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/ nsone_exporter Public archive

nsone exporter for, written in go.


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nsone Exporter

nsone exporter for, written in go.

Get it

Binary distribution

Download your version from the releases page. For older version see archive page.


sudo curl -SL \
    > /usr/bin/nsone_exporter
sudo chmod +x /usr/bin/nsone_exporter

Docker image

Image: docker pull echocat/nsone_exporter

You can go to Docker Hub Tags page to see all available tags or you can simply use latest.

Use it


Usage: nsone_exporter <flags>
        Export queries per second of whole account metric.
        Metric: 'nsone.qps.account'
  -export.qps-of-records-filter value
        Export queries per second by regex of record metrics
        Metric: 'nsone.qps.records'
        For disable: 'off'
        For matching record: '<recordType> <recordName>' (default off)
  -export.qps-of-zones-filter value
        Export queries per second by regex of zone metrics.
        Metric: 'nsone.qps.zones'
        For disable: 'off'
        For matching zone: '<zoneName>' (default off)
  -export.usage-by-day-filter value
        Export usages by regex of day metrics.
        Metric: 'nsone.usage.<dataPoint>.daily'
        For disable: 'off'
        For matching account: 'account'
        For matching zone: '<zoneName>'
        For matching record: '<recordType> <recordName>' (default off)
  -export.usage-by-hour-filter value
        Export usages by regex of hour metrics.
        Metric: 'nsone.usage.<dataPoint>.hourly'
        For disable: 'off'
        For matching account: 'account'
        For matching zone: '<zoneName>'
        For matching record: '<recordType> <recordName>' (default off)
  -export.usage-by-month-filter value
        Export usages by regex of month metrics.
        Metric: 'nsone.usage.<dataPoint>.monthly'
        For disable: 'off'
        For matching account: 'account'
        For matching zone: '<zoneName>'
        For matching record: '<recordType> <recordName>' (default .*)
        Export usages of whole account metric.
        Metric: 'nsone.usage.account.<period>' (default true)
  -export.usage-of-records-filter value
        Export usages by regex of record metrics.
        Metric: 'nsone.usage.records.<period>'
        For disable: 'off'
        For matching record: '<recordType> <recordName>' (default .*)
  -export.usage-of-zones-filter value
        Export usages by regex of zone metrics.
        Metric: 'nsone.usage.zones.<period>'
        For disable: 'off'
        For matching zone: '<zoneName>' (default .*)
  -log.format value
        If set use a syslog logger or JSON logging. Example: logger:syslog?appname=bob&local=7 or logger:stdout?json=true. Defaults to stderr.
  -log.level value
        Only log messages with the given severity or above. Valid levels: [debug, info, warn, error, fatal]. (default info)
  -nsone.number-of-concurrent-connections int
        Number of concurrent connections to in parallel to NSONE api. (default 50)
  -nsone.timeout duration
        Timeout for trying to get stats from NSONE. (default 5s)
  -nsone.token string
        Token to access the API of nsone.
  -nsone.workers int
        Parallel workers that retreives details from NSONE. (default 50)
  -web.listen-address string
        Address to listen on for web interface and telemetry. (default ":9113")
  -web.telemetry-path string
        Path under which to expose metrics. (default "/metrics")
  -web.tls-cert string
        Path to PEM file that conains the certificate (and optionally also the private key in PEM format).
        This should include the whole certificate chain.
        If provided: The web socket will be a HTTPS socket.
        If not provided: Only HTTP.
  -web.tls-client-ca string
        Path to PEM file that conains the CAs that are trused for client connections.
        If provided: Connecting clients should present a certificate signed by one of this CAs.
        If not provided: Every client will be accepted.
  -web.tls-private-key string
        Path to PEM file that contains the private key (if not contained in web.tls-cert file).


Binary distribution

# Simply start the exporter with your token and listen on
nsone_exporter \

# Start the exporter with your token and listen on
# also secures the connector via SSL 
nsone_exporter \
    -listen.address=:8443 \

# Simply start the exporter with your token and listen on
# ...secures the connector via SSL
# ...and requires client certificates signed by your authority
nsone_exporter \
    -listen.address=:8443 \ \

Docker image

# Simply start the exporter with your token and listen on
docker run -p9113:9113 echocat/nsone_exporter \

# Start the exporter with your token and listen on
# also secures the connector via SSL 
docker run -p9113:9113 -v/etc/certs:/etc/certs:ro echocat/nsone_exporter \
    -listen.address=:8443 \

# Simply start the exporter with your token and listen on
# ...secures the connector via SSL
# ...and requires client certificates signed by your authority
docker run -p9113:9113 -v/etc/certs:/etc/certs:ro echocat/nsone_exporter \
    -listen.address=:8443 \ \


Name Labels Type Description
nsone_up none Gauge Is 1 if data could be queried from NSONE. 0 if this was not possible
nsone_qps_account none Gauge Queries per second of whole account.
nsone_qps_zones zone Gauge Queries per second of selected zones.
nsone_qps_records zone, record, recordType Gauge Queries per second of selected records.
nsone_usage_account_hourly none Gauge Usage of whole account in the last hour.
nsone_usage_account_daily none Gauge Usage of whole account in the last day.
nsone_usage_account_monthly none Gauge Usage of whole account in the last month.
nsone_usage_zones_hourly zone Gauge Usage of selected zones in the last hour.
nsone_usage_zones_daily zone Gauge Usage of selected zones in the last day.
nsone_usage_zones_monthly zone Gauge Usage of selected zones in the last month.
nsone_usage_records_hourly zone, record, recordType Gauge Usage of selected records in the last hour.
nsone_usage_records_daily zone, record, recordType Gauge Usage of selected records in the last day.
nsone_usage_records_monthly zone, record, recordType Gauge Usage of selected records in the last month.

Build it


For building nsone_exporter there is only:

  1. a compatible operating system (Linux, Windows or Mac OS X)
  2. and a working Java 8 installation required.

There is no need for a working and installed Go installation (or anything else). The build system will download every dependency and build it if necessary.

Hint: The Go runtime build by the build system will be placed under ~/.go/sdk.

Run build process

On Linux and Mac OS X:

# Build binaries (includes test)
./gradlew build

# Run tests (but do not build binaries)
./gradlew test

# Build binaries and release it on GitHub
# Environment variable GITHUB_TOKEN is required
./gradlew build githubRelease

On Windows:

# Build binaries (includes test)
gradlew build

# Run tests (but do not build binaries)
gradlew test

# Build binaries and release it on GitHub
# Environment variable GITHUB_TOKEN is required
gradlew build githubRelease

Build artifacts

  • Compiled and lined binaries can be found under ./build/out/nsone_exporter-*


nsone_exporter is an open source project of echocat. So if you want to make this project even better, you can contribute to this project on Github by fork us.

If you commit code to this project you have to accept that this code will be released under the license of this project.


See LICENSE file.