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Mars - Fugerit DAOGEN A.P.I. (fj-daogen)

Framework for generating model and persistence A.P.I. Provides tools for dumping configuration from relational database. A quickstart is available too.

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Useful resources : github pages documentation | project home page | docgen home | release notes | Doagen Maven Plugin Site

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About javadoc
Javadoc are far from being complete, but you can find latest version at
Note that, being an open source project hosted on maven central, you can find release javadoc on

Description This project provides code generation API, especially for persistence (DAO). But can be used to generate other item too. There are two basic feature supplied by the library :

  1. DAO Configuration dump, this is optional, it provides a configuration dump for the 'DAO Generation' feature.
  2. DAO Generation, this is the main feature, it generates various items based on a configuration file, named 'daogen-config.xml' (see a sample daogen-config-xml)

configuration entry point

fj-daogen-base the core module

This modules contains core functionalities of the library : 'DAO Configuration dump' and 'DAO Generation'

Maven Central javadoc

fj-daogen-maven-plugin a maven plugin for the fj-daogen-base functionalities

This plugin contains simple mojos for handling dao generation and dao configuration dump. ù

Maven Central javadoc

This projects can be used as a demo for the main features (dao generation and configuration dump) of the other modules.

Maven Central javadoc

fj-daogen-tool tool wrapper

Simple tool wrapper for dao generation and configuration dump features.

Maven Central javadoc