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Competitive Programming

competitive programming ⚔️ resources and notes 🤺

Fast I/O


Numeric types12

C/C++ Type Rust Type Size Minimum Maximum
uint8_t u8 8-bit $0$ $2^{8}-1$
uint16_t u16 16-bit $0$ $2^{16}-1$
uint32_t u32 32-bit $0$ $2^{32}-1$
uint64_t u64 64-bit $0$ $2^{64}-1$
u128 128-bit $0$ $2^{128}-1$
int8_t i8 8-bit $-2^{7}$ $2^{7}-1$
int16_t i16 16-bit $-2^{15}$ $2^{15}-1$
int32_t i32 32-bit $-2^{31}$ $2^{31}-1$
int64_t i64 64-bit $-2^{63}$ $2^{63}-1$
i128 128-bit $-2^{127}$ $2^{127}-1$
size_t isize arch
ssize_t usize arch
float f32 32-bit $-3.40282 \cdot 10^{38}$ $3.40282 \cdot 10^{38}$
double f64 64-bit $-1.79769 \cdot 10^{308}$ $1.79769 \cdot 10^{308}$

Bit manipulation3

Multiply or divide by $2^k$

  • $x \cdot 2^k = x \ll k$
  • $x / 2^k = x \gg k$

Change the $n$-th bit

  • set — $x \lor (1 \ll n)$
  • unset — $x \land \lnot(1 \ll n)$
  • toggle — $x \oplus (1 \ll n)$

Is a power of $2$

$$f_1(x) = x \land (x - 1)$$

$$ f_2(x) = \begin{cases} \top & x = 0 \\ \bot & x \neq 0 \end{cases} $$

$$f(x) = (f_2 \circ f_1)(x)$$

Is the $n$-th bit set

$$f_1(x, n) = x \land (1 \ll n)$$

$$ f_2(x) = \begin{cases} \top & x \neq 0 \\ \bot & x = 0 \end{cases} $$

$$f(x, n) = (f_2 \circ f_1)(x, n)$$

Language Syntax

Arithmetic operations

Operation C/C++ Syntax Rust Syntax LaTex LaTex (Rendered)
Addition x + y x + y + $x + y$
Subtraction x - y x - y - $x - y$
Multiplication x * y x * y \cdot $x \cdot y$
Division x / y x / y / $x / y$
Remainder x % y x % y \bmod $x \bmod y$
Exponentiation pow T::pow ^ $x ^ y$
Square root sqrt T::sqrt \sqrt{} $\sqrt{x}$
$n$-th root \sqrt[]{} $\sqrt[n]{x}$

Comparison operations

Operation C/C++ Syntax Rust Syntax LaTex Latex (Rendered)
Equality x == y x == y = $x = y$
Approximate-equality \approx $x \approx y$
Inequality x != y x != y \neq $x \neq y$
Greater than x > y x > y > $x > y$
Less than x < y x < y < $x &lt; y$
Greater than or equal x >= y x >= y \geq $x \geq y$
Less than or equal x <= y x <= y \leq $x \leq y$

Bitwise operations

Operation C/C++ Syntax Rust Syntax LaTex LaTex (Rendered)
Bitwise NOT ~x !x \lnot $\lnot x$
Bitwise AND x & y x & y \land $x \land y$
Bitwise OR x | y x | y \lor $x \lor y$
Bitwise XOR x ^ y x ^ y \oplus $x \oplus y$
Bitwise left shift x << n x << n \ll $x \ll n$
Bitwise right shift x >> n x >> n \gg $x \gg n$
Bitwise left rotate std::rotl C++20 T::rotate_left \lll $x \lll n$
Bitwise right rotate std::rotl C++20 T::rotate_right \ggg $x \ggg n$


Constant C/C++ Syntax Rust Syntax LaTeX LaTeX (Rendered)
true true true \top $\top$
false false false \bot $\bot$
Archimedes' constant M_PI PI \pi $\pi$
Euler's number M_E E e $e$
The full circle constant TAU \tau $\tau$
The logarithm to base 10 of e M_LOG2E LOG2_E \log_{2}{e} $\log_{2}{e}$
The logarithm to base 10 of e M_LOG10E LOG10_E \log_{10}{e} $\log_{10}{e}$
The logarithm to base 2 of ten LOG2_10 \log_{2}{10} $\log_{2}{10}$
The logarithm to base 10 of 2 LOG10_2 \log_{10}{2} $\log_{10}{2}$
The natural logarithm of 2 M_LN2 LN_2 \ln{2} $\ln{2}$
The natural logarithm of 10 M_LN10 LN_10 \ln{10} $\ln{10}$
The square root of 2 M_SQRT2 SQRT_2 \sqrt{2} $\sqrt{2}$


  1. Fundamental types -

  2. Numeric types - The Rust Reference

  3. Bit Twiddling Hacks - Sean Anderson