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Releases: firasm/jupyterbook_course_template


30 Dec 23:13
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Creating a new release before some major reconfiguration of the template to future proof things. Last version before change to UBC V

What's Changed

  • Update deploy_book.yml by @tawnyalee in #9
  • Minor updates to some of the wordings

New Contributors

Full Changelog: v0.7...v0.8

Add Announcement banner, nav grid, and support for Jupyterbook version 0.13

13 Jul 05:49
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  • replace use of deprecated sphinx-panels with newer shinier sphinx-design
  • Add announcement banner
  • Add reference links to major headings in the unsyllabus
  • Updated trunk branch from master to `main
  • Added a new navigation feature enabled by sphinx-design:


Update the template to re-modularize it slightly differently

29 Jun 06:29
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The files were getting a bit unwieldy, and my institution requires the syllabus to be a legal document, so I have moved some things to the unsyllabus.

Modularized the book! New substitution and include features

10 Jan 04:58
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This template now requires myst-parser>0.13 and is not officially supported by jupyter-book yet. However there are several super cool features of myst-parser. Updates in this template:

  • Syllabus is now much better organized and more modular so sections can more easily be edited and moved
  • use of the new include directive allows to insert in files into the jupyterbook
  • use of the new myst-parser substitutions feature to make in-text replacements of common things like URLs and Course names from _config.yml.

v0.4 - Updated to Jupyterbook 0.9.1

28 Dec 01:22
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This template is now updated to jupyterbook 0.9.1 and has the following "features"

  • Demo content separated into demo section
  • Full course added in the TOC (from Physics 111 at UBCO)
  • Removed "expand_sections"

Aesthetic and structural updates

21 Sep 15:54
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  • usage of sphinx-panels to do collapsible Dropdowns
  • Adding more structure to each of the weeks
  • Added examples of JB usage in English, Chemistry, Physics, and Data Science
  • Youtube Container for fixing 16:9 aspect ratio
  • Compatible with Jupyter Book 0.8.2

Minor updates

07 Sep 00:41
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  • added some sphinx-panels
  • added a setting started page

First Release

01 Sep 05:00
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This release is the initial commit of the materials, still a WIP but feel free to use!