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CMMM Belgrade

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Git Workflow



Creating a descriptive and expressive git history without the noise of many merge commits. Conflicts are resolved on each feature / edit branch.


  1. Always start by checking out the main branch first and get all updates from the origin: !git checkout main && git pull
  2. Create feature / edit branch git checkout -b yi-edit-name, where yi would be your own initials and edit-name the edit or feature name. Please use snake case here.
  3. Make commits to your branch with good commit messages with git add and git commit.
  4. Push your branch to the remote origin with git push -u origin.
  5. Create a pull request on GitHub/pulls
  6. Once you’re done, prepare your branch for merging into main:
    1. Update the your local main with changes from the remote and switch back to your local feature branch: !git checkout main && git pull && git checkout -
    2. Rebase your branch onto main: rebase -i main, -i is optional if you want to clean up your commit history.
    3. If there are conflicts resolve them, and confirm them with git add and git commit and continue the rebase with git rebase --continue.
  7. When you’re happy with the rebase push it with the --force option to the remote. git checkout yi-edit-name, to make sure you’re on the right branch and then git push origin --force-with-lease.
  8. Request review on your pull request.
  9. Once you got the approval you can merge the changes into main with git checkout main && git merge - --ff-only