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muSpec2Spec with new options

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@veith veith released this 20 Jun 07:14
· 16 commits to main since this release

With the muSpec.forceLabels: true option the label and placeholder field in the specs are updated every time you run muSpec2Spec.

The labels can also have a prefix now. To set the prefix use the config option labelPrefix: "prefix.".

    - "./muspecs/**/*types.yaml"
    - "./muspecs/*types.yaml"
    - "./muspecs/**/*services.yaml"
    - "./muspecs/*services.yaml"
   dir: "muspecs"
  forceSync: true # This will delete specs which are deleted in muSpec, this is very useful during prototyping
  forceLabels: true # This will overwrite the label and placeholder texts during muSpec2Spec command
  requestTypeSuffix: "Request" # Suffix for the generated request types
labelPrefix: "prefix." # This is the prefix
commands: #camelCase is not allowed, command scripts can only be executed from a flow