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Equinix Fabric L2 Connection To Google Cloud Interconnect Terraform module

Experimental terraform

terraform-equinix-fabric-connection-gcp is a Terraform module that utilizes Terraform provider for Equinix and Terraform provider for Google to set up an Equinix Fabric L2 connection to Google Cloud Interconnect.

As part of Platform Equinix, your infrastructure can connect with other parties, such as public cloud providers, network service providers, or your own colocation cages in Equinix by defining an Equinix Fabric - software-defined interconnection.

This module creates a Cloud router or uses an existing one, an InterconnectAttachment in Google Cloud, and the l2 connection in Equinix Fabric using the InterconnectAttachment pairing key. BGP can be optionally configured in both sides if Network Edge device is used.

     Origin                                              Destination
    (A-side)                                              (Z-side)

│ Equinix Fabric │         Equinix Fabric          ┌────────────────────┐       ┌────────────────┐
│ Port / Network ├─────    l2 connection   ───────►│        GCP         │──────►│  Clour Router  │
│ Edge Device /  │      (50 Mbps - 10 Gbps)        │    Interconnect    │       │                │
│ Service Token  │                                 └────────────────────┘       └────────────────┘
└────────────────┘                                                                   │
         │                                                                           │
         └ - - - - - - - - - - Network Edge Device - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - ┘
                                   BGP peering


This project is experimental and supported by the user community. Equinix does not provide support for this project.

Install Terraform using the official guides at

This project may be forked, cloned, or downloaded and modified as needed as the base in your integrations and deployments.

This project may also be used as a Terraform module.

To use this module in a new project, create a file such as:

provider "equinix" {}

provider "google" {
  project     = "example"
  region      = "europe-west3"

variable "port_name" {}

module "equinix-fabric-connection-gcp" {
  source  = "equinix-labs/fabric-connection-gcp/equinix"

  # required variables
  fabric_notification_users = [""]

  # optional variables
  fabric_port_name              = var.port_name
  fabric_vlan_stag              = 1010
  fabric_destination_metro_code = "FR"

Run terraform init -upgrade and terraform apply.

-> NOTE: Setting up BGP configuration in GCP side is not directly supported with current google terraform provider (v3.72.0). As a workaround this module take advantage of terraform-google-gcloud module which allows use gcloud. However, it is only available for linux and darwin based operating systems. To run this module in a non-supported platfom, 'network_edge_configure_bgp' and 'gcp_configure_bgp' must remain false. Check this issue to obtain further information.


See for a description of all variables.


See for a description of all outputs.


Name Type
random_string.this resource
equinix-fabric-connection module
equinix_network_bgp.this resource
google_compute_interconnect_attachment.this resource
google_compute_router.this resource
google_compute_router.this data source
gcloud-configure-bgp module
gcloud-get-bgp-addresses module
local_file.this data source
