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About the assignment

In this assignement, I focused on the component structure in React. I have a lot of experience in Redux and I really like it, but here I wanted to have fun with Hooks. I feel that things are quite simple with Hooks and it's quite fast to work with them, but there is too much logic in the components for my taste. With Redux for example, it's easier to decouple logic and side effects.

I used Ant Design to help me with the layout/design and the Modal component.

For visual testing, I added Storybook and I even added Storyshots to help catch unintended side effects. With Redux it's usually sufficient to test UI components because they have just props. With Hooks they have more logic so it would make sense to test with state changes, etc... For example with Enzyme. To start the storybook: npm run storybook Storyshots are integrated in the tests, they need to be updated if the new rendering differs from the snapshot.

For images, I chose to load the image with the same width available and adjust height to preserve ratio. There are many things to consider here, especially if using a CDN.

There are many things that can be improved, here are some:

  • A user should only see their posts, that is why my initial page is a user selection, but in a real world there should be an authentication of course

  • Layout, I chose a single column layout, it is possible to have more of a grid layout, but it can become complex with images of arbitray height. Since we don't have much info about the images, I chose the simplicity here

  • Data fetching and error handling, the user should see when an synchronous task is going on and when an error occurs

  • URL management, URLs don't update, this would be useful for browser back button for example and deep linking

  • Rendering optimization, not all posts should be rendered in the DOM. Especially with all the images. One easy solution would be to show only 10 and load more as the user is scrolling.

  • Build optimization, I didn't look into that here but it's something to be aware of for production

  • State management, I used hooks but if the app is growing a state management library could help

  • Typescript, it can slow down a bit but it's better experience and maintainability over time

  • Server side rendering, for performance



We need a web site for our impacters to administer their posts.

Create a web site, the user should be able to

  • see all posts
  • update a post
  • delete a post
  • open a post in a modal by clicking the post
  • go to the next and previous post in modal mode
  • delete and update a post in modal mode

If you feel you have the time, you can also add support for the user to create a new post by uploading a new image to the API.

Make sure to write down what you would have done if you had more time, and submit it together with the rest of the assignment.


We provided a small api for you to use during the development. The api runs on http://localhost:3001. Below you can find a list of all endpoints. You can find the swagger documentation for the api at http://localhost:3001/docs

GET /impacters - List all impacters

GET /impacters/:id - Get a impacter

GET /impacters/:id/posts - Get all posts for an impacter

GET /posts?limit={}&offset={} - List posts, if no limit is set it will list all posts

POST /posts - Create a new post

GET /posts/:id - Get a post

PUT /posts/:id - Update a post

DELETE /posts/:id - Delete a post

POST /upload - Upload a new image and get a url back

If you want the api to generate new data remove the ./mock/data.json file. Please be aware that this will take some time and will be done by the server on the next start. The server will not start until it's done generating data.


All images follow this url structure{pictureId}/{width}/{height} and are given in their original size from the API.

You can change the size of an image by changing the two last values of the path.



Downsize to 308 x 199:

Available Scripts

In the project directory, you can run:

npm start

Runs the app and the api in the development mode.
Open http://localhost:3000 to view it in the browser.

The page will reload if you make edits.
You will also see any lint errors in the console.

npm test

Launches the test runner in the interactive watch mode.
See the section about running tests for more information.

Learn More

You can learn more in the Create React App documentation.

To learn React, check out the React documentation.


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