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Provides helper and utility classes, types and extensions. Wiki




Name Description
CommandProcess Provides methods to start a command process (usually, a window-less process).
ShellProcess Provides methods to start a shell process (usually, a windowed process).
IDGenerator Represents an ID generator.
SingletonBase A base class to define a singleton.
IGenericMapper Defines a mapper.
IStreamingMapper Defines a streaming mapper.
MapperExtensions IGenericMapper and IStreamingMapper extensions.
StreamingGenericMapperBase The base class of a streaming mapper that also implements its generic mapper.
GenericStreamingMapper Represents a streaming mapper that uses a provided generic mapper.
IAsyncGenericMapper Defines an asynchronous mapper.
IAsyncStreamingMapper Defines an asynchronous streaming mapper.
AsyncMapperExtensions IAsyncGenericMapper and IAsyncStreamingMapper extensions.
AsyncStreamingGenericMapperBase The base class of an asynchronous streaming mapper that also implements its asynchronous generic mapper.
AsyncGenericStreamingMapper Represents an asynchronous streaming mapper that uses a provided asynchronous generic mapper.


Use the CommandProcess to start window-less commands and programs. The parameter should be an executable program. Note that, if possible, the CommandProcess waits for the launched process to exit. CommandProcess.Start() returns the exit code returned by the launched program.

using Mendz.Library;
    private StringBuilder _output = new StringBuilder();
    private StringBuilder _error = new StringBuilder();
        int exitCode = CommandProcess.Start(new ProcessStartInfo()
            FileName = "cmd.exe",
            Arguments = "/c dir",
            RedirectStandardOutput = true,
            RedirectStandardError = true
        }, Process_Output, Process_Error, Process_Exited);
    private void Process_Output(object sender, DataReceivedEventArgs e)

    private void Process_Error(object sender, DataReceivedEventArgs e)

    private void Process_Exited(object sender, EventArgs e)

The event handlers allow for output and error data to be handled. The exited handler allows for final evaluation of the result. For example, if the program launched completes successfully but creates an error log file, it can be evaluated to affect the exit code, say by throwing an exception.


Use the ShellProcess to start windowed commands and programs. For executable programs passed as parameter, the ShellProcess launches them. For non-executable parameters, the ShellProcess depends on the platform's shell to launch the appropriate program. Note that, if possible, the ShellProcess waits for the launched process to exit.

using Mendz.Library;
        ShellProcess.Start(new ProcessStartInfo() { FileName = "notepad.exe" });
        ShellProcess.Start(new ProcessStartInfo() { FileName = "" });
        ShellProcess.Start(new ProcessStartInfo() { FileName = @"C:\New Microsoft Word Document.docx" }, Process_Exited);
    private void Process_Exited(object sender, EventArgs e)

The exited handler allows for final evaluation of the result.


Use the IDGenerator to create incremental Int32 IDs from a seed value (default is 1).

using Mendz.Library;
    IDGenerator idGenerator = new IDGenerator();
    int id = idGenerator.ID; // 1
    id = idGenerator.Generate(); // 2
    id = idGenerator.ID; // 10
    id = idGenerator.Generate(); // 11
    idGenerator.Seed(5); // does nothing, because the seed 5 is less than the current ID 11
    id = idGenerator.ID; // 11
    id = idGenerator.Generate(); // 12
    idGenerator = new IDGenerator(100);
    id = idGenerator.ID; // 100
    id = idGenerator.Generate(); // 101

IDGenerator is thread-safe.


Use SingletonBase to define a class as a singleton. The derived class must have a private constructor that accepts no parameter.

using Mendz.Library;

namespace Test
    public class TestSingleton : SingletonBase<TestSingleton>
        private DateTime _created;

        public string Info
            get => Instance.ToString() + " as of " + _created.ToString();

        private TestSingleton() => _created = DateTime.Now;

Sample use:


In an application domain/runtime, the first call to the Instance property instantiates the singleton. The instantiation of the singleton based on SingletonBase is thread-safe. Depending on the implementation, singletons derived from SingletonBase may not be thread-safe.


Use the mappers to define data and type conversion/mapping operations. Derive from the StreamingGenericMapperBase class to implement a generic mapper that can also be used for streaming operations. If you've created IGenericMapper implementations instead, they can be provided to the GenericStreamingMapper for streaming operations.

