverIpAddress\":\"\",\"application\":\"TARA-INSTANCE-3\"}"}
{"request":"POST", "requestId":"7D8CEU4BJX0C8EN2", "sessionId":"smvSJcXB8r0rnBnR5-jePEq4rI7fRN3K6mT-VA_pbaw=", "message":"{\"action\":\"TICKET_GRANTING_TICKET_CREATED\",\"who\":\"EE47101010033\",\"what\":\"TGT-**********************************************sPr9Pv6Br1-tara\",\"when\":\"2018-09-07T14:47:27,549+0000\",\"clientIpAddress\":\"\",\"serverIpAddress\":\"\",\"application\":\"TARA-INSTANCE-3\"}"}
{"request":"POST", "requestId":"7D8CEU4BJX0C8EN2", "sessionId":"smvSJcXB8r0rnBnR5-jePEq4rI7fRN3K6mT-VA_pbaw=", "message":"{\"action\":\"SERVICE_TICKET_CREATED\",\"who\":\"EE47101010033\",\"what\":\"ST-1-nKrANQNh9dmDnefpx7nV-tara for\",\"when\":\"2018-09-07T14:47:27,572+0000\",\"clientIpAddress\":\"\",\"serverIpAddress\":\"\",\"application\":\"TARA-INSTANCE-3\"}"}
{"request":"GET", "requestId":"278NR8DA1C17HE73", "sessionId":"Is5Lsv0QNZV7WlfebWf3GkyXigpSx7paB4JGVb4XyQQ=", "message":"{\"action\":\"SERVICE_TICKET_VALIDATED\",\"who\":\"EE47101010033\",\"what\":\"ST-1-nKrANQNh9dmDnefpx7nV-tara\",\"when\":\"2018-09-07T14:47:27,665+0000\",\"clientIpAddress\":\"\",\"serverIpAddress\":\"\",\"application\":\"TARA-INSTANCE-3\"}"}
{"request":"GET", "requestId":"ZA989GJI2F4LWQQT", "sessionId":"smvSJcXB8r0rnBnR5-jePEq4rI7fRN3K6mT-VA_pbaw=", "message":"{\"action\":\"OAUTH_CODE_CREATED\",\"who\":\"audit:unknown\",\"what\":\"OC-***************************zTcnSEzgZd\",\"when\":\"2018-09-07T14:47:27,784+0000\",\"clientIpAddress\":\"\",\"serverIpAddress\":\"\",\"application\":\"TARA-INSTANCE-3\"}"}
{"request":"POST", "requestId":"4H8PI1FOM1RG5TN8", "sessionId":"2_Y_MoI0BoOItwoXrlf_WiR0Fye5plIotyEnl0NSnXc=", "message":"{\"action\":\"ACCESS_TOKEN_REQUEST_HANDLING_SUCCESS\",\"who\":\"audit:unknown\",\"what\":\"Supplied parameters: map['grant_type' -> array<String>['authorization_code'], 'code' -> array<String>['OC-***************************zTcnSEzgZd'], 'redirect_uri' -> array<String>['https://tara-client.arendus.kit:8451/oauth/response']]; Generated id-token: eyJhbGciOiJSUzI1NiIsImtpZCI6IjY1YzYxZDY5LWIyODEtNGZlYS1iNDM1LTc4NzQwMWEyMjRiZiJ9.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.T_uKOF4th9GjJsXIkjUJ6kJazv4sR89VeUN0bVerX6n37b_YKTPsxKmucOEwQzeapaoK8dv9tVnUlG4B9_NCjagWSypn2I5ZbwmuyP1F2xpAXfIcK58a8Mqf5CZq-Y8ja-xGcqxf2ybyqIq0IW7PGW9hu1Ec5A9o-Yp779gV1A86XgWBR52-wIz95L1th9FPuwJ73_UOKtDjQ7NzmHNPVEL15vujrq429MDf-vduVcbRAnjnKjnNCcu2yiUl4n4ZGkgNGD15c7uUXEalOw6GGuRqEVTxskyxXibPVPWmjGCB6eZ21ppVMFdfhaOeCv6kIjCZWAn0kba1e78VCikJvA\",\"when\":\"2018-09-07T14:47:27,898+0000\",\"clientIpAddress\":\"\",\"serverIpAddress\":\"\",\"application\":\"TARA-INSTANCE-3\"}"}

1.3 Logging to remote syslog server

The default logging configuration contains example appenders for forwarding log events to a remote syslog server that accepts log messages over TLS-TCP using RFC-5424 format.

