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Pull requests that update a dependency file
Pull requests that update Javascript code
Pull requests that update Python code
status: blocked by
status: blocked by
This issue is blocked by another issue
status: blocking
status: blocking
This issue is blocking other issues
status: duplicate
status: duplicate
This issue or pull request already exists
status: help wanted
status: help wanted
Extra attention is needed
status: invalid
status: invalid
This issue isn't valid anymore
status: wontfix
status: wontfix
This will not be worked on
type: bug
type: bug
Something isn't working
type: critical
type: critical
Somethings really serious isn't working
type: feature
type: feature
New feature or request
type: question
type: question
Further information is requested
type: refactor
type: refactor
Ensure Code quality and reusablility
type: requirements/docs
type: requirements/docs
Requires discussion of requirements or documentation
type: ui/ux/graphic design
type: ui/ux/graphic design
UI/UX improvements and branding/graphic design for the app