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Docs: Clarify the CLIEngine options
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This aims to prevent some of the common pitfalls/points of confusion
when configuring `CLIEngine`, such as:
* it not being clear that `baseConfig` supports all of the options
  defined in the `.eslintrc.*` schema, and so can be used for options
  that are not supported as top-level `CLIEngine` arguments such as
  `extends` and `settings.
* some of the CLIEngine options being named the same or almost the
  same as their `.eslintrc.*` equivalents, but being a different
  data type.
* it not being clear that CLIEngine silently ignores invalid options
  (which will hopefully be fixed at some point by #10272).

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edmorley committed Oct 19, 2018
1 parent 58ff359 commit 70e532f
Showing 1 changed file with 19 additions and 6 deletions.
25 changes: 19 additions & 6 deletions docs/developer-guide/
Expand Up @@ -331,16 +331,16 @@ var CLIEngine = require("eslint").CLIEngine;
The `CLIEngine` is a constructor, and you can create a new instance by passing in the options you want to use. The available options are:

* `allowInlineConfig` - Set to `false` to disable the use of configuration comments (such as `/*eslint-disable*/`). Corresponds to `--no-inline-config`.
* `baseConfig` - Can optionally be set to a config object. This will used as a default config, and will be merged with any configuration defined in `.eslintrc.*` files, with the `.eslintrc.*` files having precedence.
* `baseConfig` - Can optionally be set to a config object that has the same schema as `.eslintrc.*`. This will used as a default config, and will be merged with any configuration defined in `.eslintrc.*` files, with the `.eslintrc.*` files having precedence.
* `cache` - Operate only on changed files (default: `false`). Corresponds to `--cache`.
* `cacheFile` - Name of the file where the cache will be stored (default: `.eslintcache`). Corresponds to `--cache-file`. Deprecated: use `cacheLocation` instead.
* `cacheLocation` - Name of the file or directory where the cache will be stored (default: `.eslintcache`). Corresponds to `--cache-location`.
* `configFile` - The configuration file to use (default: null). If `useEslintrc` is true or not specified, this configuration will be merged with any configuration defined in `.eslintrc.*` files, with options in this configuration having precedence. Corresponds to `-c`.
* `cwd` - Path to a directory that should be considered as the current working directory.
* `envs` - An array of environments to load (default: empty array). Corresponds to `--env`.
* `extensions` - An array of filename extensions that should be checked for code. The default is an array containing just `".js"`. Corresponds to `--ext`. It is only used in conjunction with directories, not with filenames or glob patterns.
* `envs` - An array of environments to load (default: empty array). Corresponds to `--env`. Note: This differs from `.eslintrc.*` / `baseConfig`, where instead the option is called `env` and is an object.
* `extensions` - An array of filename extensions that should be checked for code. The default is an array containing just `".js"`. Corresponds to `--ext`. It is only used in conjunction with directories, not with filenames, glob patterns or when using `executeOnText()`.
* `fix` - This can be a boolean or a function which will be provided each linting message and should return a boolean. True indicates that fixes should be included with the output report, and that errors and warnings should not be listed if they can be fixed. However, the files on disk will not be changed. To persist changes to disk, call [`outputFixes()`](#cliengineoutputfixes).
* `globals` - An array of global variables to declare (default: empty array). Corresponds to `--global`.
* `globals` - An array of global variables to declare (default: empty array). Corresponds to `--global`. Note: This differs from `.eslintrc.*` / `baseConfig`, where `globals` is an object.
* `ignore` - False disables use of `.eslintignore`, `ignorePath` and `ignorePattern` (default: true). Corresponds to `--no-ignore`.
* `ignorePath` - The ignore file to use instead of `.eslintignore` (default: null). Corresponds to `--ignore-path`.
* `ignorePattern` - Glob patterns for paths to ignore. String or array of strings.
Expand All @@ -353,14 +353,21 @@ The `CLIEngine` is a constructor, and you can create a new instance by passing i
* `useEslintrc` - Set to false to disable use of `.eslintrc` files (default: true). Corresponds to `--no-eslintrc`.
* `globInputPaths` - Set to false to skip glob resolution of input file paths to lint (default: true). If false, each input file paths is assumed to be a non-glob path to an existing file.

To programmatically set `.eslintrc.*` options not supported above (such as `extends`,
`overrides` and `settings`), define them in a config object passed to `baseConfig` instead.

For example:

var CLIEngine = require("eslint").CLIEngine;

var cli = new CLIEngine({
baseConfig: {
extends: ["eslint-config-shared"],
settings: {
sharedData: "Hello"
envs: ["browser", "mocha"],
useEslintrc: false,
rules: {
Expand All @@ -369,7 +376,13 @@ var cli = new CLIEngine({

In this code, a new `CLIEngine` instance is created that sets two environments, `"browser"` and `"mocha"`, disables loading of `.eslintrc` and `package.json` files, and enables the `semi` rule as an error. You can then call methods on `cli` and these options will be used to perform the correct action.
In this example, a new `CLIEngine` instance is created that extends a configuration called
`"eslint-config-shared"`, a setting named `"sharedData"` and two environments (`"browser"`
and `"mocha"`) are defined, loading of `.eslintrc` and `package.json` files are disabled,
and the `semi` rule enabled as an error. You can then call methods on `cli` and these options
will be used to perform the correct action.

Note: Currently `CLIEngine` does not validate options passed to it, but may start doing so in the future.

### CLIEngine#executeOnFiles()

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