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CMSC 265 Exercise 6 - SET Document Image Processing

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  1. Node.js 6.9.x or greater (Node.js 6.10.x or greater is recommended)
  2. Python 2.x.x (Python 2.7.x or greater is recommended)
  3. OpenCV 3

Installing dependencies

This project requires a working installation of OpenCV 3. Please install this first before installing the project dependencies.

Dependencies of this project can be installed via NPM or Yarn. It is recommended to use Yarn instead of NPM due to the assurance that the dependencies that will be installed is the same across all machines. Although there is the npm shrinkwrap which aims to achieve what is stated above, read this about yarn.lock and npm shrinkwrap.

Installing dependencies via Yarn is simply as running the command yarn install. Installing dependencies NPM is also as simple as running the command npm install.

Note: Make sure that Python 2.x.x is present on your path since OpenCV bindings for Node.js needs this in order for it to be compiled.

Running the Program

This program can be run using the command yarn start if you use Yarn or npm start if you use NPM. The output image files will be under the out directory generated at the project root.

This can also be installed as executable script using the command npm install -g. After installation which could take some time, You may now be able to use the command process-set-images <input_images_dir> <output_directory> <coords_data_file>. For more info, you can type: process-set-images --help.

Running Tests

This program includes unit tests written using Mocha test framework and Chai assertion library. Unit tests can be run using yarn test if you use Yarn or npm test if you use NPM.




CMSC 265 Exercise 6 written in Node.js and OpenCV








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