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.NET Utilities

Useful .NET Utilities, published as NuGet package(s), that helps in reducing repetitive tasks.

For now, Font Awesome (free version) and Google Material Design icon font glyphs as a NuGet package to refer in any .NET application.

And frequently used constants, extensions and methods now put together as one NuGet package so that no more code duplication and better reuse.

Package Name Version
VijayAnand.CommonTemplates NuGet Package
VijayAnand.FontAwesome Font Awesome 5 LTS Font Awesome 6 Latest
VijayAnand.GoogleMaterial NuGet Package
VijayAnand.Toolkit NuGet Package

Package Details:


For now, a project template for defining a source generator to automate the source code generation and is named as sourcegen.

To support the incremental source generator, it takes the below optional parameter:

  • -inc | --incremental - Default value is false.

To install the template NuGet package, use the below .NET CLI command:

dotnet new install VijayAnand.CommonTemplates

If you've already installed this package, then it can be updated to the latest version with the below command:

dotnet new update --check-only
dotnet new update

Use the below .NET CLI command to create the project out these template:

dotnet new sourcegen -n XamlAutomation

Incremental Source Generator:

dotnet new sourcegen -n XamlAutomation -inc

VijayAnand.FontAwesome Package:

  • v1 series compatible with Font Awesome 5 LTS fonts
  • v2 series compatible with Font Awesome 6 fonts

Note for Font Awesome v6 glyph usage:

  • Number fonts have been named as Number_0, Number_1, ...
  • Letter fonts have been named as Letter_A, Letter_B, ...

Brands - FontAwesome.Brands

Regular - FontAwesome.Regular

Solid - FontAwesome.Solid

VijayAnand.GoogleMaterial Package:

Material - Google.Material

In both the above packages, class under each of the namespace mentioned is titled as IconFont

VijayAnand.Toolkit Package:

And the class is named as Constants, a static class with another nested static class named as Ascii

Within which all are char constants to refer the ASCII character set with meaningful names, covered with frequently used alias names too

Can be referenced with single static using statement as:

using static VijayAnand.Toolkit.Constants.Ascii;