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@littleredcorvette littleredcorvette released this 01 Feb 20:18

The documentation for this version is available at the Earthly 0.7 documentation page.

Earthly CI

Earthly 0.7 is the first version compatible with Earthly CI.

Earthly 0.7 introduces the new keywords PIPELINE and TRIGGER to help define Earthly CI pipelines.

    PIPELINE --push
    TRIGGER push main
    TRIGGER pr main
    BUILD +my-target

For more information on how to use PIPELINE and TRIGGER, please see the reference documentation.

Podman support

Podman support has now been promoted out of beta status and is generally available in 0.7. Earthly will automatically detect the container frontend, whether that's docker or podman and use it automatically for running Buildkit locally, or for outputting images locally resulting from the build.

Please note that rootful podman is required. Rootless podman is not supported.

VERSION is now mandatory

The VERSION command
is now required for all Earthfiles, and an error will occur if it is missing. If you are not ready to update your
Earthfiles to use 0.7 (or 0.6), you can declare VERSION 0.5 to continue to use your Earthfiles.

Pushing no longer requires everything else to succeed

The behavior of the --push mode has changed in a backwards incompatible manner. Previously, --push commands would only execute if all other commands had succeeded. This precondition is no longer enforced, to allow for more flexible push ordering via the new WAIT clause. To achieve the behavior of the previous --push mode, you need to wrap any pre-required commands in a WAIT clause. For example, to push an image only if tests have passed, you would do the following:

    BUILD +test
  BUILD +my-image
  SAVE IMAGE --push my-org/my-image:latest

This type of behavior is useful in order to have better control over the order of push operations. For example, you may want to push an image to a registry, followed by a deployment that uses the newly pushed image. Here is how this might look like:

    BUILD +my-image
  RUN --push ./ my-org/my-image:latest
  SAVE IMAGE --push my-org/my-image:latest

Where ./ is custom deployment script instructing a production environment to start using the image that was just pushed.

Promoting experimental features

This version promotes a number of features that have been previously in Experimental and Beta status. To make use of
the features in this version you need to declare VERSION 0.7 at the top of your Earthfile.

Declaring VERSION 0.7 is equivalent to

  --explicit-global \
  --check-duplicate-images \
  --earthly-version-arg \
  --use-cache-command \
  --use-host-command \
  --use-copy-link \
  --new-platform \
  --no-tar-build-output \
  --use-no-manifest-list \
  --use-chmod \
  --shell-out-anywhere \
  --earthly-locally-arg \
  --use-project-secrets \
  --use-pipelines \
  --earthly-git-author-args \
  --wait-block \

For more information on the individual Earthfile feature flags see the Earthfile version-specific features page.


  • The behavior of the --push mode has changed in a backwards incompatible manner. Previously, --push commands would only execute if all other commands had succeeded. This precondition is no longer enforced, allowing push commands to execute in the middle of the build now. Previously under VERSION --wait-block 0.6.
  • ARGs declared in the base target do not automatically become global unless explicitly declared as such via ARG --global. Previously under VERSION --explicit-global 0.6.
  • The Cloud-based secrets model is now project-based; it is not compatible with the older global secrets model. Earthfiles which are defined as VERSION 0.5 or VERSION 0.6 will continue to use the old global secrets namespace; however
    the earthly command line no longer supports accessing or modifying the global secrets. A new earthly secrets migrate command has been added to help transition the global-based secrets to the new project-based secrets. If you need to manage secrets from Earthly 0.6 without migrating to the new 0.7 secrets, please use an older Earthly binary.
  • All COPY and SAVE ARTIFACT operations now use union filesystem merging for performing the COPY. This is similar to COPY --link in Dockerfiles, however in Earthly it is automatically enabled for all such operations. Previously under VERSION --use-copy-link 0.6.
  • The platform logic has been improved to allow overriding the platform in situations where previously it was not possible. Additionally, the default platform is now the native platform of the runner, and not of the host running Earthly. This makes platforms work better in remote runner settings. Previously under VERSION --new-platform 0.6.
  • Earthly will automatically shellout to determine the $HOME value when referenced #2469
  • Improved error message when invalid shell variable name is configured for a secret. #2478
  • earthly ls has been promoted from experimental to beta status.
  • Setting a VERSION feature flag boolean to false (or any other value) will now raise an error; previously it was syntactically valid but had no effect.
  • SAVE ARTIFACT <path> AS LOCAL ... when used under a TRY / FINALLY can fail to be fully transferred to the host when the TRY command fails (resulting in an partially transferred file); an underflow can still occur, and is now detected and will not export the partial file. 2452