The syslog message format has been set up so that the facility code is always local1(17) and syslog message priority in case of an log4j2 ERROR event is error(3) and notice(5) in all other cases (WARN, DEBUG, INFO, etc).

Note that the syslog loggers are not enabled by default. Remote syslog configuration needs to be explicitly enabled and TLS key and syslog server cert configured in log4j2.xml file.

1.4 TARA Audit trail events

The following is a complete list of TARA specific audit events:

Event Description
CLIENT_CERT_HANDLING_SUCCESS Initial ID-Card certificate header verification was successful.
CLIENT_CERT_HANDLING_FAILED Initial ID-Card certificate header verification has failed.
ESTEID_AUTHENTICATION_SUCCESS A successful ID-Card authentication procedure has been completed.
ESTEID_AUTHENTICATION_FAILED ID-Card authentication has failed.
MID_AUTHENTICATION_INIT_SUCCESS Estonian Mobile-ID init request successful.
MID_AUTHENTICATION_INIT_FAILED Estonian Mobile-ID init request failed.
MID_AUTHENTICATION_STATUS_POLL_SUCCESS Estonian Mobile-ID status check request was successful.
MID_AUTHENTICATION_STATUS_POLL_FAILED Estonian Mobile-ID status check request failed.
MID_AUTHENTICATION_STATUS_POLL_CANCEL_SUCCESS Estonian Mobile-ID status check was cancelled by the user.
MID_AUTHENTICATION_STATUS_POLL_CANCEL_FAILED Estonian Mobile-ID status check cancellation by the user has failed.
SMARTID_AUTHENTICATION_INIT_SUCCESS Smart-ID authentication init request was successful
SMARTID_AUTHENTICATION_INIT_FAILED Smart-ID authentication init request has failed
SMARTID_AUTHENTICATION_STATUS_POLL_SUCCESS Smart-ID authentication status polling request was successful.
SMARTID_AUTHENTICATION_STATUS_POLL_FAILED Smart-ID authentication status polling request has failed.
SMARTID_AUTHENTICATION_STATUS_POLL_CANCEL_SUCCESS Smart-ID authentication status polling was successfully canceled by the user.
SMARTID_AUTHENTICATION_STATUS_POLL_CANCEL_FAILED Smart-ID authentication status polling cancellation by the user has failed.
EIDAS_AUTHENTICATION_INIT_SUCCESS eIDAS authentication was successfully initiated.
EIDAS_AUTHENTICATION_INIT_FAILED eIDAS authentication failed to init.
EIDAS_AUTHENTICATION_CALLBACK_FAILED eIDAS authentication failed (the other party replied with an error).
BANKLINK_AUTHENTICATION_INIT_SUCCESS Banklink authentication request successfully sent.
BANKLINK_AUTHENTICATION_INIT_FAILED Error while creating the banklink request.
BANKLINK_AUTHENTICATION_CALLBACK_SUCCESS Bank's response was successfully received and validated.
BANKLINK_AUTHENTICATION_CALLBACK_FAILED Error occurred while processing the bank's response.
OAUTH_CODE_CREATED Authentication code was successfully created.
OAUTH_CODE_NOT_CREATED Authentication code creation failed.
ACCESS_TOKEN_REQUEST_HANDLING_SUCCESS Request was successfully processed and an access token was sent as a response.
ACCESS_TOKEN_REQUEST_HANDLING_FAILED An error occurred while processing the request or sending the response.
USER_INFO_DATA_CREATED User profile data for UserInfo endpoint response was successfully created.
USER_INFO_DATA_NOT_CREATED User profile data creation for UserInfo endpoint response has failed.

NB! See additional list of CAS related events here

1.5 Logging to Tara-Stat

TARA can also send statistics as JSON formatted event stream to the Tara-Stat service.

Note that the Tara-Stat logger is not enabled by default. Tara-Stat needs to be explicitly configured in and log4j2.xml file (see Tara-Stat configuration for further details)

2. TARA specific configuration parameters

The configuration of the TARA service is managed through a central configuration properties file - In addition to Apereo CAS configuration properties described here the can also include properties for TARA specific features. The following document describes the custom configuration properties available in TARA service.

2.1 ID-card authentication

Table 2.1.1 - Enabling ID-card authentication feature in TARA

Property Mandatory Description
id-card.enabled N Feature toggle for authentication with ID-card in TARA. Enables this feature to be loaded if set to true, otherwise ignores all other ID-card related configuration. Defaults to false, if not specified.

