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Simple app that will remove all bluetooth pairings with a push of a button or from command line using adb

Building and installation for Android 11 or lower

Application can be installed

  • by downloading Latest Release
  • Building it locally with Android Studio
  • Building it on command line

Building from command line. This will build and install the application to connected device

./gradlew installDebug

Build application without installing

./gradlew assembleDebug

Both commands above will build application. Built .apk is located in


Using -g is recomended. It will give all the run time permissions without user interaction on the app

adb install -g path/to/apk

Building and installation for Android 12

Download the apk from the releases or build it by using ide or gradle

./gradlew assembleDebug

Android 12 has stricter permission control. Either install with -g flag:

adb install -g path/to/apk
  • -g will allow all the run time permissions

If installed without -g user has to allow bluetooth permissions. The permission is asked only once on the initial launch of the app. If denied, uninstall the application and reinstall to have permissions asked again

Possible problems

Error: Could not find or load main class org.gradle.wrapper.GradleWrapperMain
Caused by: java.lang.ClassNotFoundException: org.gradle.wrapper.GradleWrapperMain


gradle wrapper

Using the application

The application has two activities:

  • MainActivity
  • UnpairWithoutUI

MainActivity is the one that has the UI and opens up when application is launched from the phone. UnpairWithoutUI will run without UI and close after pairings are removed.

To clear the bluetooth pairings from the command line. Install the application and run the UnpairWithoutUI

adb shell am start -n com.automationdev.clearbluetooth/.UnpairWithoutUI

To enable/disable devices's bluetooth connection

adb shell am start -n com.automationdev.clearbluetooth/.ToggleBluetooth -e bluetooth enable/disable


When running unpairing from command line the application will output how many devices were paired and how many the app was able to unpair. These prints can be found from log. Grep with the name of the activity W UnpairWithoutUI

adb logcat | grep "W UnpairWithoutUI"
> ... W UnpairWithoutUI: There is currently 7 paired bluetooth devices.
> ... W UnpairWithoutUI: 7 of 7 devices un-paired.


Create a Github release and use v at the beginning of tag (for example v1.0). .apk is added to the release artefacts automatically.