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A passionate love letter to Array.prototype.reduce()


atPathSet(path, data, [baseObject])Object
leafs(obj, [previousPath])Array.<PathValueObject>
mapKeys(mappers, objectToMap)Object
mapKeysDeep(mappers, objectToMap)Object
path(path, objToAccess)*
pickIndexes(indexes, arrayOfElements)Array.<*>
reduceIf(condition, reducer, array, [initAcc])*
sumOnly(condition, numbers)number

atPathSet(path, data, [baseObject]) ⇒ Object

Kind: global function
Returns: Object - A new object with the path provided equal to data, and optionnaly any values present in baseObject

Param Type Default Description
path string The path on which to set a new value
data * The data to set
[baseObject] Object Object The base object, serve as the initial accumulator, default {}


//returns { some: { prop: { one: 1, two: 2 } } }
atPathSet('', 1, atPathSet('some.prop.two', 2))

leafs(obj, [previousPath]) ⇒ Array.<PathValueObject>

Kind: global function
Returns: Array.<PathValueObject> - An array with object containing the leafs information (path/value)

Param Type Default Description
obj object The object on which the leafs are selected
[previousPath] array array The accumulated path while iterating on obj properties, default to empty array, needed only for recursion, should not be a passed argument when calling the function


// returns [
//   { path: ['a', 'b', 'c'], value: 4 },
//   { path: ['a', 'b', 'e'], value: 6 },
//   { path: ['a', 'd', 'l'], value: 2 }
// ]
    a: {
      b: { c: 4, e: 6 },
      d: { l: 2 }

mapKeys(mappers, objectToMap) ⇒ Object

Kind: global function
Returns: Object - A new object with the mapped keys

Param Type Description
mappers Object.<string, function()> Object with keys corresponding to paths and value corresponding to maping function taking the value at objectToMap path
objectToMap Object The source object for the mapping


// returns { str: 'SOMEVALUE', num: 4 }
   { str: x => x.toUpperCase(), num: n => n + 3 },
   { str: 'someValue',
     num: 1,

mapKeysDeep(mappers, objectToMap) ⇒ Object

Kind: global function
Returns: Object - A new object with the mapped paths

Param Type Description
mappers Object.<string, function()> Object with keys corresponding to paths (or simple keys) and value corresponding to maping function taking the value at objectToMap path
objectToMap Object The source object for the mapping


// returns {
// obj: {
//     prop: {
//        last: 8
//      }
//    }
// }
     'obj.prop.last': x => x * 2
     obj: {
       prop: { last: 4 }

path(path, objToAccess) ⇒ *

Kind: global function
Returns: * - The value corresponding to the path

  • If we try to access a non existing property on objToAccess
Param Type Description
path string A string representing the path to access (e.g. 'some.prop.nested')
objToAccess Object The accessed object


// returns 6
path('a.b.c', { a: { b: { c: 6 } } })

pickIndexes(indexes, arrayOfElements) ⇒ Array.<*>

Kind: global function
Returns: Array.<*> - The picked elements in the order of the indexes argument

  • Can throw an error if oyu try to pick an index which does not exist on arrayOfElements
Param Type Description
indexes Array.<number> An array of indexes to pick (the order matter)
arrayOfElements Array.<*> The array to pick values from


// returns [6, 6, 2]
pickIndexes([2, 4, 1], [1, 2, 6, 1, 6])

reduceIf(condition, reducer, array, [initAcc]) ⇒ *

Kind: global function
Returns: * - The reduced value

Param Type Default Description
condition function Take as first argment the current value and next all the reducer argument (acumulator, index, array) and return true if the reducer should be called
reducer function Take all the reducer argument (acumulator, value, index, array), return the new accumuulator
array Array An array to reduce
[initAcc] * Array The initial accumulator, default empty array


// returns 6
reduceIf(x => x <= 3, (acc, v) => acc + v, [1,2,3,4], 0)

sumOnly(condition, numbers) ⇒ number

Kind: global function
Returns: number - The sum of matching numbers

Param Type Description
condition function Retun true if the number can be summed
numbers Array.<number> The array of numbers to sum


// returns 6
sumOnly(x => x <= 3, [1,2,3,4])