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Fontclod is being rewritten to be more extensible

The code here is an incomplete rewrite of our original proof of concept. The proof of concept was intended just to show some of what's possible. We had hopes to have the rewrite ready long ago. Paying projects had gotten in the way. So here's what we've got now.


  • Take a look at the working proof of concept
  • Ask questions about what we planned to do, and discuss on the list
  • Some information on the APIs and clodifle format can me found in docs
  • Info on a few of the planned features in this changelog
  • Old info on the format
  • A clodifle with multiple glyphs. This will give you the most info the format currently.

Even if it's small, any contribution would be helpful. The goal is to make APIs to allow easy extensibility, and then re-integrate what we have before into the new system.

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To the point

We're looking for anyone experienced with Javascript to help get this to a point that it can be used as an alternative open font editor. If you just want to help plan things out that's great.

For those interested there's a support link here: