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1308 lines (1017 loc) · 27.1 KB

File metadata and controls

1308 lines (1017 loc) · 27.1 KB
The Ctx struct represents the Context which hold the HTTP request and response. It has methods for the request query string, parameters, body, HTTP headers and so on.

🧠 Context


Checks, if the specified extensions or content types are acceptable.

{% hint style="info" %} Based on the request’s Accept HTTP header. {% endhint %}

{% code title="Signature" %}

c.Accepts(types ...string)                 string
c.AcceptsCharsets(charsets ...string)      string
c.AcceptsEncodings(encodings ...string)    string
c.AcceptsLanguages(langs ...string)        string

{% endcode %}

{% code title="Example" %}

// Accept: text/*, application/json

app.Get("/", func(c *fiber.Ctx) {
  c.Accepts("html")             // "html"
  c.Accepts("text/html")        // "text/html"
  c.Accepts("json", "text")     // "json"
  c.Accepts("application/json") // "application/json"
  c.Accepts("image/png")        // ""
  c.Accepts("png")              // ""

{% endcode %}

Fiber provides similar functions for the other accept headers.

// Accept-Charset: utf-8, iso-8859-1;q=0.2
// Accept-Encoding: gzip, compress;q=0.2
// Accept-Language: en;q=0.8, nl, ru

app.Get("/", func(c *fiber.Ctx) {
  c.AcceptsCharsets("utf-16", "iso-8859-1") 
  // "iso-8859-1"

  c.AcceptsEncodings("compress", "br") 
  // "compress"

  c.AcceptsLanguages("pt", "nl", "ru") 
  // "nl"


Appends the specified value to the HTTP response header field.

{% hint style="warning" %} If the header is not already set, it creates the header with the specified value. {% endhint %}

{% code title="Signature" %}

c.Append(field, values ...string)

{% endcode %}

{% code title="Example" %}

app.Get("/", func(c *fiber.Ctx) {
  c.Append("Link", "", "http://localhost")
  // => Link: http://localhost,

  c.Append("Link", "Test")
  // => Link: http://localhost,, Test

{% endcode %}


Sets the HTTP response Content-Disposition header field to attachment.

{% code title="Signature" %}

c.Attachment(file ...string)

{% endcode %}

{% code title="Example" %}

app.Get("/", func(c *fiber.Ctx) {
  // => Content-Disposition: attachment

  // => Content-Disposition: attachment; filename="logo.png"
  // => Content-Type: image/png

{% endcode %}


Returns base URL (protocol + host) as a string.

{% code title="Signature" %}

c.BaseURL() string

{% endcode %}

{% code title="Example" %}

// GET

app.Get("/", func(c *fiber.Ctx) {
  c.BaseURL() //

{% endcode %}


Contains the raw body submitted in a POST request.

{% code title="Signature" %}

c.Body() string

{% endcode %}

{% code title="Example" %}

// curl -X POST http://localhost:8080 -d user=john

app.Post("/", func(c *fiber.Ctx) {
  // Get raw body from POST request:
  c.Body() // user=john

{% endcode %}


Binds the request body to a struct. BodyParser supports decoding query parameters and the following content types based on the Content-Type header:

  • application/json
  • application/xml
  • application/x-www-form-urlencoded
  • multipart/form-data

{% code title="Signature" %}

c.BodyParser(out interface{}) error

{% endcode %}

{% code title="Example" %}

// Field names should start with an uppercase letter
type Person struct {
    Name string `json:"name" xml:"name" form:"name" query:"name"`
    Pass string `json:"pass" xml:"pass" form:"pass" query:"pass"`

app.Post("/", func(c *fiber.Ctx) {
        p := new(Person)

        if err := c.BodyParser(p); err != nil {

        log.Println(p.Name) // john
        log.Println(p.Pass) // doe
// Run tests with the following curl commands

// curl -X POST -H "Content-Type: application/json" --data "{\"name\":\"john\",\"pass\":\"doe\"}" localhost:3000

// curl -X POST -H "Content-Type: application/xml" --data "<login><name>john</name><pass>doe</pass></login>" localhost:3000

