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Materialize for Hakyll

This theme is a fork of materialize-jekyll originally published by mumuxme.


  • Material Design
  • Responsive layouts
  • Support for tags and categories out of the box
  • Support for crawl bots out of the box (sitemap.xml automatically generated)


Home preview Post preview


Create a new website

Make sure you have stack installed on your computer. Run stack build to compile the website generator and then stack exec site rebuild && stac exec site watch to view your website.

Apply them to an existing website

Make sure you have stack installed on your computer. Copy the files in this repo (you probably don't need to copy the dummy pages and blog posts) and tweak site.hs and any of the other files as you wish. Run stack build to compile the website generator and then stack exec site rebuild && stac exec site watch to view your website.


Make sure you have Docker installed. A base docker image for Hakyll with all needed dependencies installed is available on Docker Hub. To create a docker container for your website run somthing like docker run -it -p 8000:8000 -w /home/materialize-hakyll -v $(pwd):/home/materialize-hakyll --name materialize-hakyll futtetennista/hakyll: and then compile the website generator and generate your site inside the newly created container.



Add a new page in the pages folder.


Each blog post must have a title and a teaser - read more about teasers in this tutorial - and can have zero or more tags and an author:

title: Carpe Diem
tags: dummy, philosophy

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