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BigPacks is a data serialization format designed for 32-bit microcontrollers. It aims at being minimal and fast, without obsessing over achieving the smallest possible binary representation.


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BigPacks is a data serialization format designed for 32-bit microcontrollers. It aims at being minimal and fast without obsessing over achieving the smallest possible binary representation.

This is the evolution of another serialization format for 8 and 16-bit microcontrollers called TinyPacks, that is where the name comes from.


Easy to traverse

It allows fast in-place parsing using static memory allocation and skipping nested elements without parsing them.

Small encoder/decoder memory footprint

The C implementation uses 68 bytes of RAM with the default configuration that allows up to 4 element nesting levels (yes, bytes). When compiled for the ESP32, it uses about 1700 bytes of flash.

Easy translation to and from JSON

Any valid JSON can be translated to BigPacks, but binary objects in BigPacks do not have a direct equivalent in JSON.

Similar encoded size to JSON

Data encoded with BigPacks can be bigger or smaller than the equivalent JSON, depending on the mix of data types and value ranges, but it is about the same size for real-world usage.

32-bit aligned

All the data structures in BigPacks are 32-bit aligned, which is why it is not so tight, but this optimizes memory access on 32-bit architectures.

Little-endian only

Why? Because it is 2023 and it seems little-endian won the endianness war 🤷‍♂️.

Data Types

None        Null value.
Boolean     Boolean true or false value.
Integer     Signed integer 32 or 64 bits long.
Float       Floating point number 32 or 64 bits long.
String      Zero-ended string of characters encoded as UTF-8.
Binary      Sequence of 32-bit words.
List        Sequence of values.
Map         Sequence of key-value pairs.

Serialization Format

packet      := element...
element     := false | true | none | integer | float | list | map | string | binary
false       := 0x00000000
true        := 0x10000000
none        := 0x20000000
integer     := integer_32 | integer_64
integer_32  := 0x40000001 c_int32_t
integer_64  := 0x40000002 c_int64_t
float       := float_32 | float_64
float_32    := 0x50000001 c_float
float_32    := 0x50000002 c_double
list        := 0x8nnnnnnn list_data     // where n is the length of list_data expressed in 32-bit words
list_data   := element...
map         := 0x9nnnnnnn map_data      // where n is the length of map_data expressed in 32-bit words
map_data    := (element element)...
string      := 0xCnnnnnnn string_data   //  where n is the length of string_data expressed in 32-bit words
                                        // including a required zero terminator and zero padding filling the
                                        // remainder if any of the last 32-bit word.
string_data := c_char... 0x00 0x00...
binary      := 0xDnnnnnnn binary_data   //  where n is the length of binary_data expressed in 32-bit words
binary_data := c_uint32_t...


<space> := sequence of objects
...     := repetition of zero or more objects
|       := only one of the alternatives
()      := the following operator applies to all enclosed objects
c_      := C data type encoded as little-endian
0x      := hexadecimal number encoded as little-endian

Serialization Examples

Python                                      BigPacks
------                                      ---------
False                                       00 00 00 00

True                                        00 00 00 10

None                                        00 00 00 20

1234                                        01 00 00 40 d2 04 00 00

-5678                                       01 00 00 40 d2 e9 ff ff

123.4567                                    01 00 00 50 79 e9 f6 42

"hello world!"                              04 00 00 c0 68 65 6c 6c
                                            6f 20 77 6f 72 6c 64 21
                                            00 00 00 00

b"\x01\x02\x03"                             01 00 00 d0 01 02 03 00

[1, 2, 3]                                   06 00 00 80 01 00 00 40
                                            01 00 00 00 01 00 00 40
                                            02 00 00 00 01 00 00 40
                                            03 00 00 00

[4, True, "fun"]                            05 00 00 80 01 00 00 40
                                            04 00 00 00 00 00 00 10
                                            01 00 00 c0 66 75 6e 00

{"a": 1, "b": False, "c": "foo"}            0b 00 00 90 01 00 00 c0
                                            61 00 00 00 01 00 00 40
                                            01 00 00 00 01 00 00 c0
                                            62 00 00 00 00 00 00 00
                                            01 00 00 c0 63 00 00 00
                                            01 00 00 c0 66 6f 6f 00

{"foo": [1, 2], "bar": {True: 3, False: 4}} 10 00 00 90 01 00 00 c0
                                            66 6f 6f 00 04 00 00 80
                                            01 00 00 40 01 00 00 00
                                            01 00 00 40 02 00 00 00
                                            01 00 00 c0 62 61 72 00
                                            06 00 00 90 00 00 00 10
                                            01 00 00 40 03 00 00 00
                                            00 00 00 00 01 00 00 40
                                            04 00 00 00


A RESTish library based on BigPacks is also included in this project. It allows you to implement REST-like APIs over serial ports or other transports. It is being used in SensorWatcher for communication between the Javascript code running in a web browser and the C code running in a ESP32, and also as an API over HTTP to upload measurements to backends.



Add the files bigpacks.c and bigpacks.h to your project.

#include <stdint.h>
#include <stdio.h>
#include <stdbool.h>
#include "bigpacks.h"

#define BUFFER_SIZE 64

void main()
    int32_t foo;
    float bar;
    bool baz;
    char qux[32];

    bp_type_t buffer[BUFFER_SIZE];
    bp_pack_t pack;

    bp_set_buffer(&pack, buffer, BUFFER_SIZE);

    // Packing
    bp_create_container(&pack, BP_MAP);
        bp_put_string(&pack,  "foo");
        bp_put_integer(&pack, 123);
        bp_put_string(&pack,  "bar");
        bp_put_float(&pack,   456.789f);
        bp_put_string(&pack,  "baz");
        bp_put_boolean(&pack, true);
        bp_put_string(&pack,  "qux");
        bp_put_string(&pack, "hello!");

    // Back to the start of the buffer
    bp_set_offset(&pack, 0);

    // Unpacking
    if(bp_next(&pack) && bp_is_map(&pack) && bp_open(&pack)) {
        while(bp_next(&pack)) {
            if(bp_match(&pack, "foo"))
                foo = bp_get_integer(&pack);
            else if(bp_match(&pack, "bar"))
                bar = bp_get_float(&pack);
            else if(bp_match(&pack, "baz"))
                baz = bp_get_boolean(&pack);
            else if(bp_match(&pack, "qux"))
                bp_get_string(&pack, qux, sizeof(qux) / sizeof(bp_type_t));

        printf("foo: %i, bar: %f, baz: %s, qux: %s\n", foo, bar, baz ? "true" : "false", qux);


Add the file to your project.

import bigpacks

data = {
    "foo": 123,
    "bar": 456.789,
    "baz": True,
    "qux": "hello!"

packed = bigpacks.pack(data)
(unpacked, remainder) = bigpacks.unpack(packed)



Add the file bigpacks.mjs to your project.

import BigPacks from "./bigpacks.mjs";

let length = 0;
let unpacked;
let buffer = new ArrayBuffer(256);
let data = {
    "foo": 123,
    "bar": 456.789,
    "baz": true,
    "qux": "hello!"

length = BigPacks.pack(buffer, 0, data);
[ unpacked, length ] = BigPacks.unpack(buffer, 0);


To Do

  • Add examples on how to use postman with Javascript and with ESP-IDF.


BigPacks is a data serialization format designed for 32-bit microcontrollers. It aims at being minimal and fast, without obsessing over achieving the smallest possible binary representation.








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