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C++ implementation of TUF OTA update client based on aktualizr

Getting Started


List of aktualizr-lite dependencies. The Dockerfile defining a Docker container also includes the dependencies required for building and unit testing aktualizr-lite.


git clone --recursive
cd aktualizr-lite

If you cloned the repo without --recursive flag run:

git submodule update --init --recursive

Run make to build and/or apply clang-format or clang-tidy utilities. Use the environment variables to amend the make commands behavior.

[<MAKE ENV VARS>] make [-f] <config | build | format | tidy >

The make environment variables are:

  • BUILD_DIR — a build directory,./build by default;
  • CCACHE_DIR — a ccache directory,./ccache by default;
  • TARGET — a target to build, aklite-test by default. Could be aktualizr-lite if no need to build tests;
  • CXX — a compiler to use, clang++ or the compiler specified in a host's env by default.

If -f is specified, then the make command is executed on a host, otherwise the foundries/aklite-dev container is used. A user can specify their own container to run the commands in by overriding CONTAINER environment variable.

Build Custom Client Example

The example of the custom client depends on the libaktualizr and libaktualizr_lite libraries, therefore they should be built prior to building of the example. Then, run:

make [-f] custom-client


[<MAKE ENV VARS>] make [-f] test

The make environment variables are:

  • TEST_LABEL - a label (regexp) of the target tests. For example, aklite:compose-apps, by default, is set to aklite - run all aktualizr-lite tests;
  • CTEST_ARGS - additional ctest parameters, by default is set to --output-on-failure.
  • GTEST_FILTER - a regexp to filter tests within gtest suits, e.g. GTEST_FILTER="*OstreeUpdateNoSpaceRetry*" TEST_LABEL="aklite:liteclient" make.


Run aktualizr-lite locally against your Factory

Run Custom Client Example

Prior to running of the custom client example, a user should execute all steps listed in the how to run locally guide. Then, the following command will start the custom client:

LD_LIBRARY_PATH="$LD_LIBRARY_PATH:./build/aktualizr/src/libaktualizr/:./build/src"  \
            AKLITE_CONFIG_DIR=<device config dir | sota.toml> ./build-custom/custom-sota-client

or in the dev container:

docker run --rm -v $PWD:$PWD -w $PWD \
    -e LD_LIBRARY_PATH="$LD_LIBRARY_PATH:./build-cont/aktualizr/src/libaktualizr/:./build-cont/src" \
    -e AKLITE_CONFIG_DIR="<device config dir | sota.toml>"  foundries/aklite-dev ./build-cont-custom/custom-sota-client