  • The commands PIPELINE and TRIGGER have been introduced for defining Earthly CI pipelines. Previously under VERSION --use-pipelines 0.6.
  • The clause WAIT is now generally available. The WAIT clause allows controlling of build order for operations that require it. This allows use-cases such as pushing images to a registry, followed by infrastructure changes that use the newly pushed images. Previously under VERSION --wait-block 0.6.
  • The command CACHE is now generally available. The CACHE command allows declaring a cache mount that can be used by any RUN command in the target, and also persists in the final image of the target (contents available when used via FROM). Previously under VERSION --use-cache-command 0.6.
  • The command HOST is now generally available. The HOST command allows declaring an /etc/hosts entry. Previously under VERSION --use-host-command 0.6.
  • New ARG EARTHLY_GIT_COMMIT_AUTHOR_TIMESTAMP will contain the author timestamp of the current git commit. #2462
  • New ARGs EARTHLY_VERSION and EARTHLY_BUILD_SHA contain the version of Earthly and the git sha of Earthly itself, respectively.
  • It is now possible to execute shell commands as part of any command that allows using variables. For example VOLUME $(cat /volume-name.txt). Previously under VERSION --shell-out-anywhere 0.6.
  • Allow custom image to be used for git operations. #2027
  • Earthly now checks for duplicate image names when performing image outputs. Previously under VERSION --check-duplicate-images 0.6.
  • SAVE IMAGE --no-manifest-list allows outputting images of a different platform than the default one, but without the manifest list. This is useful for outputting images for platforms that do not support manifest lists, such as AWS Lambda. Previously under VERSION --use-no-manifest-list 0.6.
  • COPY --chmod <mode> allows setting the permissions of the copied files. Previously under VERSION --use-chmod 0.6.
  • The new ARG EARTHLY_LOCALLY indicates whether the current target is executed in a LOCALLY context. Previously under VERSION --earthly-locally-arg 0.6.
  • The new ARGs EARTHLY_GIT_AUTHOR and EARTHLY_GIT_CO_AUTHORS contain the author and co-authors of the current git commit, respectively. Previously under VERSION --earthly-git-author-args 0.6.
  • earthly doc [projectRef[+targetRef]] is a new subcommand in beta status. It will parse and output documentation comments on targets.
  • Ability to store docker registry credentials in cloud secrets and corresponding earthly registry login|list|logout commands; credentials can be associated with either your user or project.
  • New satellite commands for enabling auto-upgrades and forcing a manual upgrade.


  • Support for saving files larger than 64kB on failure within a TRY/FINALLY block. #2452
  • Fixed race condition where SAVE IMAGE or SAVE ARTIFACT AS LOCAL commands were not always performed when contained in a target that was referenced by both a FROM (or COPY) and a BUILD command within the context of a WAIT/END block. #2237
  • WORKDIR is lost when --use-copy-link feature is enabled with GIT CLONE or COPY --keep-own commands. Note that --use-copy-link is enabled by default in VERSION 0.7. #2544
  • The CACHE command did not work when used inside a WITH DOCKER block. #2549
  • The --platform argument is no longer passed to docker or podman, which caused podman to always pull the buildkit image even when it already existed locally. #2511, #2566
  • Fixed missing inline cache export; note that inline cache exports do not work when used within a WAIT / END block, this is a known current limitation. #2178
  • Indentation in the base Earthfile target would cause a panic (when no other targets existed); now a syntax error is returned. #2603