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General FAQ

embeddedt edited this page May 6, 2024 · 8 revisions

Why doesn't the recipe book work anymore with JEI/REI installed?

As of 5.16.0, this should not happen anymore. In previous versions, with these mods installed, the vanilla recipe book search system is disabled to speed up world join time and reduce memory usage. This is because JEI/REI implement largely equivalent functionality, and the vast majority of modded players do not use the vanilla recipe book at all. If you do not like this change, disable mixin.perf.blast_search_trees to restore original behavior.

Why does tag searching in creative behave differently?

JEI's tag searching has some limitations compared to vanilla (e.g. you can't search for minecraft:saplings, only saplings). When mixin.perf.blast_search_trees is enabled (see above), creative search is passed through JEI rather than vanilla.

Why aren't my config changes detected while the game is running on Forge?

Forge's automatic config reload system is buggy, often causing file corruption (e.g. "Not enough data available" errors) or excessive backup file generation. To solve this, ModernFix disables the ability for configs to automatically reload. You can reload them on a client using /mfrc and on a server using /mfsrc.

"Registry object not present" crash

(The log will often show RegistryObject.get or mixin.perf.forge_registry_lambda.RegistryObjectMixin as the cause.)

This is not a ModernFix bug. The Forge crash report analyzer has a design flaw, and blames performance mods if a crash ever occurs in code they optimize.

The "Registry object not present" error is generally caused by having mismatched mods or config files on your server and your client.