Table 2.1.2 - Enabling ID-card certificate validation

Property Mandatory Description
id-card.ocsp-enabled N Enables ID-card certificate validation if set to true, otherwise ignores all other ocsp related configuration. Defaults to true, if not specified.

Table 2.1.3 - Configuring ID-card truststore

Property Mandatory Description
id-card.truststore Y Path to the truststore that holds list of OCSP responder certificates and ID-card issuer certificates. For example: classpath:id-card-truststore.p12, when the file is to be accessed from the classpath or file:/etc/cas/id-card-truststore.p12 when the file is referenced in the local filesystem.
id-card.truststore-type N Truststore type. Defaults to PKCS12
id-card.truststore-pass Y Truststore password

Table 2.1.4 - Explicit configuration of the OCSP service(s)

TARA allows multiple sets of OCSP configurations to be defined by using the id-card.ocsp[{index}] notation.

Each OCSP configuration can contain the following set of properties:

Property Mandatory Description
id-card.ocsp[{index}].issuer-cn Y A comma separated list of supported certificate issuer CN-s (CN in the certificate) that this OCSP supports.

Note that the certificate referenced by CN must be present in the truststore (id-card.truststore)
id-card.ocsp[{index}].url Y The HTTP URL of the OCSP service.
id-card.ocsp[{index}].responder-certificate-cn N Explicit OCSP response signing certificate CN. If not provided, OCSP reponse signer certificate is expected to be issued from the same chain as user-certificate.

Note that responder certificate extended key usage must have the OCSP signing ( value.
id-card.ocsp[{index}].nonce-disabled N Boolean value, that determines whether the nonce extension usage is disabled. Defaults to false if not specified.
id-card.ocsp[{index}].accepted-clock-skew-in-seconds N Maximum accepted time difference in seconds between OCSP provider and TARA-Server. Defaults to 2, if not specified.
id-card.ocsp[{index}].response-lifetime-inseconds N Maximum accepted age of an OCSP response in seconds. Defaults to 900 if not specified.
id-card.ocsp[{index}].connect-timeout-in-milliseconds N Connection timout in milliseconds. Defaults to 3000, if not specified.
id-card.ocsp[{index}].read-timeout-in-milliseconds N Connection read timeout in milliseconds. Defaults to 3000 if not specified.

NB! A default configuration is used when a user certificate is encountered by a trusted issuer, that has no matching OCSP configuration by the issuer's CN and the user certificate contains the AIA OCSP URL (the configuration will use the default values of the properties listed in Table 4)

Example 1: using SK AIA OCSP only (a non-commercial, best-effort service):

id-card.enabled = true


id-card.ocsp[0].issuer-cn=TEST of ESTEID-SK 2011

id-card.ocsp[1].issuer-cn=TEST of ESTEID-SK 2015


Example 2: using SK's commercial OCSP only (with subscription only):

id-card.enabled = true


id-card.ocsp[0].issuer-cn=ESTEID-SK 2011, ESTEID-SK 2015, ESTEID2018
id-card.ocsp[0].responder-certificate-cn=SK OCSP RESPONDER 2011

Table 2.1.5 - Configuring fallback OCSP service(s)

When the primary OCSP service is not available (ie returns other than HTTP 200 status code, an invalid response Content-Type or the connection times out) a fallback OCSP connection(s) can be configured to query for the certificate status.

In case of multiple fallback configurations per issuer, the execution order is determined by the order of definition in the configuration.

The following properties can be used to configure a fallback OCSP service:

Property Mandatory Description
id-card.fallback-ocsp[{index}].issuer-cn Y A comma separated list of certificate issuer CN's. Determines the issuer(s) this fallback configuration will be applied to.

Note that the certificate by CN must be present in the truststore (id-card.truststore)
id-card.fallback-ocsp[{index}].url Y HTTP URL of the OCSP service.
id-card.fallback-ocsp[{index}].responder-certificate-cn N Explicit OCSP response signing certificate CN. If not provided, OCSP reponse signer certificate is expected to be issued from the same chain as user-certificate.
id-card.fallback-ocsp[{index}].nonce-disabled N Boolean value, that determines whether the nonce extension usage is disabled. Defaults to false if not specified.
id-card.fallback-ocsp[{index}].accepted-clock-skew-in-seconds N Maximum accepted time difference in seconds between OCSP provider and TARA-Server. Defaults to 2, if not specified.
id-card.fallback-ocsp[{index}].response-lifetime-inseconds N Maximum accepted age of an OCSP response in seconds. Defaults to 900 if not specified.
id-card.fallback-ocsp[{index}].connect-timeout-in-milliseconds N Connection timout in milliseconds. Defaults to 3000, if not specified.
id-card.fallback-ocsp[{index}].read-timeout-in-milliseconds N Connection read timeout in milliseconds. Defaults to 3000 if not specified.

