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Zaku, a fast Task Queue for ML Workloads

To get a quick overview of what you can do with zaku, check out the following:

  • take a look at the basic tutorial or the tutorial for robotics:
  • or try to take a look at the example gallery here

Install zaku --- the latest version is {VERSION} on pypi.

pip install -U 'zaku[all]=={VERSION}'

Setting Up Zaku Server

The server script is installed as the command zaku. First, take a look at its options by running

zaku -h

This should show you the documents on all of the arguments. Now, to setup a zaku task queue server, run the following: This enables access from other than localhost.

zaku --host --port 9000

Adding Jobs:

Supposed you have a TaskServer running at localhost:9000.

from zaku import TaskQ

queue = TaskQ(name="my-test-queue", uri="http://localhost:9000")

for i in range(100):
    queue.add_job({"job_id": i, "seed": i * 100})

Retrieving Jobs:

from zaku import TaskQ

queue = TaskQ(name="my-test-queue", uri="http://localhost:9000")

job_id, job = queue.take()

Now, after you have finished the job, you need to mark the job for completion. The way we do so is by calling


Sometimes when you worker responsible for completeing the job encounters a failure, you need to also put the job back into the queue so that other workers can retry. You can do so by calling


Now, we offer a context manager TaskQ.pop, which automatically catches exceptions and resets the job (or marks it complete).

from zaku import TaskQ

queue = TaskQ(name="my-test-queue", uri="http://localhost:9000")

with queue.pop() as job:
  if job is None:
    print("No job available")
  print("Retrieved job:", job)

Developing Zaku (Optional)

If you want to develop zaku, you can install it in editable mode plus dependencies relevant for building the documentations:

cd zaku
pip install -e '.[dev]'

To build the documentations, run

make docs

Running the tests (specs)

To run the tests in the spec folder, first start a zaku task queue server at local port 9000, with a redis-stack-server in the backing.

  1. run the redis-stack-server:
  2. run the zaku task queue at port 9000:
    zaku --port 9000 --verbose

Now you can run the tests by running


In pycharm, you should see the following: