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hint: active
hint: active
Hint: Tasks currently in an active project
hint: beta
hint: beta
Hint: Issues related to the beta branch
hint: blocked
hint: blocked
Hint: Issue is blocked
hint: next
hint: next
hint: Tasks to do next sprint
hint: ready to merge
hint: ready to merge
Hint: PR is ready to be merged
scope: content
scope: content
Scope: Editing content of the spec
scope: interop
scope: interop
Scope: External resources related tasks
scope: tooling
scope: tooling
Scope: web rendering, build system, CI and other tooling
type: bug
type: bug
Type: bug in the current code
type: discussion
type: discussion
Type: Discussions about spec features and content
type: enhancement
type: enhancement
Type: New feature or improvement to an existing feature
type: epic
type: epic
Type: Tracking big changes to the spec content or tooling