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Repository files navigation

pyMarkdownSplitter (Version: 0.5)

Latest changes


  • Link to the next/first chapter in index file
  • Empty line between links in index file to avoid links in same line
  • Don't create new section for # in code blocks



  • Removed leading http:// in local to global link conversion
  • Previous and next chapter Links on bottom of each page
  • Inputfile and Outputdir are now required arguments (they were before, but I've never checked ;-))


  • Remove non valid filename characters (e.g. ',', ';', '/').

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python -i <inputfile> -o <outputdir> [-nt NAVIGATION_TEMPLATE]

Navigation template example

By default pyMarkdownSplitter generates a navigation like this:

[&larr; Previous Section](find-and-query.html) | [Next Section &rarr;](entity-adapter-and-descriptor.html)

Leads to: ← Previous Section | Next Section →

If you want to use a custom template, you can create a template file using the following markers:

Marker Description
#pymarkdown-previous-start# Marks the start of the previous link part
#pymarkdown-previous-end# Marks the end of the previous link part
#pymarkdown-previous-link# Placeholder for the previous link. Will be replaced with the corresponding html file.
#pymarkdown-next-start# Marks the start of the next link part
#pymarkdown-next-end# Marks the end of the next link part
#pymarkdown-next-link# Placeholder for the next link. Will be replaced with the corresponding html file.
#pymarkdown-separator-start# Marks the start of the separator i.e. the part between next and previous. Is only created if next AND previous link are generated.
#pymarkdown-separator-end# Marks the end of the separator.

Default template

#pymarkdown-previous-start#[&larr; Previous Section](#pymarkdown-previous-link#)#pymarkdown-previous-end##pymarkdown-separator-start# | #pymarkdown-separator-end##pymarkdown-next-start#[Next Section &rarr;](#pymarkdown-next-link#)#pymarkdown-next-end#

Example HTML template (see templates/html_navigation.template)

<div class="subpage-navigation"><p>#pymarkdown-previous-start#<a id="prev" href="#pymarkdown-previous-link#"> Prev.</a>#pymarkdown-previous-end##pymarkdown-separator-start# | #pymarkdown-separator-end##pymarkdown-next-start#<a id="next" href="#pymarkdown-next-link#">Next </a>#pymarkdown-next-end#</p></div>

How it works

pyMarkdownSplitter reads the inputfile and searches for top-level headers (# aka H1). For every top-level header a separate section file is created, using the header title as a filename. (The header is converted to lowercase and whitespaces are replaced by dashes (-).

If a [link description](link reference) to a top-level heading is found, it is replaced by link pointing to the new md file, ending with .html.


Using the following Markdown file as an input

% Manual

# Find and Query

Here is a [first link](#insert-and-update) and another link [second link](#blub-and-update)

Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet, consetetur sadipscing elitr, sed diam

Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet, consetetur sadipscing elitr, sed diam

## Query
Some text in a subsection

# Insert and Update

Usually refers to a single entity. 

## Insert

Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet, consetetur sadipscing elitr, sed diam

creates three new files: - Index file

% Manual

[Find and Query](http://find-and-query.html)
[Insert and Update](http://insert-and-update.html) - for the first section

% Find and Query

Here is a [first link](http://insert-and-update.html) and another link [second link](http://blub-and-update.html)

Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet, consetetur sadipscing elitr, sed diam

Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet, consetetur sadipscing elitr, sed diam

## Query
Some text in a subsection - for the second section

% Insert and Update

Usually refers to a single entity. 

## Insert

Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet, consetetur sadipscing elitr, sed diam


Splits a markdown file in seperate sub-section files








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