Example: AIA OCSP by default using a static backup OCSP

id-card.enabled = true


# configure AIA ocsp
id-card.ocsp[0].issuer-cn=ESTEID-SK 2011

id-card.ocsp[1].issuer-cn=ESTEID-SK 2015


# use as fallback
id-card.fallback-ocsp[0].issuer-cn=ESTEID-SK 2011, ESTEID-SK 2015, ESTEID2018
id-card.fallback-ocsp[0].responder-certificate-cn=SK OCSP RESPONDER 2011

2.2 Mobile-ID authentication

Table 2.2.1 - Enabling mobile-ID authentication feature in TARA

Property Mandatory Description
mobile-id.enabled N Feature toggle for authentication with mobile-ID in TARA. Enables this feature to be loaded if set to true, otherwise ignores all other mobile-ID related configuration. Defaults to false, if not specified.

Table 2.2.2 - Configuring Mobile-ID truststore

Property Mandatory Description
mobile-id.truststore Y Path to the truststore that holds Mobile-ID issuer certificates. Truststore must include ESTEID-SK 2011 and ESTEID-SK 2015 certificates. For example: classpath:mobile-id-truststore.p12, when the file is to be accessed from the classpath or file:/etc/cas/mobile-id-truststore.p12 when the file is referenced in the local filesystem.
mobile-id.truststore-type N Truststore type. Defaults to PKCS12
mobile-id.truststore-pass Y Truststore password

Table 2.2.3 - Configuring Mobile-ID authentication (MID-REST)

Property Mandatory Description
mobile-id.language N Language for user dialog in mobile phone. 3-letters capitalized acronyms are used. Possible values:
  • EST
  • ENG
  • RUS
  • LIT
Defaults to EST, if not specified.
For more information, see language query parameter in MidRest Specification.
mobile-id.message-to-display Y Text displayed in addition to ServiceName and before asking authentication PIN. Maximum length is 40 bytes. In case of Latin letters, this means also a 40 character long text, but Cyrillic characters may be encoded by two bytes and you will not be able to send more than 20 symbols.
For more information, see displayText query parameter in MidRest Specification.
mobile-id.message-to-display-encoding N Specifies which characters and how many can be used in message-to-display. Possible values are GSM7 and UCS2, Defaults to GSM7. For more information, see displayTextFormat query parameter in MidRest Specification. Y HTTP URL of the MID-REST service operator.
mobile-id.relying-party-name Y Name of the relying party according to the contract between mobile-ID service provider and the relying party. Displayed together with displayText and Verification Code on cellphone screen before End User can insert PIN.
mobile-id.relying-party-uuid Y UUID value of the relying party according to the contract between mobile-ID service provider and the relying party.
mobile-id.authentication-hash-type N Type of the randomly generated hash from which verification code is calculated. Possible values are SHA256, SHA384 and SHA512. Defaults to SHA256.
mobile-id.session-status-socket-open-duration N Maximum time in milliseconds the server is allowed to wait before returning a response. Defaults to (and rounded up, if below) 1000, if not specified. For more information, see parameter timeoutMs in MidRestLongPolling Specification
mobile-id.timeout-between-session-status-queries N Timeout in milliseconds between consecutive session status queries. Defaults to 5000, if not specified. N Maximum total time in milliseconds to be spent on status queries during a session. Defaults to 30000, if not specified.
This value should not be smaller than sum of mobile-id.session-status-socket-open-duration and 1500ms (approximate additional time to transfer the request and response over the network)!
mobile-id.connection-timeout N Maximum time spent in milliseconds on waiting for connection with mobile-ID service provider. Defaults to 5000, if not specified.


mobile-id.message-to-display=Näita siin

2.3 eIDAS authentication

Table 2.3.1 - Enabling eIDAS authentication feature in TARA

Property Mandatory Description
eidas.enabled N Feature toggle for authentication with eIDAS in TARA. Enables this feature to be loaded if set to true, otherwise ignores all other eIDAS related configuration. Defaults to false, if not specified.

