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Releases: esy/esy


19 Oct 08:58
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What's Changed

Fixes failure to parse opam formulae in OCaml package constraints by @ManasJayanth in #1519

Fixes packages that use non-semver constraints. Eg: ppxlib it uses a constraint like this

  "ocaml" {>= "4.04.1" & < "5.2.0" & != "5.1.0~alpha1"}

Fixes packages with new filter with-dev-setup by @ManasJayanth in #1520

opam introduced a new filter with-dev-setup very similar to dev. More on this here Esy now supports this filter - ie. opam packages with this filter will build successfully.

Define with-test in build command rendering by @ManasJayanth in #1521

OPAM packages can use filters in their build command. Esy doesn't fully support this yet, but this PR begins this support with with-test

Tarball checksum

SHA1: 164cc0fc1468fc09410db97cb40133215619754d

Full Changelog: 0.7.1...0.7.2

0.7.2 Beta 1

18 Oct 01:17
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0.7.2 Beta 1 Pre-release

What's Changed

  • Fixes failure to parse opam formulae in OCaml package constraints by @ManasJayanth in #1519
    Fixes packages like @opam/ppxlib
  • Fixes packages with new filter with-dev-setup by @ManasJayanth in #1520
    Fixes packages like @opam/reason-react-ppx
  • Define with-test in build command rendering by @ManasJayanth in #1521
    Fixes packages like @opam/batteries

Full Changelog: 0.7.1...0.7.2-beta.1


11 Oct 04:26
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What's Changed


Includes a fix for packages that are broken because Dune relies on OPAM_SWITCH_PREFIX


CI: Fixes broken nightly deploy pipeline

New Contributors

Full Changelog: 0.7.0...0.7.1


10 Oct 02:24
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0.7.1-beta.2 Pre-release

What's Changed

  • OPAM_SWITCH_PREFIX: let packages override this environment variable as they deem fit by @ManasJayanth in #1516

Full Changelog: 0.7.1-beta.1...0.7.1-beta.2


08 Oct 14:02
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0.7.1-beta.1 Pre-release

What's Changed

New Contributors

Full Changelog: 0.7.0...0.7.1-beta.1


03 Sep 12:56
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Table of Contents

  1. 0.7.0
    1. Features
    2. Fixes and improvments
    3. Internal changes
    4. New Contributors



Build opam folder with just manifests by @ManasJayanth in #1463

Like opam, esy can consider folder containing only opam manifests as
virtual repository. This let's us build mono-repo projects that store
all their library opam manifests in a separate folder.


Expose jobs via cur_jobs & by @melwyn95 in #1417

Package authors, especially those packaging C libraries, can now use
cur__jobs and #{} in their manifests to signal
parallelism to the build system. Example, make -j#{}

Long paths support on Windows

Windows has limitations on the length of the paths. esy now uses an
new esy-bash setup that compiled all Windows binaries with long paths
support manifested in the binary. This means, Windows users can use
arbitrarily long paths in their OCaml paths without worrying about too
much setup. Long paths support is absolutely necessary to build large

esy cleanup offers better UX. By @rohitkg98 in #1289

Cleaning old cache is now as simple as esy cleanup
By recording which projects are in use, esy takes them into account in
the default invocation of the command.

Fixes and improvments

Update PnP script. By @ManasJayanth in #1474

Fixes Node.js projects using newer Node.js versions.

Macos M1: improve codesigning by @ManasJayanth in #1494

Users would sometimes notice an older version of menhir being used
even if a newer menhir was mentioned in the sandbox when on Macos M1
Silicon. This was because of a bug in the BigSur workaround that would
copy an older version of the artifact over the newer one. This has now
been fixed

Internal changes

Internal: Nix: Add missing folders by @ulrikstrid in #1450
Internal: CI: Use esy@beta on CI by @ManasJayanth in #1458
Internal: Bump ocaml compiler version and necessary deps by @ManasJayanth in #1459
Internal: CI: Fix Alpine job by @ManasJayanth in #1464
Internal: Fixes license fields in manifests (esy and dune) by @ManasJayanth in #1466
Internal: Fixes esy.opam generation by Dune by @ManasJayanth in #1467
Internal: CI : Fixes failing Nix build by @ManasJayanth in #1468
Internal: CI: Not trigger "Individual CI" pipelines for Pull Requests by @ManasJayanth in #1469
Internal: CI: Remove commented block not useful anymore by @ManasJayanth in #1470
Internal: CI: Remove macos 10.12 pipeline by @ManasJayanth in #1471
Internal: CI: Improve caching opportunities by @ManasJayanth in #1472
Internal: CI: Skip slow test building esy itself on Azure Pipelines Windows because of time limit by @ManasJayanth in #1473
Internal: Chore: Update opam manifest by @ManasJayanth in #1475
Internal: CI: make sure esy-bash in postinstall is same as one tested on by @ManasJayanth in #1476
Internal: Upgrade esy-bash by @ManasJayanth in #1477
Internal: CI: Refactor validate-postinstall script by @ManasJayanth in #1480
Internal: CI: Use nightly esy since it has long paths enabled. by @ManasJayanth in #1482
Internal: Upgrade esy-bash by @ManasJayanth in #1483
Internal: Set CYGWIN=winsymlinks:nativestrict in Windows buildenv by @ManasJayanth in #1485
Internal: Fixes clang warning -Wreturn-type by @ManasJayanth in #1487
Internal: Update dependency yarn-pkg-config for Windows by @ManasJayanth in #1486
Internal: Update jest to 29.5 by @ManasJayanth in #1489

New Contributors

@SohamG made their first contribution in #1465

0.7.0 Beta 6

03 Sep 07:01
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0.7.0 Beta 6 Pre-release

Fixes missing esySolveCudf on macos m1

0.7.0 Beta 5

27 Aug 10:52
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0.7.0 Beta 5 Pre-release

What's Changed

Full Changelog: 0.7.0-beta.4...0.7.0-beta.5

0.7.0 Beta 4

27 Aug 08:11
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0.7.0 Beta 4 Pre-release

What's Changed

Full Changelog: v0.7.0-beta.3...0.7.0-beta.4

0.7.0 Beta 3

23 Aug 04:25
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0.7.0 Beta 3 Pre-release

What's Changed

Full Changelog: v0.7.0-beta.2...v0.7.0-beta.3