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A blockchain surveillance tool that supports monitoring for the OP Stack and EVM-compatible chains.

⚠️ Caution: Monitorism is currently in its beta phase and is under active migration 🔨. This implies that Monitorism is presently not fully stable. ⚠️

The cli has the ability to spin up a monitor for varying activities, each emmitting metrics used to setup alerts.

   multisig     Monitors OptimismPortal pause status, Safe nonce, and Pre-Signed nonce stored in 1Password
   fault        Monitors output roots posted on L1 against L2
   withdrawals  Monitors proven withdrawals on L1 against L2
   balances     Monitors account balances

Each monitor has some common configuration, configurable both via cli or env with defaults.

   --log.level value           [$MONITORISM_LOG_LEVEL]           The lowest log level that will be output (default: INFO)                                                       
   --log.format value          [$MONITORISM_LOG_FORMAT]          Format the log output. Supported formats: 'text', 'terminal', 'logfmt', 'json', 'json-pretty', (default: text) 
   --log.color                 [$MONITORISM_LOG_COLOR]           Color the log output if in terminal mode (default: false)                                                      
   --metrics.enabled           [$MONITORISM_METRICS_ENABLED]     Enable the metrics server (default: false)                                                                     
   --metrics.addr value        [$MONITORISM_METRICS_ADDR]        Metrics listening address (default: "")                                                                 
   --metrics.port value        [$MONITORISM_METRICS_PORT]        Metrics listening port (default: 7300)                                                                         
   --loop.interval.msec value  [$MONITORISM_LOOP_INTERVAL_MSEC]  Loop interval of the monitor in milliseconds (default: 60000)                                                  


In addition the common configuration, each monitor also has their specific configuration

  • Note: The environment variable prefix for monitor-specific configuration is different than the global monitor config described above.

Fault Monitor

The fault monitor checks for changes in output roots posted to the L2OutputOracle contract. On change, reconstructing the output root from a trusted L2 source and looking for a match

   --l1.node.url value             [$FAULT_MON_L1_NODE_URL]         Node URL of L1 peer (default: "")                              
   --l2.node.url value             [$FAULT_MON_L2_NODE_URL]         Node URL of L2 peer (default: "")                              
   --start.output.index value      [$FAULT_MON_START_OUTPUT_INDEX]  Output index to start from. -1 to find first unfinalized index (default: -1) 
   --optimismportal.address value  [$FAULT_MON_OPTIMISM_PORTAL]     Address of the OptimismPortal contract                                       

On mismatch the isCurrentlyMismatched metrics is set to 1.

Withdrawals Monitor

The withdrawals monitor checks for new withdrawals that have been proven to the OptimismPortal contract. Each withdrawal is checked against the L2ToL1MessagePasser contract

   --l1.node.url value             [$WITHDRAWAL_MON_L1_NODE_URL]         Node URL of L1 peer (default: "")          
   --l2.node.url value             [$WITHDRAWAL_MON_L2_NODE_URL]         Node URL of L2 peer (default: "")          
   --event.block.range value       [$WITHDRAWAL_MON_EVENT_BLOCK_RANGE]   Max block range when scanning for events (default: 1000) 
   --start.block.height value      [$WITHDRAWAL_MON_START_BLOCK_HEIGHT]  Starting height to scan for events                       
   --optimismportal.address value  [$WITHDRAWAL_MON_OPTIMISM_PORTAL]     Address of the OptimismPortal contract                   

If a proven withdrawal is missing from L2, the isDetectingForgeries metrics is set to 1.

Balances Monitor

The balances monitor simply emits a metric reporting the balances for the configured accounts.

   --node.url value                                             [$BALANCE_MON_NODE_URL]  Node URL of a peer (default: "") 
   --accounts address:nickname [ --accounts address:nickname ]  [$BALANCE_MON_ACCOUNTS]  One or accounts formatted via address:nickname 

Multisig Monitor

The multisig monitor reports the paused status of the OptimismPortal contract. If set, the latest nonce of the configued Safe address. And also if set, the latest presigned nonce stored in One Password. The latest presigned nonce is identifyed by looking for items in the configued vault that follow a ready-<nonce>.json name. The highest nonce of this item name format is reported.

  • NOTE: In order to read from one password, the OP_SERVICE_ACCOUNT_TOKEN environment variable must be set granting the process permission to access the specified vault.
   --l1.node.url value             [$MULTISIG_MON_L1_NODE_URL]       Node URL of L1 peer (default: "")                                               
   --optimismportal.address value  [$MULTISIG_MON_OPTIMISM_PORTAL]   Address of the OptimismPortal contract                                                        
   --nickname value                [$MULTISIG_MON_NICKNAME]          Nickname of chain being monitored                                                             
   --safe.address value            [$MULTISIG_MON_SAFE]              Address of the Safe contract                                                                  
   --op.vault value                [$MULTISIG_MON_1PASS_VAULT_NAME]  1Pass Vault name storing presigned safe txs following a 'ready-<nonce>.json' item name format