// curl -X POST -H "Content-Type: application/x-www-form-urlencoded" --data "name=john&pass=doe" localhost:3000

// curl -X POST -F name=john -F pass=doe http://localhost:3000

// curl -X POST "http://localhost:3000/?name=john&pass=doe"

{% endcode %}


Expire a client cookie (or all cookies if left empty)

{% code title="Signature" %}

c.ClearCookie(key ...string)

{% endcode %}

{% code title="Example" %}

app.Get("/", func(c *fiber.Ctx) {
  // Clears all cookies:

  // Expire specific cookie by name:

  // Expire multiple cookies by names:
  c.ClearCookie("token", "session", "track_id", "version")

{% endcode %}


Set cookie


type Cookie struct {
    Name        string
    Value       string
    Path        string
    Domain      string
    MaxAge      int
    Expires     time.Time
    Secure      bool
    HTTPOnly    bool
    SameSite    string // lax, strict, none

{% code title="Example" %}

app.Get("/", func(c *fiber.Ctx) {
  // Create cookie
  cookie := new(fiber.Cookie)
  cookie.Name = "john"
  cookie.Value = "doe"
  cookie.Expires = time.Now().Add(24 * time.Hour)

  // Set cookie

{% endcode %}


Get cookie value by key.


c.Cookies(key string) string

{% code title="Example" %}

app.Get("/", func(c *fiber.Ctx) {
  // Get cookie by key:
  c.Cookies("name") // "john"

{% endcode %}


Transfers the file from path as an attachment.

Typically, browsers will prompt the user for download. By default, the Content-Disposition header filename= parameter is the filepath (this typically appears in the browser dialog).

Override this default with the filename parameter.

{% code title="Signature" %}

c.Download(path, filename ...string)

{% endcode %}

{% code title="Example" %}

app.Get("/", func(c *fiber.Ctx) {
  // => Download report-12345.pdf

  c.Download("./files/report-12345.pdf", "report.pdf")
  // => Download report.pdf

{% endcode %}


You can still access and use all Fasthttp methods and properties.


{% hint style="info" %} Please read the Fasthttp Documentation for more information. {% endhint %}


app.Get("/", func(c *fiber.Ctx) {
  // => []byte("GET")

  c.Fasthttp.Response.Write([]byte("Hello, World!"))
  // => "Hello, World!"


This contains the error information that thrown by a panic or passed via the Next(err) method.

{% code title="Signature" %}

c.Error() error

{% endcode %}

{% code title="Example" %}

func main() {
  app := fiber.New()
  app.Post("/api/register", func (c *fiber.Ctx) {
    if err := c.JSON(&User); err != nil {
  app.Get("/api/user", func (c *fiber.Ctx) {
    if err := c.JSON(&User); err != nil {
  app.Put("/api/update", func (c *fiber.Ctx) {
    if err := c.JSON(&User); err != nil {
  app.Use("/api", func(c *fiber.Ctx) {
    c.Set("Content-Type", "application/json")

{% endcode %}


Performs content-negotiation on the Accept HTTP header. It uses Accepts to select a proper format.

{% hint style="info" %} If the header is not specified or there is no proper format, text/plain is used. {% endhint %}

{% code title="Signature" %}

c.Format(body interface{})

{% endcode %}

{% code title="Example" %}

app.Get("/", func(c *fiber.Ctx) {
  // Accept: text/plain
  c.Format("Hello, World!")
  // => Hello, World!

  // Accept: text/html
  c.Format("Hello, World!")
  // => <p>Hello, World!</p>

  // Accept: application/json
  c.Format("Hello, World!")
  // => "Hello, World!"

{% endcode %}


MultipartForm files can be retrieved by name, the first file from the given key is returned.

{% code title="Signature" %}

c.FormFile(name string) (*multipart.FileHeader, error)

{% endcode %}

{% code title="Example" %}

app.Post("/", func(c *fiber.Ctx) {
  // Get first file from form field "document":
  file, err := c.FormFile("document")

  // Check for errors:
  if err == nil {
    // Save file to root directory:
    c.SaveFile(file, fmt.Sprintf("./%s", file.Filename))

{% endcode %}


Any form values can be retrieved by name, the first value from the given key is returned.

