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visual-studio-code-oss PKGBUILD

Figure 1: My visual-studio-code-oss PKGBUILD being syntax-highlighted by this package and language-unix-shell and with the dark-bint-syntax theme enabled.

This package is essentially the Arch Linux equivalent to the language-gentoo package of Nicolas Laurent. It provides Atom commands for running a variety of different PKGBUILD commands. It previously provided syntax-highlighting for PKGBUILDs (with the help of the language-unix-shell package) although as of v0.3.0 this feature is now entirely provided by language-unix-shell.

Table of Contents


Beware that you will need to have the following Linux packages installed in order for this package to have its full functionalities:

  • git
  • namcap
  • pacman — which, of course, means you should be operating on Arch Linux or another platform that uses the pacman package manager.

It also requires the language-unix-shell package to be installed, if you have only the language-shellscript package installed (which comes bundled with Atom) you may find some of its syntax-highlighting features will be missing. I would also recommend you install the dark-bint-syntax theme, as it complements its syntax-highlighting.


To install all the Linux dependencies of this package (i.e., those installed using your Linux package manager, which should be pacman), along with its Atom dependencies/optional dependencies run (as standard non-root user):

sudo pacman -S namcap --noconfirm
apm install language-unix-shell language-archlinux dark-bint-syntax --no-confirm

this is assuming, of course, that Atom is already installed. language-unix-shell does conflict with the core package, language-shellscript, so to use it I recommend adding:

    disabledPackages: [

to your config.cson file. If you do not already have Atom installed on your Arch Linux machine, you can install Atom, these pacman dependencies and these packages via running (assuming, of course, that yaourt is installed):

yaourt -S atom-editor-arch --noconfirm

Alternatively you can install atom-bleeding from my pkgbuild-current repository, along with additional Atom packages/themes I recommend, by running:

/bin/bash -c "$(curl -sL"


This package provides the following Atom commands (each can be accessed via the command pallette, which is opened by pressing Ctrl+Shift+P):

  • pkgbuild:aurup (default keyboard shortcut: F7) — runs updpkgsums and mksrcinfo to make the local repository copy suitable for committing, then it sends (via git) your changes to the AUR.
  • pkgbuild:docs (default keyboard shortcut: F6) — opens the PKGBUILD article at the ArchWiki.
  • pkgbuild:makepkg (default keyboard shortcut: F5) — builds a package using the PKGBUILD presently opened. If dependencies (including build dependencies) are missing it will fail, as it does not have the necessary root permissions to install missing dependencies.
  • pkgbuild:mksrcinfo (shortcut: F10) — generates a .SRCINFO file from the presently-opened PKGBUILD.
  • pkgbuild:namcap (shortcut: F8) — runs namcap on the PKGBUILD (not on any built packages) to check for any errors.
  • pkgbuild:newpkg (shortcut: F4) — runs git clone ssh+git://<PACKAGE> <DIRECTORY>/<PACKAGE> where <DIRECTORY> is the current working directory and <PACKAGE> is an input provided by the user in the command pallette box that pops up. This command requires that you have a registered SSH key (that is, added to your AUR account) for the AUR that has been authenticated on your current system. For further information please refer to The ArchWiki. If the package in question is not present in the AUR, it will create a blank AUR based on a template similar to the snippet provided by this package. This template's header is filled out using the user-provided username and email fields set in the configuration settings of this package. See the Configuration section for further details.
  • pkgbuild:updpkgsums (shortcut: F9) — runs updpkgsums on the PKGBUILD to update checksums listed in it.


If you intend on creating new AUR packages with this package I would recommend you set your username and email in the configuration settings of this package. To do this go to Edit→Preferences and open the packages pane. Then find (scroll down if necessary) and click the language-archlinux package's settings button. Likewise in the configuration settings you can set some of these commands to run automatically upon you saving a PKGBUILD file.


A special mention goes to @bil-elmoussaoui, @DamnedScholar, @Lee-Dohm and others for their contributions to this package. With the exception of @bil-elmoussaoui all these contributors helped me via answering my questions at Without them this package would be nowhere as mature as it is now.


This package is licensed under the GNU General Public License v3 (GPLv3), for a copy of this license see the file in the top level of this repository.