Table 2.3.2 - Configuring eIDAS authentication

Property Mandatory Description
eidas.service-url Y HTTP base URL of the eIDAS-client microservice.
eidas.heartbeat-url N HTTP URL of the eIDAS-client microservice heartbeat endpoint. Affects TARA heartbeat endpoint.
eidas.available-countries Y A comma separated list of ISO 3166-1 alpha-2 country codes that determine which countries are displayed on the login page. Also for each country code a 'eidas:country:x' (where x is the country code in lowercase) entry is added to the 'scopes_supported' field, which is communicated through TARA-Server metadata.
eidas.client-certificate-enabled N Feature toggle for using client certificate when making requests to authentication endpoints at eidas.service-url. Enables this feature if set to true, otherwise ignores all other client certificate related configuration. Defaults to false, if not specified.
eidas.connection-pool.max-total N Maximum number of allowed total open connections to eidas.service-url endpoint. Defaults to 20, if not specified.
eidas.connection-pool.max-per-route N Maximum number of allowed concurrent connections per route to eidas.service-url endpoint. Defaults to 2, if not specified.

Table 2.3.3 - Configuring client certificate for requests to authentication endpoints at eidas.service-url

Property Mandatory Description
eidas.client-certificate-keystore Y Path to the keystore that holds client certificate and private key. For example: classpath:eidasClientKeystore.p12, when the file is to be accessed from the classpath or file:/etc/cas/eidasClientKeystore.p12 when the file is referenced in the local filesystem.
eidas.client-certificate-keystore-type N Keystore type. Defaults to PKCS12
eidas.client-certificate-keystore-pass Y Keystore password.





2.4 Estonian banklinks

Table 2.4.1 - Enabling banklink feature in TARA

Property Mandatory Description
banklinks.enabled N Feature toggle for banklink functionality in TARA. Enables banklinks feature to be loaded when set to true, otherwise ignores all other banklink related configuration. Defaults to false, if not specified.

Table 2.4.2 - Generic banklink properties

Property Mandatory Description
banklinks.available-banks Y A comma separated list of bank codes that determine which bank link(s) are displayed on the login page. Supported values in the list are:
  • seb
  • luminor
  • coop
  • swedbank
  • lhv
  • danske
For example:seb,lhv,luminor.
Note that adding a bank to this list, requires further bank specific property configuration (see Table 11 for details)
banklinks.keystore Y Path to the keystore that holds bank keys. For example: classpath:banklinkKeystore.p12, when the file is to be accessed from the classpath or file:/etc/cas/banklinkKeystore.p12 when the file is referenced in the local filesystem.
banklinks.keystore-type N Keystore type. Defaults to PKCS12
banklinks.keystore-pass Y Keystore password.
banklinks.return-url Y HTTP URL for accepting the bank authentication response. Must reference the publicly available TARA /login url.

Table 2.4.3 - Bank specific properties

Property Mandatory Description{0}.sender-id Y Sender ID that uniquely identifies the authentication request sender to the bank. The sender ID is described in the specific bank's banklink agreement.{0}.receiver-id Y Receiver ID uniquely identifies the bank who is the recipient of the authentication request. The receiver ID is described in the specific bank's banklink agreement.{0}.url Y An HTTP URL that accepts login requests. Bank login url.{0}.public-key-alias N Public key alias in the keystore. If not defined, {0} (the bank's code) is used.{0}.private-key-alias N Private key alias in the keystore. If not defined, {0}_priv is used.{0}.private-key-pass N Private key password in the keystore. Defaults to keystore password when not defined.{0}.auth-info-parser-class N A class name that allows overriding the bank response parsing. The class must implement the AuthLinkInfoParser interface. By default, a standard parser is used.{0}.try-re-encodes N A comma separated list of standard charset names. When configured with a list of valid character set names, the TARA retries a failing signature validation with re-encoded response (using all the character set's specified). By default, only the character set requested in authentication request is used.{0}.nonce-expires-in-seconds N Specifies the nonce's Time-To-Live in seconds. Defaults to 3600 seconds (1 hour).

NB! Property placeholder {0} refers to a specific bank code (see property description for banklinks.available-banks).


banklinks.enabled = true



2.5 Estonian Smart-ID

Table 2.5.1 - Enabling Smart-ID authentication feature in TARA

Property Mandatory Description
smart-id.enabled N Feature toggle for authentication with Smart-ID in TARA. Enables this feature to be loaded if set to true, otherwise ignores all other Smart-ID related configuration. Defaults to false, if not specified.