Asynchronous Mappers

Use the asynchronous mappers to define asynchronous data and type conversion/mapping operations. Derive from the AsyncStreamingGenericMapperBase class to implement an asynchronous generic mapper that can also be used for asynchronous streaming operations. If you've created IAsyncGenericMapper implementations instead, they can be provided to the AsyncGenericStreamingMapper for asynchronous streaming operations.



Name Description
StampedFileNameBase The base class for stamped filenames.
StampedFileName Defines a stamped filename.
DateStampedFileName Defines a date stamped filename.
DateTimeStampedFileName Defines a date/time stamped filename.
FileOrganizerMode Enumerates the file organizer modes.
FileOrganizer Provides methods to organize files in folders by date, year/month and year.
StreamingPropertyMapper A convention-based mapper that uses System.Reflection to map matching properties in the input type to the output type.
StreamingKeyValueMapper A convention-based mapper that maps the indexed input key values to the indexed output key values.
StreamingFromKeyValueMapper A convention-based mapper that uses System.Reflection to map indexed input key values to the output's properties.
StreamingToKeyValueMapper A convention-based mapper that uses System.Reflection to map the input's properties to the indexed output key values.


The StreamingPropertyMapper implements the StreamingGenericMapperBase. Given two types having properties with matching names (case-sensitive) and types, StreamingPropertyMapper can automatically map them.

    Source source = new Source();
    var spm = new StreamingPropertyMapper<Source, Target>();
    Target target = spm.Map(source, () => new Target());

Custom conversion and mapping can be achieved if a handler is passed to the constructor. For example, the implementation can switch through the property names in order to apply custom or default behaviors.

As an implementation of the StreamingGenericMapperBase, StreamingPropertyMapper can also be used to stream through a collection of sources and map them to a collection of targets.


The StreamingKeyValueMapper and its variants, StreamingFromKeyValueMapper and StreamingToKeyValueMapper, implement the StreamingGenericMapperBase. They allow automatic mapping of matching properties and/or key indexed values between two types, where either one or both have indexers or key-value paired members. The required handler passed to the instance can be implemented to evaluate the key passed in order to perform the mapping. Note that .Net's built-in type conversion and compatibility rules apply.

    IndexedSource indexedSource = new IndexedSource();
    IndexedTarget indexedTarget;
    // where both source and target are indexed
    var spm1 = new StreamingKeyValueMapper<IndexedSource, 
        IndexedTarget>((t, k, s) => t[k] = s[k], 
        new List<string>() {
    indexedTarget = spm1.Map(indexedSource, () => new IndexedTarget());
    // where the source is indexed
    var spm2 = new StreamingFromKeyValueMapper<IndexedSource, Target>((s, k) => s[k]);
    Target target = spm2.Map(indexedSource, () => new Target());
    // where the target is indexed
    Source source = new Source();
    var spm3 = new StreamingToKeyValueMapper<Source, IndexedTarget>((t, k, v) => t[k] = v);
    indexedTarget = spm3.Map(source, () => new IndexedTarget());

As implementations of the StreamingGenericMapperBase, the StreamingKeyValueMapper, StreamingFromKeyValueMapper and StreamingToKeyValueMapper classes can also be used to stream through a collection of sources and map them to a collection of targets.



Name Description
StringExtensions String class extensions.
  • IsMatch() tests if a string matches a regular expression.
  • ReplaceMatch() replaces each part of a string that matches a regular expression.



Name Description
TextReaderExtensions TextReader class extensions.
  • ReadLineMatch() reads a line that matches a regular expression.
  • ReadAllMatch() reads all lines that match a regular expression.
  • YieldLine() yields lines read.
  • YieldLineMatch() yields lines read that match a regular expression.
  • ReadLineMatchAsync() asynchronously reads a line that matches a regular expression.
  • ReadAllMatchAsync() asynchronously reads all lines that match a regular expression.
  • YieldLineAsync() asynchronously yields lines read.
  • YieldLineMatchAsync() asynchronously yields lines read that match a regular expression.
Name Description
TextWriterExtensions TextWriter class extensions.
  • WriteLineMatch() Writes a line that matches a regular expression.
  • WriteLineMatchAsync() asynchronously writes a line that matches a regular expression.

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