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Kean License: MIT codebeat badge

A Discord bot, providing various features to users. Uses Discord.js.

REMEMBER: Until now, there is no permission checking implemented. Support is going to be added soon.


This bot has the following commands available:

$$announce - Write a message to every channel on the server.
$$eval - Execute JS Code in Discord.
$$help - Get a neat little help page.
$$ping - Ping the bot. Used for testing purposes.
$$stats - Display stats about the bot.
$$userinfo - Get info about yourself.
$$vote - Create a vote.

Additionally, there are also the following features:

Displays a Hello message when a new user joins.

How to use

  1. Download source files.
  2. Create a new file called Token.json in the /config folder. The file path should now be /config/Token.json.
  3. Drop this code in there:
    "token": "YOUR-BOT-TOKEN"
  1. Replace YOUR-BOT-TOKEN with your application token. You can create a application here.
  2. Download node.js.
  3. Open the node.js Command Shell and navigate to the project folder.
  4. Enter the command node index.js.


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Contributors 4
