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Halide generator introspection for build systems


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Halide generator introspection for build systems

Using a Halide generator to do any actual generation is a multi-phase process – up until now, it has been more involved and circuitous than just compile-link-run (or even compile-error-“fuck”-fix-“damnit”-fix-link-run) … I know that when I first started working with Halide, I was used to NumPy, and at first I was like “OK neat, here's how this is like NumPy in C++”, like as a way of initially explaining it to myself. It should be pointed out that, while this comparison may be vaguely superficially sort of true, Halide is totally unlike NumPy, under-the-hood – it does no runtime memory-manipulation and has nothing like NumPy's elaborate type-coercion system. Or maybe it does. Frankly, Halide does not know – because Halide uses LLVM to construct a custom labyrinthine pipeline backend before it does any of your fucking math, and the nature of that backend is made up by Halide on the spot based on your platform and GPU, and also when you last pulled the Git repo and whether you used some flag six months ago when you compiled some other thing, maybe.

That sounds like a criticism but it is not, Halide is fucking amazing – that is why I wrote Halogen. No doubt you are already aware of this. Because, OK yeah – if you've read this far, you know that there is a thing in Halide called a “Generator.” If you have ever watched Halide building from source via cmake, you have spent 20 minutes of your life, at the very least, looking at generators being generated, and subsequently generating. If you have made your way through the Halide tutorial, you wrote one yourself in lesson 16 (I think) – although arguably the shit you ended up doing in lesson 10 was basically a generator in all ways but one (it did not use the static generator registry a very import distinction for Halogen, as we shall see).

The promise of generators is pretty fantastic: if you can encapsulate your image-processing algorithm (along with the related scheduling logic) up into a simple class structure – without getting weirded out by having to do CRTP and use a static-initializing constructor – you can go from that relatively pure expression of your algorithm directly to a “generated”, highly-GPU-optimized parallel/vector/pipelined/whatever linkable library – containing that very same algorithm! Aaand, you didn't have to download PDFs about AVX2 intrinsics (or someshit) and then spend an evening pulling your hair out while sqinting at debug traces as your friends had a great time watching football and/or fornicating! Nice!

#include "Halide.h"
#include <stdio.h>

using namespace Halide;

class MyFirstGenerator : public Halide::Generator<MyFirstGenerator> {
        Param<uint8_t>  offset{ "offset" };
        ImageParam      input{  UInt(8), 2, "input" };
        Var x, y;
        Func build() {
            Func brighter;
            brighter(x, y) = input(x, y) + offset;
            brighter.vectorize(x, 16).parallel(y);
            return brighter;

RegisterGenerator<MyFirstGenerator> my_first_generator{ "my_first_generator" };

Figure 1: Example Halide Generator.

Except of course not so nice – while Halide is very much an amazing feat of engineering, the generator compilation API and workflow has had all the UX love and consideration that you'd expect, for an internal-facing tooling layer in a highly advanced project built and maintained by people, each of whom – and I say this next bit with absolute and total love – are, like, the Sheldon Cooper of their respective micro-niche fields in image-processing, compiler-design, numeric-optimization, et cetera ad nausem.

Which OK that entire last paragraph is my circumlocutious way of being like, doing Halide generators is annoying. Everything after you write the C++ code feels like an ad-hoc mess:

  • you have to stick your generator in a cpp file, but then include that file (?!) along with GenGen.cpp – or maybe I have that backwards, I honestly forget, but whatever it is it feels dirty and wrong

    • this is because you need both the static initializer to be compiled into the generator TU which also has to have a main() for GenGen.cpp (an issue that Halogen addresses using Cython!)
  • … you can then either this really inscrutable script included in the Halide source, called (confusingly in the same directory as GenGen.cpp) – the use of which presumes you know all about Halide target string specifiers – OR, you can wade through the entirely undocumented and grossitating morass that is the HalideGenerator.cmake wrapper. I am not saying this to insult the Halide cmake build system nor its authors (as cmake projects go, Halide is in the top percentile of not being wack) – I just don't find that cmake code lends itself to readability or reusability at all whatsoever; using someone elses' cmake code is akin to wearing someone elses' sweatpants, in terms of the nasty feeling it engenders (in my opinion at least).

  • By doing all that, you have completed the first phase, but you have not actually generated anything of yours yet. You have built a small binary command-line tool – taking its own distinct array of options, most notably the aforementioned target strings – which when you invoke that thing correctly it will generate (say) a header file and a static archive. Those items are the defaults; it can do others, the point being you can use those products as part of a build system.

    • If you chose to use HalideGenerator.cmake to control the process, this last step (the actual generation) is kind-of integrated … correctly using halide_generator() to invoke the generator pretty much presumes that you built the generator binary with halide_project() – but see if you did that, you are already copy-pasting all sorts of shit out of Halide's CMakeLists.txt files into your project, because it's not set up in cmake to be a turnkey thing at all. Yeah.

if you're starting from your canonical and nicely-compartmentalized CRTP'd Halide::Generator<Derived> C++ class, you have to: 1) first, compile that code and link it with Halide; 2) expose that module you just made to something that can invoke it – – in the halide mainline source, this is what “GenGen.cpp” is for; 3)


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