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StaticGallery on the top of the nginx webserver


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Static gallery (images, videos with subtitles, other files) on the top of the nginx web server.

Based on

Just put your files in the folder and get it instantly in the gallery - no background service is running, files are read directly from your file system. With the XSTL is directory listing converted to an HTML page with some controlling JavaScript and CSS.

List files

Image detail

Video detail

About gallery


  • images...
    • reading EXIF (via exifr)
    • show GPS on the Google Maps
    • view photo sphere panoramas (via Photo Sphere Viewer)
    • an optional automatic image thumbnails with an optional cache
  • videos (via Plyr)
    • an optional thumbnail generation (ffmpeg installed on system needed)
    • with optional auto conversion SRT subtitles to supported VTT
  • other files (just view and download)
  • sharing link to the gallery
  • sharing on social networks (via shareon)
  • as lightbox is used GLightbox
  • HTTP or HTTPS (Let's encrypt support - via external tools - dehyhrated for example)
  • custom gallery title/favicon and many more settings
  • password access (via HTTP Basic Auth)

What do I need?

nginx to run gallery and node.js version 16 or greater with npm to generate configuration. If you want to generate also video thumbnails, ffmpeg must be installed on your system. Nothing more, really. This tool generates nginx configuration and one XSLT, JS and CSS file to control whole gallery and all supported tools.

You need nginx with the XSTL module. In Debian/Ubuntu world this is the nginx-full package.

If you want an automatic image thumbnail (with a cache) you need also the images filter module. Still the nginx-full in Debian/Ubuntu.

For an automatic SRT to VTT conversion you need the lua module. This is the nginx-extras package.

And for video thumbnails generation you also need the lua module and ffmpeg installed on your system and binaries must be set in PATH (you can run ffmpeg command from everywhere). Thumbnail generation was tested on ffmpeg version 4.3.0.

This configuration generator was tested on the linux only.

How to use it

Clone this repository or download source files from GitHub and install npm modules with npm install.

Then you need configuration file in YAML:

nginxConfDir: /etc/nginx/sites-available/
nginxAppDir: /etc/nginx/apps/static-nginx-gallery/
serverName: gallery.test
galleryDir: /var/www/gallery

These are the only 4 required items you always must specify:

  • nginxConfDir - where nginx configuration file will be generated (file will have static-nginx-gallery name) - don't forget to enable configuration in nginx, when it's not generated into included files - in Debian sudo ln -s /etc/nginx/sites-available/static-nginx-gallery /etc/nginx/sites-enabled/static-nginx-gallery and sudo service nginx reload
  • nginxAppDir - where the other (XSLT, JS and CSS) files will be stored
  • serverName - domain where the gallery will be accessible
  • galleryDir - root directory with all your files (you can access also all subdirectories)

There are some more optional options:

path: null # /path/
port: null # null = use default - 80 for HTTP, 443 for HTTPS
thumbnails: false # bool - yes/no or string with cache directory
videoThumbnails: false # or string with cache directory
lightTheme: false # bool - yes/no
title: 'Gallery' # <h1> and <title>
favicon: false # or string with a path to custom favicon (in PNG format)
  convertSrtToVtt: false
ssl: false # explain later
httpAuth: false # or string with htpasswd auth file
  • path - by default, gallery is accessible at serverName host /, this can change the default path to path (for example http://gallery.test/some-path/ it you set serverName: gallery.test and path: 'some-path')
  • port - null is used for default value - 80 for HTTP or 443 for HTTPS version, but you can use your own, if you need
  • thumbnails - by default, thumbnail images in the list are original images, this could cause to download a lot of data for one page. When you set this to true, nginx will generate for all images smaller thumbnails on the fly, so data usage will be less, but more processor time will be used to generate thumbnails on every request. The last option is to provide a string with a directory, where this thumbnails will be cached, so every thumbnail will be generated just once. This has just one disadvantage: when a thumbnail is generated, it's never regenerated, even if the original image is changed. You must remove cached thumbnail to regenerate it. images module is needed in nginx for this
  • videoThumbnails - by default, videos has no thumbnail images. When you set directory for cache, nginx will generate via ffmpeg thumbnails and these thumbnails will be cached, so every thumbnail will be generated just once. This has the same disadvantage as image thumbnails: when a thumbnail is generated, it's never regenerated, even if the original video is changed. You must remove cached thumbnail to regenerate it. lua module is needed in nginx for this and ffmpeg must be installed on the system
  • lightTheme - gallery is by default in dark theme, set this to true and light theme will be used
  • title - can change default <title> and <h1> which is Gallery
  • favicon - can change default favicon file, use path to a PNG image
  • subtitels -> convertSrtToVtt - if set to true try to automatically convert existing SRT subtitles to VTT (only VTT subtitles are supported in video player) - LUA module is needed in nginx
  • httpAuth - use can specify a string with a path to htpasswd file for enabling user/password access to the gallery

