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SwiftExtensions - Robust, Reusable & Secure utilities

This library provides helpful utilities, like IO operations on the local disk, with encryption layer for security. It also provides a convenice Prefs class for storing Key-Value pairs easily and safely with the same encryption layer.


SwiftExtensions is a Swift Package.

Use the swift package manager to install SwiftExtensions on your project. Apple Developer Guide


Convenience Read & Write operations with an encryption layer from CryptoExtensions.

For easy, safe & scalable storage architecture, the Filer class gives you the ability to read & write files while keeping them extra secure in the file system.

  • IO (Read/Write) operations are synchronous, for more control and easier error handling.
  • You are are required to use the Filename or Folder structs to state your desired files/folders. best used with extension like so:
extension Filename {
	static let myFile1 = Filename(value: "name1InFiler")
	static let myFile2 = Filename(value: "name2InFiler")

let data = Data("Bubu is the king".utf8)
do {
	try Filer.write(data: data, to: .myFile1) //encrypts & write to file
	let sameData = try .myFile1) //reads & decrypts

	print(String(decoding: sameData, as: UTF8.self)) //"Bubu is the king"

	try Filer.delete(file: .myFile1)
} catch {
	//Handle errors


when instantiating Filename or Folder you can (and probably should) use obfusctated names, for exmaple: use "--" insated of "".

Storage Customizations

You are able to change some values in the library.

Filer.rootURL: defaults to the documents url of the app, it can change for example to an AppGroup url:

Filer.rootURL = FileManager.default.containerURL(forSecurityApplicationGroupIdentifier: "")

Filer.encryptor: controls the underlining SimpleEncryptor that handles cryptographics: (requires CryptoExtensions)

Filer.encryptor = SimpleEncryptor(strategy: .gcm)

Prefs - Secure Key-Value pairs in storage.

Insapired after iOS's UserDefaults & Android's SharedPreferences, The Prefs class enables you to manage Key-Value pairs easily and securely using the encryption layer from CryptoExtensions, also comes with a caching logic for fast & non blocking read/writes operation in memory.

You can either use the Standard instance, which is also using an obfuscated filename, or create your own instances for multiple files, like so:

let standardPrefs = Prefs.standard //the built-in standard instance 

let myPrefs = Prefs(file: .myFile1) //new instance using the Filename struct

You can put values:

extension PrefKey {
	static let name = PrefKey(value: "obfuscatedKey") //value should be obfuscated

let myPrefs.edit() //start editing
	.put(key: .name, "Bubu") //using the static constant '.name'
	.commit() //save your changes in memory & lcoal storage

And you can read them:

if let name = myPrefs.string(key: .name) {
	print("\(name), is the king")

Observing changes with Combine Framework

let cancelable1 = myPrefs.publisher
	.sink { prefs in print("prefs changed") } //prints "prefs changed" whenever we commit changes.

//Detecting changes on a key 
let cancelable2 = prefs.publisher
	.compactMap { $0.string(key: .name) }
	.sink { print("name changed to: \($0)") }

Prefs.publisher will fire events when the prefs instance has committed non-empty commits.

PrefsValue - Wrapped property for SwfitUI.

Wrapping a variable with @PrefsValue allows to manage a single value transparently in the prefs

extension PrefKey {
	static let displayName = PrefKey(value: "someObfuscatedKey")

struct ContentView: View {
	@PrefsValue(key: .displayName) var displayName: String = ""

	var body: some View {...}

Views will re-render when a @PrefsValue changes


awesome encryption & decryption APIs, including:

  • SimpleEncryptor class, great for convenience crypto operations (data and/or big files), using keychain to store keys.
  • AES/CBC implementation in Swift, on top of "Common Crypto" implementation.
  • useful "crypto" extension methods.

SimpleEncryptor example (with CBC)

let data = Data("I am Groot!".utf8)
let encryptor = SimpleEncryptor(strategy: .cbc(iv: Data(...)))

do {
	let encrypted = try encryptor.encrypt(data) 
	let decrypted = try encryptor.decrypt(encrypted)

	print(String(decoding: decrypted, as: UTF8.self)) //"I am Groot!"
} catch {
	//handle cryptographic errors

Basic CBC cryptographic example:

let data: Data = ... //some data to encrypt
let iv: Data = ... //an initial verctor
let key: SymmetricKey = ... //encryption key

do {
	let encrypted = try AES.CBC.encrypt(data, using: key, iv: iv)
	let decrypted = try AES.CBC.decrypt(encrypted, using: key, iv: iv)
} catch {
	//handle cryptographic errors


lots of convenince utility functions

JSON Encoding & Decoding with Codable protocol

struct MyType: Codable { 

let data = MyType(...).json() //convert to JSON encoded data

do {
	let instance: MyType = try .from(json: data) //convert back to your type
} catch { ... }

Asynchronous block

post {
	//run in the main thread

async {
	//run in a background thread

URLRequest builder

let req = URLRequest(url: "https://your.end.point")
	.set(method: .POST) //OR .GET, .PUT, .DELETE, .PATCH
	.set(contentType: .json) //OR .xml, .urlEncoded etc.
	.set(body: "some String or Data")

Another example:

let dict = ["title": "Bubu is the king", "message": "I am Groot"]

let req = URLRequest(url: "https://your.end.point")
	.set(method: .PUT)
	.set(contentType: .json)
	.set(body: dict.json()) //allows encodable values


let helloWorld = "helloWorld".localized //provided you have "helloWorld" key in Localizable.strings files"

print(helloWorld) //will automatically use the wanted localization

UIKit Navigation

extension ControllerID {
	static let myCtrl = ControllerID(value: "myCTRL") //make sure to have "myCTRL" identifier in Storyboard

viewController.push(to: .myCtrl)

//OR with `config` block
viewController.present(.myCtrl) { (vc: MyViewController) in 
	//do any configuration before presenting "myCTRL", for example: settting instance variables

JsonObject & JsonArray - dynamic JSON structs

Conveniece structs for working with dynamic JSON.

//new JSON example
let json = JsonObject()
	.with(key: "name", value: "Bubu")
	.with(key: "age", value: 10)
do {
	let data: Data = try
} catch {
	//handle encoding error
//receiving JSON as `Data` from an API

do {
	let json = try JsonObject(data: dataFromApi) //given data from API

	if let name = json.string(key: "name"), 
		let age = "age") {
		print("name: \(name), age: \(age)")
} catch {
	//handle decoding error


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