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Daily Of Space is an app that shows daily photos published by NASA.

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Daily Of Space 🪐

Daily Of Space is show us Nasa's published daily photo. User could download this daily picture. If user's first time to download Daily Of Space, Daily Os Space is introduce itself.

About Service 💻

  • NASA APIs:
  • Apod: One of the most popular websites at NASA is the Astronomy Picture of the Day.

Tech Stack ⚙️

Model View Viewmodel (MVVM) architecture: The app is structured around the MVVM architecture, where the Model represents the data and business logic, the View handles UI rendering, and the ViewModel acts as a mediator between them. MVVM ensures a clean separation of concerns and enables efficient unit testing.

Coroutine-Flow: Coroutines and Flow are used for asynchronous operations, allowing for smooth and non-blocking execution of tasks. They are essential for handling background processes and managing concurrency in the app.

Hilt: Hilt is employed for dependency injection, simplifying the management of dependencies and promoting code modularity. It enhances code readability and maintainability.

Navigation Component: Navigation Component is used to handle navigation between different screens and components within the app. It streamlines navigation logic and simplifies the user experience.

Retrofit 2 / Okhttp3: Retrofit 2 and Okhttp3 are utilized for efficient network communication, making API requests and responses seamless. They ensure reliable and performant data exchange between the app and the server.

Coil: Coil is the go-to library for image loading, optimizing the loading and caching of images, and enhancing the app's overall performance.

Lottie: Lottie is integrated to bring animations to life within the app, creating engaging and visually appealing user experiences.

Zoomage: Zoomage enhances image viewing capabilities, allowing users to zoom in and out of images with ease, improving the overall user experience.

Chucker: Chucker is a valuable tool for debugging network requests, providing insights into network interactions and helping identify and resolve issues efficiently.

LeakCanary: LeakCanary is used for detecting and monitoring memory leaks, ensuring that the app maintains optimal memory usage and performance.

Each of these technologies plays a vital role in enhancing the functionality, performance, and maintainability of the Android app, contributing to an overall superior user experience.

Screenshots 📸

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