How to generate htpasswd file? In linux with installed openssl you can use printf "USER:$(openssl passwd -crypt PASSWORD)\n" >> .htpasswd - just change USER with the correct username and PASSWORD with the correct password. .htpasswd is path to the generated file.

In most cases, you want to run your gallery on HTTPS protocol. You can also use own HTTPS (or other, for example for access restriction I can recommend oauth2-proxy) proxy and keep running gallery on HTTP:

  certificate: '/etc/letsencrypt/certs/gallery.test/fullchain.pem' # required if ssl is set
  certificateKey: '/etc/letsencrypt/certs/gallery.test/privkey.pem' # required if ssl is set
  redirectHttpToHttps: true # bool - yes/no
  httpPort: 80 # HTTP port to redirect to HTTPS or for Let's encrypt (if Let's encrypt is used, must be 80)
  letsEncrypt: false # or string with a path to directory to store ACME challenge
  • certificate - path to SSL certificate, required
  • certificateKey - path to SSL certificate key, required
  • redirectHttpToHttps - by default, for HTTPS is also generated a HTTP block, that just redirect HTTP to HTTPS. If you don't need this, set config to false
  • httpPort - belongs to the previous config, set port for HTTP block for redirect, default is 80. If you use Let's encrypt config, you must keep it to 80.
  • letsEncrypt - when string path is provided, to HTTP block is generated snippet to enable auto generating Let's encrypt certificates. You also need some tool to generate certificates, for example dehyhrated. Before first certificate is generated, you must comment SSL certificate and SSL certificate key lines.

Build configuration

So, we have config.yml with our configuration, now just run:

bin/build config.yml


npm run build config.yml

You will probably need root rights to proper save configuration, so use:

sudo bin/build config.yml

And after that don't forget to reload your nginx configuration. In Debian/Ubuntu like this:

sudo service nginx reload

You can also add -d or --debug option to disable JS and CSS minimization.

Preferable nginx configuration

It's recommended to add this option to main nginx configuration, the http section:

variables_hash_max_size 4096

In Debian/Ubuntu in file /etc/nginx/nginx.conf.


You can make your own changes in CSS, JavaScript and HTML structure.

CSS is in the src/sass/main.scss file and is compiled with the SASS preprocessor.

JavaScript is in the src/js/main.js file and is compiled with the Rollup.

HTML can be changed in the XSLT template.

And the generated nginx configurations can be updated in the configuration.

XSLT and nginx configurations are generated with the EJS templates.

To check your JS coding standard, run eslint.

npm run eslint


In this repository, there are some tests configurations. They expected Debian/Ubuntu linux with installed nginx-extras package, symlinked directory tests to the /var/www/static-nginx-gallery/ and pointed host gallery.test to the nginx. Self-signed certificate is used for SSL configuration.

You can run sudo tests/run-tests that will try all test configurations one by one.