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base16-eighties-dark for iTerm2 and ZSH

Sublime Text Theme Eighties Dark theme in your terminal.

This theme is an edit from the Cobalt2 theme by Wes Bos. I've only changed the colors of the layout to match my preferences.

base16-eighties-dark.itermcolors is for anyone who uses iTerm2 and wants the colours. The base16-eighties-dark.zsh-theme is the prompt layout for zsh users.

They work well together! You will need to install the patched powerline font as well, which is included in this repo.

####Step-by-step installation

  1. Drop the base16-eighties-dark.zsh-theme file in to the ~/.oh-my-zsh/themes/ directory.
  2. Open up your ZSH preferences at ~/.zshrc and change the theme variable to ZSH_THEME="base16-eighties-dark".
  3. In iTerm2 access the Preferences pane on the Profiles tab.
  4. Under the Colors tab import the base16-eighties-dark.itermcolors file via the Load Presets drop-down.
  5. Under the Text tab change the font for each type (Regular and Non-ASCII) to 'Sauce Code for Powerline'. (Refer to the powerline-fonts repo for help on font installation.)
  6. Refresh ZSH by typing source ~/.zshrc on the command line.


Base16 Eighties Dark for iTerm2 and ZSH






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