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A Go compiler using ANTLR4 as a frontend

Below is a minimal list of elements that our compiler correctly handle: specification link

  • Basic arithmetic and comparison operations (+, *, <, ==, etc).
  • Assignment statements.
  • Execution of sequential code blocks.
  • A choice structure (if-else) and the loop structure (for).
  • Declaration and manipulation of basic types such as int, float, string, and bool.
  • Declaration and manipulation of a composite type (slices).
  • Correct declaration and execution of function calls with a fixed number of parameters.
  • Type system that handles all permitted types appropriately.
  • Basic IO operations on stdin and stdout.

How to Run

To build the project, simply execute the following command:


To perform lexical, syntactic, and semantic validation of a specific test and generate its wat code, execute the following command:

make run FILE=<file_path>

In the case of our tests, the file path is ../tests/<file_name>.go

To generate the WebAssembly code in readable S form, execute the following command:

make exec FILE=<file_path>

In the case of our tests, the file path is ../wat/<file_name>.go

However, to generate the wat code in the "wat" folder from the Go code, execute the following command:

make build-wat FILE=../tests/in_OK/test_wasm_1.go

Please note that some file paths and commands may need adjustment depending on your specific project setup.