Table 2.5.2 - Other Smart-ID configuration properties (if Smart-ID is enabled)

Property Mandatory Description Y HTTP URL of the Smart-ID service.
smart-id.relying-party-name Y Name of the relying party according to the contract between Smart-ID service provider and the relying party. This field is case insensitive.
smart-id.relying-party-uuid Y UUID value of the relying party according to the contract between Smart-ID service provider and the relying party.
smart-id.authentication-hash-type N Type of the authentication hash that is used to generate the control code of an authentication request. Supported values are:
  • SHA256
  • SHA384
  • SHA512
Defaults to SHA512, if not specified.
smart-id.authentication-consent-dialog-display-text Y Description of the authentication request. Displayed on the consent dialog shown on the end user's device.
smart-id.session-status-socket-open-duration N Maximum duration in milliseconds a session status query is kept alive. Defaults to 1000, if not specified. Smaller than 1000 numbers are rounded to 1000, because it is the minimum that is used by Smart-ID service.
smart-id.timeout-between-session-status-queries N Timeout in milliseconds between consecutive session status queries. Defaults to 3000, if not specified. N Maximum total time in milliseconds to be spent on status queries during a session. Defaults to 30000, if not specified.
This value should not be smaller than smart-id.session-status-socket-open-duration!
smart-id.connection-timeout N Maximum time spent in milliseconds on waiting for connection with Smart-ID service provider. Defaults to 5000, if not specified.
smart-id.trusted-ca-certificates-location Y Path to the location of the trusted CA certificates. In case the certificate files are to be loaded from classpath, this path should be prefixed with classpath:. In case the certificate files are to be loaded from disk, this path should be prefixed with file:.
smart-id.trusted-ca-certificates Y A comma separated list of the names of the files of the trusted CA certificates. These certificates are used to validate the user certificated returned by the Smart-ID service.


smart-id.trusted-ca-certificates-location = file:/etc/ocsp
smart-id.trusted-ca-certificates = TEST_1.crt,TEST_1.crt

More information about Estonian Smart-ID can be obtained from here.

2.6 Heartbeat endpoint

TARA heartbeat endpoint is a Spring Boot Actuator endpoint and thus is configured as described here, while also taking into consideration CAS specific configuration properties as described here.

Table 2.6.1 - Configuring heartbeat endpoint in TARA

Property Mandatory Description
endpoints.heartbeat.* N Spring Boot specific actuator configuration.
endpoints.heartbeat.timeout N Maximum time to wait on status requests made to systems that TARA is depending on, in seconds. Defaults to 3 seconds.

Table 2.6.2 - Heartbeat endpoints on systems TARA is depending on

Property Mandatory Description
eidas.heartbeat-url N HTTP URL of the eIDAS-client microservice heartbeat endpoint. If set, the eIDAS-client status affects the overall reported status of TARA-server.

Example configuration with heartbeat endpoint enabled, accessible without authentication and from all IP-addresses, and configure eIDAS-client heartbeat URL:


# Allow access from all IP-addresses

# Configure eIDAS-client heartbeat url

2.7 Content Security Policy

Table 2.7.1 - Enabling TARA-specific Content-Security-Policy headers in responses from TARA server

Property Mandatory Description
security.csp.enabled N Toggle for explicit Content Security Policy. Enables this feature to be loaded if set to true, otherwise ignores all other CSP related configuration. Defaults to false, if not specified.

Optional CSP directive-specific parameters are based on Content Security Policy Level 3 directives. Optional CSP directive-specific parameters can be specified in the following form

security.csp.<directive-name> = <optional-value>

The values of optional CSP directive-specific parameters must be specified exactly the same way as the values of those directives appear in a valid Content-Security-Policy header according to the CSP specification.

Example (using currently recommended CSP configuration for TARA):

# Enable Content Security Policy

# CSP fetch directives
# Fallback for unspecified fetch directives
# Allow fetching fonts from the origin
# Allow fetching images from the origin
# Allow fetching scripts from the origin
# Allow fetching css from the origin'self'
# Allow AJAX for /idcard endpoint

# Other directives
# Restrict any URLs in HTML <base> element
# Disallow any parents from embedding this page
# Block all mixed content (a CSP directive with no value)

2.8 TARA-Stat interfacing

The TARA-Stat service (see for details) can be used as one of the receivers of TARA statistics.

Table 2.8.1 - Enabling TARA-Stat statistics logging

Property Mandatory Description
statistics.tara-stat.enabled N Feature toggle for logging statistics info to the TARA-Stat service. Enables this feature to be loaded if set to true, otherwise disables it. Defaults to false, if not specified.

