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Florian Maurer edited this page Jan 5, 2024 · 7 revisions

There are various packages for Gluon that have been developed in the communities and never made it into the core of Gluon, because they were too special, lacked code quality requirements or didn't conform to the maintainers' understanding of what Gluon is and should be.

Here, we want to compile a list of some packages that may be of use to others but their developers. Please note that these packages may have security issues, missing internationalization and references to their community of origin.

  • Channel survey: Scan for neighbouring WiFi cells and report a histogram of channels via Alfred. (Example data)
    • Tested on: 2015.1
    • Community: Bremen
  • WiFi aliases: Define more than one ESSID for the client network.
    • Tested on: ????
    • Community: Fulda

Please expand this list with your own package developments if you think they might be useful to others! But please only include packages that can be built with "vanilla" Gluon, no patched Gluon trees and no dependencies on those.

Main Community Packages Repository

To reduce the amount of different used package versions out in the wild, a centralized community-packages repository has been established and is found here.

This repository is generally better maintained and allows to work together on the same version, allowing for easier contributions.

Community repositories

While not every community has its own package repository and not every package in it is useful for other communities, if you are looking for a functionality that is not provided by Gluon core or the packages above, maybe you will find something in those repositories:

Again, please add your own community package repository, no matter if it currently contains packages that you consider useful for anybody else.

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