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Releases: ember-a11y/a11y-announcer


15 Jun 11:29
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🚀 Enhancement

🐛 Bug Fix

Committers: 3

What's Changed

New Contributors

Full Changelog: v2.0.0...v3.0.0

Octane update

28 Aug 08:11
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Merge pull request #22 from ember-a11y/release/2.0.0

Released v2.0.0

Deprecation warning removal

13 Feb 06:32
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If you've seen this deprecation in your console:

"The initialize method for Application initializer 'add-announcer-to-router' should take only one argument - App, an instance of an Application."

It has now been removed in this release.

First stable!

24 Jan 07:27
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Upgrading from v0.3.0

To get to v1.0.0 of a11y-announcer you just need to delete code. In your router.js remove the mixin and everything should just work™.

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