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GeoStyler CLI

A command line interface for GeoStyler to convert between various formats for styling of geographic data.


npx geostyler-cli --output new-qgis-style.qml my-existing.sld


Requires Node.js and npx or npm, both usually come with Node.js.

Usage without installation ⚡

npx geostyler-cli -s sld -t qgis -o output.qml input.sld

Global installation

Installation 💾


npm install -g geostyler-cli

You can then use the new geostyler command, e.g.:

geostyler -s sld -t qgis -o output.qml input.sld

To process a folder of files:

geostyler -s sld -t qgis -o /outputdir /inputdir

Update 🚀

npm update -g geostyler-cli

Uninstalling 😔

npm uninstall -g geostyler-cli


On a single file:

geostyler [options] -o /path/to/output.ext /path/to/input.ext

On a directory:

geostyler [options] -t qgis -o /path/to/output /path/to/input/


  • -h / --help Display the help and exit.
  • -o / --output Output filename or directory. Required. [string]
  • -s / --source Source parser, either mapbox, mapfile or map, sld (for SLD 1.0), se (for SLD 1.1), qgis or qml. If not given, it will be guessed from the extension of the input file. Mandatory if the the target is a directory.
  • -t / --target Target parser, either mapbox, sld (for SLD 1.0), se (for SLD 1.1), qgis or qml. If not given, it will be guessed from the extension of the output file. Mandatory if the the target is a directory. Mapfiles are currently not supported as target.
  • -v / --version Display the version of the program.


In your clone of the repo, in the root directory:

npm install   # get dependencies
npm run build # build from possibly changed source
# now you can call your build like this:
npm start -- -s sld -t qgis -o output.qml testdata/point_simplepoint.sld

Funding & financial sponsorship

Maintenance and further development of this code can be funded through the GeoStyler Open Collective. All contributions and expenses can transparently be reviewed by anyone; you see what we use the donated money for. Thank you for any financial support you give the GeoStyler project 💞