NB! When enabled, additional logger and appender must be configured to send the statistics to the external service (in log4j2.xml).

Example log4j2 configuration for sending statistics over TCP in syslog format:

<?xml version="1.0" encoding="UTF-8"?>
<Configuration status="WARN">
      ... additional appenders ...
      <Syslog name="taraStatServiceAppender" host="" port="5001" protocol="TCP" charset="UTF-8" newLine="true" facility="AUTH" >
            <KeyStore   location="/path/to/tarastat-client-keystore.jks"      password="changeit"/>
            <TrustStore location="/path/to/tarastat-client-truststore.jks"    password="changeit"/>


      ... additional loggers ...
      <AsyncLogger name="ee.ria.sso.statistics.TaraStatHandler" level="info" additivity="false">
         <AppenderRef ref="taraStatServiceAppender"/>

2.9 Test environment warning message

Table 2.9.1 - Configuring TARA login page to show a warning message about it being run against test services

Property Mandatory Description
env.test.message N Warning message to show. No warning displayed if not set.


env.test.message=Tegemist on testkeskkonnaga ja autentimiseks vajalik info on <a href="">TARA dokumentatsioonis</a>!

2.10 Audit logging

Table 2.10.1 - Relevant CAS parameters for TARA audit log

Property Mandatory Description
cas.audit.appCode N The tara instance name to be displayed in the audit event. Display's CAS by default, if not specified.



NB! Note that audit logging can be further customized by CAS configuration parameters (see CAS documentation).

2.11 OpenID Connect optional endpoints

Table 2.11.1 - Relevant parameters for enabling/disabling additional OpenID Connect endpoints in CAS

Property Mandatory Description
oidc.dynamic-client-registration.enabled N Enables/disables the CAS built-in /oidc/registration endpoint and displays/hides the related information at the /oidc/.well-known/openid-configuration. Defaults to false, if not specified.
oidc.profile-endpoint.enabled N Enables/disables the CAS built-in /oidc/profile endpoint and displays/hides the related information at the /oidc/.well-known/openid-configuration. Defaults to true, if not specified.
oidc.revocation-endpoint.enabled N Enables/disables the CAS built-in /oidc/revocation endpoint and displays/hides the related information at the /oidc/.well-known/openid-configuration. Defaults to false, if not specified.
oidc.introspection-endpoint.enabled N Enables/disables the CAS built-in /oidc/introspection endpoint and displays/hides the related information at the /oidc/.well-known/openid-configuration. Defaults to false, if not specified.



2.12 Client secret handling

Table 2.12.1 - Parameters regarding the handling of client secrets

Property Mandatory Description
tara.digestAlgorithm N Algorithm used to hash client secret on the fly, before comparing it to registered client secret. One of the values specified by the Java Cryptography Architecture Standard Algorithm Name Documentation. Defaults to SHA-256 if not specified.



2.13 Forcing re-authentication

Force re-authentication

Table 2.13.1 - Parameters for users to reauthenticate

Property Mandatory Description
oidc.authorize.force-auth-renewal.enabled N A boolean flag that always forces /oidc/authorize user to reauthenticate. Defaults to true, if not specified.



2.14 Default list of authentication methods

Change the list of authentication methods displayed to the user on the Login page by default.

Table 2.14.1 - Parameters used to specify the list of default authentication methods

Property Mandatory Description
tara.default-authentication-methods N A comma separated list of authentication methods that will be displayed to the user by default (if the OpenID Connect client does not specify authentication method by scope explicitly). Allowed values: idcard, mobileid, banklink, eidas, smartid . Defaults to idcard, mid, if not specified.


tara.default-authentication-methods=idcard, mobileid, eidas, banklink, smartid

2.15 Assigning eIDAS level of assurance to domestic authentication methods

Explicitly specifying the level of assurance for domestic authentication methods allows TARA clients to filter the domestic authentication methods displayed to the user by acr_values parameter. In addition, assigning a level of assurance for domestic authenticatiom method also adds the acr claim to the id-token issued by TARA.

Table 2.15.1 - Parameters to specify the level of assurance for domestic authentication methods.

Property Mandatory Description
tara.authentication-methods-loa-map.<auth method> N

The <auth method> in the configuration parameter template can have values: idcard, mobileid, banklink, smartid.

Valid values for a parameter are: low, substantial, high




2.16 Cache Control and Etag

Specify how long static content should be cached in seconds. Default 12h.