{% code title="Signature" %}

c.FormValue(name string) string

{% endcode %}

{% code title="Example" %}

app.Post("/", func(c *fiber.Ctx) {
  // Get first value from form field "name":
  // => "john" or "" if not exist

{% endcode %}


{% hint style="info" %} Not implemented yet, pull requests are welcome! {% endhint %}


Returns the HTTP request header specified by field.

{% hint style="success" %} The match is case-insensitive. {% endhint %}

{% code title="Signature" %}

c.Get(field string) string

{% endcode %}

{% code title="Example" %}

app.Get("/", func(c *fiber.Ctx) {
  c.Get("Content-Type") // "text/plain"
  c.Get("CoNtEnT-TypE") // "text/plain"
  c.Get("something")    // ""

{% endcode %}


Contains the hostname derived from the Host HTTP header.

{% code title="Signature" %}

c.Hostname() string

{% endcode %}

{% code title="Example" %}

// GET

app.Get("/", func(c *fiber.Ctx) {
  c.Hostname() // ""

{% endcode %}


Returns the remote IP address of the request.

{% code title="Signature" %}

c.IP() string

{% endcode %}

{% code title="Example" %}

app.Get("/", func(c *fiber.Ctx) {
  c.IP() // ""

{% endcode %}


Returns an array of IP addresses specified in the X-Forwarded-For request header.

{% code title="Signature" %}

c.IPs() []string

{% endcode %}

{% code title="Example" %}

// X-Forwarded-For: proxy1,, proxy3

app.Get("/", func(c *fiber.Ctx) {
  c.IPs() // ["proxy1", "", "proxy3"]

{% endcode %}


Returns the matching content type, if the incoming request’s Content-Type HTTP header field matches the MIME type specified by the type parameter.

{% hint style="info" %} If the request has no body, it returns false. {% endhint %}

{% code title="Signature" %}

c.Is(t string) bool

{% endcode %}

{% code title="Example" %}

// Content-Type: text/html; charset=utf-8

app.Get("/", func(c *fiber.Ctx) {
  c.Is("html")  // true
  c.Is(".html") // true
  c.Is("json")  // false

{% endcode %}


Converts any interface or string to JSON using Jsoniter.

{% hint style="info" %} JSON also sets the content header to application/json. {% endhint %}

{% code title="Signature" %}

c.JSON(v interface{}) error

{% endcode %}

{% code title="Example" %}

type SomeStruct struct {
  Name string
  Age  uint8

app.Get("/json", func(c *fiber.Ctx) {
  // Create data struct:
  data := SomeStruct{
    Name: "Grame",
    Age:  20,

  // => Content-Type: application/json
  // => "{"Name": "Grame", "Age": 20}"

    "name": "Grame",
    "age": 20,
  // => Content-Type: application/json
  // => "{"name": "Grame", "age": 20}"

{% endcode %}


Sends a JSON response with JSONP support. This method is identical to JSON, except that it opts-in to JSONP callback support. By default, the callback name is simply callback.

Override this by passing a named string in the method.

{% code title="Signature" %}

c.JSONP(v interface{}, callback ...string) error

{% endcode %}

{% code title="Example" %}

type SomeStruct struct {
  name string
  age  uint8

app.Get("/", func(c *fiber.Ctx) {
  // Create data struct:
  data := SomeStruct{
    name: "Grame",
    age:  20,

  // => callback({"name": "Grame", "age": 20})

  c.JSONP(data, "customFunc")
  // => customFunc({"name": "Grame", "age": 20})

{% endcode %}


Joins the links followed by the property to populate the response’s Link HTTP header field.

{% code title="Signature" %}

c.Links(link ...string)

{% endcode %}

{% code title="Example" %}

app.Get("/", func(c *fiber.Ctx) {
    "", "next",
    "", "last",
  // Link: <>; rel="next",
  //       <>; rel="last"

{% endcode %}


Method that stores string variables scoped to the request and therefore available only to the routes that match the request.

