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A Grunt.js plugin for building sites, documentation and components from reusable templates and data. Includes options for using JSON, YAML, YAML front matter, Handlebars templates, pages, partials, layouts, helpers...


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Visit Assemble is a full-featured documentation, site and component generator built on Grunt.js.

Getting Started

This plugin requires Grunt ~0.4.1

If you haven't used Grunt before, be sure to check out the Getting Started guide, as it explains how to create a Gruntfile as well as install and use Grunt plugins. Once you're familiar with that process, you may install this plugin with this command:

npm install assemble --save-dev

Once the plugin has been installed, it may be enabled inside your Gruntfile with this line of JavaScript:


Assemble task

Run this task with the grunt assemble command.

Task targets, files and options may be specified according to the grunt Configuring tasks guide.

In your project's Gruntfile, add a section named assemble to the data object passed into grunt.initConfig().

assemble: {
  options: {
    assets: 'assets',
    partials: ['docs/includes/**/*.hbs'],
    data: ['docs/data/**/*.{json,yml}']
  pages: {
    src: ['docs/*.hbs'],
    dest: './'

See the documentation for Options for more information.

Type: String Default: undefined

Used with the {{assets}} variable to resolve the relative path from the dest file to the assets folder.

Type: String|Array Default: src/data

Specify the data to supply to your templates. Data may be formatted in JSON, YAML or YAML front matter.

Type: String Default: undefined

The directory to use as the "cwd" for layouts. When this option is defined, layouts may be defined using only the name of the layout.

Type: String Default: undefined

If set, this defines the layout file to use for the task or target. However, when specifying a layout, unlike Jekyll, Assemble requires a file extension since you are not limited to using a single file type.

Type: String|Array Default: undefined

Specifies the Handlebars partials files, or paths to the directories of files to be used.

Type: String|Array Default: handlebars-helpers

Path to the custom helper or helpers to use with the current template engine.

Assemble includes handlebars-helpers as a dependency, so any helpers from that library may be used in your templates.

Type: String Default: .html

Specify the file extension for destination files. Example:

Type: Object Default: Marked.js defaults

Specify the Marked.js options to use when converting from markdown to HTML.

Type: String Default: Handlebars

Specify the engine to use for compiling templates. Handlebars is the default.


Type: Boolean Default: false

Remove anything after (and including) the first "." in the destination path, then append this value. In other words, when files are generated from different source folders this "flattens" them into the same destination directory. See [building the files object dynamically][files-object] for more information on files formats.

Visit Assemble's documentation for more information about options.

Usage examples

Simple example of using data files in both .json and .yml format to build Handlebars templates.

assemble: {
  options: {
    data: 'src/data/**/*.{json,yml}'
  docs: {
    files: {
      'dist/': ['src/templates/**/*.hbs']

Using multiple targets

assemble: {
  options: {
    assets: 'assets',
    layoutdir: 'docs/layouts'
    partials: ['docs/includes/**/*.hbs'],
    data: ['docs/data/**/*.{json,yml}']
  site: {
    options: {
      layout: 'default.hbs'
    src: ['templates/site/*.hbs'],
    dest: './'
  blog: {
    options: {
      layout: 'blog-layout.hbs'
    src: ['templates/blog/*.hbs'],
    dest: 'articles/'
  docs: {
    options: {
      layout: 'docs-layout.hbs'
    src: ['templates/docs/*.hbs'],
    dest: 'docs/'

Visit Assemble's documentation for many more examples and pointers on getting started.

Release History

  • 2013-08-01   v0.4.4   Adds "nested layouts" Adds option for pages in JSON/YAML collections to be defined as either objects or keys in an array.
  • 2013-08-01   v0.4.3   Adds "options.pages" for passing in an array of pages in JSON or YAML format.
  • 2013-06-20   v0.4.0   Adds "layoutdir" option for defining the directory to be used for layouts. If layoutdir is defined, then layouts may be defined using only the name of the layout.
  • 2013-06-10   v0.3.81   Adds additional ways to load custom helpers. Now it's possible to use a glob pattern that points to a list of scripts with helpers to load. Adds examples and tests on how to use the new custom helper loading methods.
  • 2013-06-01   v0.3.80   Fixing bug with null value in engine
  • 2013-05-07   v0.3.77   Updated README with info about assemble methods
  • 2013-04-28   v0.3.74   Updating the assemble library to use the assemble-utils repo and unnecessary code.
  • 2013-04-21   v0.3.73   Fixing how the relative path helper worked and showing an example in the footer of the layout. This example is hidden, but can be seen by doing view source.
  • 2013-04-20   v0.3.72   Fixing the layout override issue happening in the page yaml headers. Something was missed during refactoring.
  • 2013-04-19   v0.3.9   Adds tags and categories to the root context and ensure that the current page context values don't override the root context values.
  • 2013-04-18   v0.3.8   Updating to use actual assets property from current page.
  • 2013-04-17   v0.3.7   Cleaning up some unused folders and tests
  • 2013-04-16   v0.3.6   Fixed missing assets property.
  • 2013-04-16   v0.3.5   Adds a sections array to the template engine so it can be used in helpers.
  • 2013-04-11   v0.3.4   More tests for helpers and global variables, organized tests. A number of bug fixes.
  • 2013-04-06   v0.3.3   helper-lib properly externalized and wired up. Global variables for filename, ext and pages
  • 2013-03-22   v0.3.22   Merged global and target level options so data and partial files can be joined
  • 2013-03-22   v0.3.21   Valid YAML now allowed in object (along with JSON)
  • 2013-03-18   v0.3.14   new relative helper for resolving relative paths

Project authored by Jon Schlinkert.

This file was generated on Thu Aug 08 2013 00:46:51.


A Grunt.js plugin for building sites, documentation and components from reusable templates and data. Includes options for using JSON, YAML, YAML front matter, Handlebars templates, pages, partials, layouts, helpers...







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