The Etag header is also set to static files. Etag is a SHA-1 string generated based on the contents of each static file.

Table 2.16.1 - Parameters used to specify the cache time in seconds

Property Mandatory Description
tara.cache-control-header N A string which contains the value of Cache-Control header. By default, the header is set to public and max-age to 43200 seconds (12h)



3. TARA truststore

In order to make TARA more secure, a dedicated truststore should be used instead of the default Java VM truststore. This can be achieved with Java command-line options (either directly or via environment variable JAVA_OPTS).


The previous example assumes a truststore file tara.truststore, located at /truststore_location/, having changeit as its password and being in the JKS format.

3.1 MID REST trusted certificates

In order to be able to use Mobile-ID authentication in TARA, a relevant MID-REST endpoint TLS certificates must be added to TARA truststore.

Live environment

TARA is configured against the live environment of MID-REST if mobile-id.service-url in is set (see Mobile-ID authentication). The TLS certificate of the live environment of DigiDocService is available at the Estonian Certification Centre certificate repository under the name of

An example of adding DigiDocService TLS certificate to TARA truststore:

keytool -importcert -keystore tara.truststore -storepass changeit -file mid_sk_ee.PEM.cer -alias midrest -noprompt

Demo environment

TARA is configured against the demo environment of DigiDocService if mobile-id.service-url in is set to (see Mobile-ID authentication).

An example of obtaining DigiDocService TLS certificate with an openssl command:

openssl s_client -connect -showcerts

The relevant certificate is displayed at depth 0 of the certificate chain in the command output. After copying the certificate into a file, it can be imported into TARA truststore the same way as shown for the live certificate.

3.2 Smart-ID

In order to be able to use Smart-ID authentication in TARA, a relevant Smart-ID service endpoint certificate must be added to TARA truststore.

Live environment

TARA is configured against the live environment of Smart-ID service if in is set to (see Estonian Smart-ID). The TLS certificate of the live environment of Smart-ID service is available at the Estonian Certification Centre certificate repository under the name of

An example of adding Smart-ID service TLS certificate to TARA truststore:

keytool -importcert -keystore tara.truststore -storepass changeit -file -alias rpapismartidcom -noprompt

Demo environment

TARA is configured against the demo environment of Smart-ID service if in is set to (see Estonian Smart-ID).

An example of obtaining Smart-ID service TLS certificate with an openssl command:

openssl s_client -connect -showcerts

The relevant certificate is displayed at depth 0 of the certificate chain in the command output. After copying the certificate into a file, it can be imported into TARA truststore the same way as shown for the live certificate.

4. CAS properties

4.1 Showing service's name

On Mobile-ID and Smart-ID authentication pages, showing the service name is possible, so users can see the service they're entering more clearly.

In order to show service's name when on Mobile-ID or Smart-ID authentication pages, the service name must be defined in CAS Management.

In CAS Management -> Properties tab, set the property name as and value as the service's name.


Name Value Eesti riigi infoportaal

If no service name is defined, Mobile-ID and Smart-ID pages will be displayed without the service's name.

4.2 Translating service's name

In addition to showing the service's name, translating the service name to English and Russian languages is possible.

Navigate to CAS Management -> Properties tab.

Translate to English: set the property name as

Translate to Russian: set the property name as

Set the service value(s) as needed.

If translated names aren't defined, Mobile-ID and Smart-ID pages will be displayed with the default service's name (if defined).


| Name | Value |
|:-------------- :|:--------------------------------------------:| | | Estonian government information portal | | | Информационный портал эстонского государства |

4.3 Showing service's short name

During Mobile-ID and Smart-ID authentication (where user enters PIN code), it's possible to show the service name in short form.

Example: Full name - Eesti riigi infoportaal, short name -

In order to show service's short name when authenticating with Mobile-ID or Smart-ID, the short name must be defined in CAS Management.

In CAS Management -> Properties tab, set the property name as service.shortName and value as the service's short name.


Name Value

If no short name is defined, Mobile-ID and Smart-ID pages will be displayed without the service's short name.

4.4 Translating service's short name

In addition to showing the service's short name, it's possible to translate it to English and Russian languages.

Navigate to CAS Management -> Properties tab.

Translate to English: set the property name as service.shortName.en.

Translate to Russian: set the property name as

Set the service value(s) as needed.

If translated short names aren't defined, Mobile-ID and Smart-ID pages will be displayed with the default service's short name (if defined).


Name Value
service.shortName.en englishService russianService