{% hint style="success" %} This is useful, if you want to pass some specific data to the next middleware. {% endhint %}

{% code title="Signature" %}

c.Locals(key string, value ...interface{}) interface{}

{% endcode %}

{% code title="Example" %}

app.Get("/", func(c *fiber.Ctx) {
  c.Locals("user", "admin")

app.Get("/admin", func(c *fiber.Ctx) {
  if c.Locals("user") == "admin" {
    c.Status(fiber.StatusOK).Send("Welcome, admin!")
  } else {
    // => 403 Forbidden

{% endcode %}


Sets the response Location HTTP header to the specified path parameter.

{% code title="Signature" %}

c.Location(path string)

{% endcode %}

{% code title="Example" %}

app.Post("/", func(c *fiber.Ctx) {

{% endcode %}


Contains a string corresponding to the HTTP method of the request: GET, POST, PUT and so on.

{% code title="Signature" %}

c.Method() string

{% endcode %}

{% code title="Example" %}

app.Post("/", func(c *fiber.Ctx) {
  c.Method() // "POST"

{% endcode %}


To access multipart form entries, you can parse the binary with MultipartForm(). This returns a map[string][]string, so given a key the value will be a string slice.

{% code title="Signature" %}

c.MultipartForm() (*multipart.Form, error)

{% endcode %}

{% code title="Example" %}

app.Post("/", func(c *fiber.Ctx) {
  // Parse the multipart form:
  if form, err := c.MultipartForm(); err == nil {
    // => *multipart.Form

    if token := form.Value["token"]; len(token) > 0 {
      // Get key value:

    // Get all files from "documents" key:
    files := form.File["documents"]
    // => []*multipart.FileHeader

    // Loop through files:
    for _, file := range files {
      fmt.Println(file.Filename, file.Size, file.Header["Content-Type"][0])
      // => "tutorial.pdf" 360641 "application/pdf"

      // Save the files to disk:
      c.SaveFile(file, fmt.Sprintf("./%s", file.Filename))

{% endcode %}


When Next is called, it executes the next method in the stack that matches the current route. You can pass an error struct within the method for custom error handling.

{% code title="Signature" %}

c.Next(err ...error)

{% endcode %}

{% code title="Example" %}

app.Get("/", func(c *fiber.Ctx) {
  fmt.Println("1st route!")

app.Get("*", func(c *fiber.Ctx) {
  fmt.Println("2nd route!")
  c.Next(fmt.Errorf("Some error"))

app.Get("/", func(c *fiber.Ctx) {
  fmt.Println(c.Error()) // => "Some error"
  fmt.Println("3rd route!")
  c.Send("Hello, World!")

{% endcode %}


Contains the original request URL.

{% code title="Signature" %}

c.OriginalURL() string

{% endcode %}

{% code title="Example" %}

// GET

app.Get("/", func(c *fiber.Ctx) {
  c.OriginalURL() // "/search?q=something"

{% endcode %}


Method can be used to get the route parameters.

{% hint style="info" %} Defaults to empty string (""), if the param doesn't exist. {% endhint %}

{% code title="Signature" %}

c.Params(param string) string

{% endcode %}

{% code title="Example" %}

// GET

app.Get("/user/:name", func(c *fiber.Ctx) {
  c.Params("name") // "fenny"

{% endcode %}


Contains the path part of the request URL.

{% code title="Signature" %}

c.Path() string

{% endcode %}

{% code title="Example" %}

// GET

app.Get("/users", func(c *fiber.Ctx) {
  c.Path() // "/users"

{% endcode %}


Contains the request protocol string: http or https for TLS requests.

{% code title="Signature" %}

c.Protocol() string

{% endcode %}

{% code title="Example" %}

// GET

app.Get("/", func(c *fiber.Ctx) {
  c.Protocol() // "http"

{% endcode %}


This property is an object containing a property for each query string parameter in the route.

