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A tree-walker && virtual-machine && JIT interpreter for Lox language


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This repo is a cpp Lox interpreter of Lox Language from Crafting Interpreters

Hope this will be a useful one I would use in future.

There are (will be) four versions of Lox interpreter, they all share a same frontend, and has their own backend.

  1. Frontend contains:

    • A scanner to build tokens from raw code.
    • A RD Parser.
    • A Pratt Parser.
    • An AST definition with a simple AST generation tool.
  2. Backend contains:

    • A naive tree-walker interpreter, like the jlox, it runs directly on the AST from frontend.
    • A virtual machine interpreter, like the clox, this one uses only scanner from frontend, and do a "Pratt Parsing" style one pass compilation, which convert tokens to bytecode directly.
    • WIP: A LLVM based JIT interpreter, Lox will be a static language with this backend. The LLVM backend will translate lox AST to LLVM IR , and then leverage the LLVM Optimization/JIT utilities to do a JIT run.
    • WIP: A MLIR based JIT interpreter, like the LLVM one, but this backend will first translate lox AST to lox dialect, then lowering to LLVM dialect using MLIR's multi-level lowering strategy.
  3. An illustration of the project's architecture:


What's the difference ?

  1. Pure C++ implementation.
    • No need to learn java things.
    • Because the jlox and clox are both wrote in same language, their implementation shares a lot of code,like GC system, lexer, parser, and so on ,which make transition from jlox to clox much easier.
  2. A more clear implementation, code is (hopefully) more readable.
    • Especially true when comparing with original clox's c style code.
    • To write some clean code, it is intended to write some code in a not so efficient/well-designed way. e.g. The original clox uses a function map to dispatch the codegen-call, which make the implementation more structure, but at here, the dispatch is done by a plain switch-case, which is more easy to understand.
  3. Files/Modules are well organized, which may help you understand the relationship between each module easier.
  4. More language features (Virtual-Machine backend only support break/continue):
    • break/continue in loops.
    • Comma expressiona,b,c,d, [a,b,c,d] style list expression and a[i] style element indexing.
    • Builtin Tensor(n-dimension dense matrix) support.
    • Optional python style type hint (used by the jit backend), e.g., var a:float = 3;, fun bool add(x:float , y:float)
  5. Help you to learn LLVM/MLIR in a better toy.

More about JIT

  • The MLIR backends is intended to be a tutorial too, the initial implementation is basically a copy of MLIR Toy Tutorial, check the commit 4b2f652b to see a how the Toy is implemented in Lox

  • may give you more info.

About the HardStone branch

The hardstone branch is a more engineering-oriented branch, which will try to make the Lox implementation more robust.


  • Add more utils like StringRef/Location to make the code more structured.
  • Create a simple VM ByteCode IR, add things like LLVM Module/Function/BB/Inst, to make the VM bytecode generation process more clear.
  • Add more infra to make analysis/rewrite easier to implement.
  • Add runtime sym-table, so we have stack, static-data and dynamic-data, which give us a more flexible way to manage values at runtime
  • Dynamic memory (Heap) support, so we can manage some dense data in a more efficient way.
  • ref-count / tracing mixed GC, to reduce the tracing GC's pause time.


For Buiding

  • A C++20 compiler is all you need. GCC >= 10.0 or clang >= 10.0 sould be fine, check cppreference to see more.
  • [Optional] Prebuild LLVM, only used for LLVM/MLIR backend.
    • For LLVM is a huge project to download/build, when JIT backend is not enabled, llvm project will not be needed.
    • If you want to build with the JIT backend, run the third_party/ to download/prebuild llvm.

For Testing

If you want to run the test cases in native environment, dart-sdk is required. If you had docker installed, there is a all-in-one script to launch test with docker.


git clone --recursive
cd cppLox
mkdir build
cmake ..

CMAKE Options

  1. -DUPSTREAM_STYLE_ERROR_MSG=ON. This impl's parsing(compiling)/err-handling logic is a little different from upstream. Enable this flag will make error messages behaves like upstream. It is OFF by default, but for the unit tests, it is set to ON.
  2. -DENABLE_JIT_BACKEND=ON. Enable the JIT backend, OFF by default. Note that you may need to prebuild LLVM to use this option (See Requirements part).
  3. -DLLVM_EXTERNAL_LIT=/path/to/lit. Only used when ENABLE_JIT_BACKEND is ON. When set, lit tests will be enabled.


This project leverages test from Crafting Interpreters GitHub, To launch the test, you can use either docker or native machine.

  1. If you have docker, just launch the script ./test/
  2. If you want to run the test in native machine, you can launch the ./test/

Note that: a folder test/test_cache will be created to store all the temporary files, which contains:

  1. The c++ build files.
  2. The dart dependency files.
  3. A shallow clone of Crafting Interpreters that stores all the test cases.