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Make a Pokemon app that displays data inside server-side rendered views.


Create a full CRUD app on Pokemon.

Day 1

Set up your server

  • Create an express app called pokemon-app that listens on port 3000. Ensure that you have installed the necessary npm packages to run an express server and render templates. You can refer back to old code and lessons, but try to recall the necessary steps before checking in old code. Be ok with making mistakes!

  • Create a file called server.js

  • Inside of this file,

    • Import express library
    • Run the app on port 3000

🔴 The commit message should read:
"Commit 1 - My server is set up and running"

Set up your 'database'

  • Create a schema model correlating to the Pokemon objects below.
  • When creating a schema for Pokemon, think about validations. What do you want to be required? (The URL? The name?).
  • Build an HTTP API in Express that serves JSON data from a Mongo DB

Focus on being able to have a RESTful API. Use Postman to be able to Create, Read, Update and Delete your Pokemon!

Seed your Database

Create a 'pokemon.json' and 'pokemon.js' file inside the db directory.

    "name": "Bulbasaur",
    "img": ""
    "name": "Ivysaur",
    "img": ""
    "name": "Venusaur",
    "img": ""
    "name": "Charmander",
    "img": ""
    "name": "Charizard",
    "img": ""
    "name": "Squirtle",
    "img": ""
    "name": "Wartortle",
    "img": ""

🔴 The commit message should read:
"Connected my database"

Create Controller

Now you will add controller and router to the existing pokemon app to make it MVC compliant.

  • Create controllers folder to the app
  • Add pokemonController.js to it
  • Import and export the necessary files, folders and/or libraries

Refactor server.js

  • Refactor server.js and move all the APIs into the controller.
  • Use Express middleware to call the router
  • Remove all the APIs once above is done.

🔴 The commit message should read: "Create pokemon controller and refactor server.js"

Create the Routes

  • create a get route /pokemon that will res.send(pokemon), which will display your pokemon data as json in the browser.
  • create another get route /pokemon/:id that will return only one pokemon on that index. For example, /pokemon/0 should display the 0 indexed pokemon.
  • for the C in CRUD, use the create() method to create a new Pokemon in the post route.
  • Updating a Pokemon's info using the findOneAndUpdate() on the /pokemon/:id route! Use req.body to pis the data to the model.
  • Finally, there is the D in CRUD. Create a DELETE route at /pokemon/:id and use the findOneAndDelete() method to delete a Pokemon.

🔴 The commit message should read:
"Added CRUDability"

Complete CRUD functionality

Set up routes and templates to allow for full CRUD functionality.

  • Users should be able to insert a new pokemon into the database using a form on a new.hbs page. Creation should be handled via a POST route to the /pokemon route.
  • Users should be able to edit an individual pokemon on an edit.hbs page accessed from the /pokemon/edit/:id route. The updating should be handled via a PUT request to the /pokemon/:id route.
  • Users should be able to delete a pokemon using a button provided on the show /pokemon/:id pages and should be handled via a DELETE route.


Use the following link to effectively use Handlebars to render the Pokemon data:

Handlebars Documentation

Upon completing the assignment, commit and push your work. 🔴 The commit message should read:
"Homework Completed."


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