{% hint style="info" %} If there is no query string, it returns an empty string. {% endhint %}

{% code title="Signature" %}

c.Query(parameter string) string

{% endcode %}

{% code title="Example" %}

// GET

app.Get("/", func(c *fiber.Ctx) {
  c.Query("order") // "desc"
  c.Query("brand") // "nike"

{% endcode %}


An struct containg the type and a slice of ranges will be returned.

{% code title="Signature" %}

c.Range(int size)

{% endcode %}

{% code title="Example" %}

// Range: bytes=500-700, 700-900
app.Get("/", func(c *fiber.Ctx) {
  b := c.Range(1000)
  if b.Type == "bytes" {
      for r := range r.Ranges {
      // [500, 700]

{% endcode %}


Redirects to the URL derived from the specified path, with specified status, a positive integer that corresponds to an HTTP status code.

{% hint style="info" %} If not specified, status defaults to 302 Found. {% endhint %}

{% code title="Signature" %}

c.Redirect(path string, status

{% endcode %}

{% code title="Example" %}

app.Get("/", func(c *fiber.Ctx) {
  c.Redirect("", 301)

{% endcode %}


Renders a template with data and sends a text/html response. By default Render uses the default Go Template engine. If you want to use another engine, please take a look at our Template middleware.

{% code title="Signature" %}

c.Render(file string, data interface{}) error

{% endcode %}


Contains the matched Route struct.

{% code title="Signature" %}

c.Route() *Route

{% endcode %}

{% code title="Example" %}

// http://localhost:8080/hello

app.Get("/hello", func(c *fiber.Ctx) {
  r := c.Route()
  fmt.Println(r.Method, r.Path, r.Params, r.Regexp, r.Handler)

app.Post("/:api?", func(c *fiber.Ctx) {
  // => {GET /hello [] nil 0x7b49e0}

{% endcode %}


Method is used to save any multipart file to disk.

{% code title="Signature" %}

c.SaveFile(fh *multipart.FileHeader, path string)

{% endcode %}

{% code title="Example" %}

app.Post("/", func(c *fiber.Ctx) {
  // Parse the multipart form:
  if form, err := c.MultipartForm(); err == nil {
    // => *multipart.Form

    // Get all files from "documents" key:
    files := form.File["documents"]
    // => []*multipart.FileHeader

    // Loop through files:
    for _, file := range files {
      fmt.Println(file.Filename, file.Size, file.Header["Content-Type"][0])
      // => "tutorial.pdf" 360641 "application/pdf"

      // Save the files to disk:
      c.SaveFile(file, fmt.Sprintf("./%s", file.Filename))

{% endcode %}


A boolean property, that is true , if a TLS connection is established.

{% code title="Signature" %}

c.Secure() bool

{% endcode %}

{% code title="Example" %}

// Secure() method is equivalent to:
c.Protocol() == "https"

{% endcode %}


Sets the HTTP response body. The Send body can be of any type.

{% hint style="warning" %} Send doesn't append like the Write method. {% endhint %}

{% code title="Signature" %}

c.Send(body ...interface{})

{% endcode %}

{% code title="Example" %}

app.Get("/", func(c *fiber.Ctx) {
  c.Send("Hello, World!")         // => "Hello, World!"
  c.Send([]byte("Hello, World!")) // => "Hello, World!"
  c.Send(123)                     // => 123

{% endcode %}

Fiber also provides SendBytes & SendString methods for raw inputs.

{% hint style="success" %} Use this, if you don't need type assertion, recommended for faster performance. {% endhint %}

{% code title="Signature" %}

c.SendBytes(b []byte)
c.SendString(s string)

{% endcode %}

{% code title="Example" %}

app.Get("/", func(c *fiber.Ctx) {
  c.SendByte([]byte("Hello, World!"))
  // => "Hello, World!"

  c.SendString("Hello, World!")
  // => "Hello, World!"

{% endcode %}


Transfers the file from the given path. Sets the Content-Type response HTTP header field based on the filenames extension.

{% hint style="warning" %} Method use gzipping by default, set it to true to disable. {% endhint %}

{% code title="Signature" %}

c.SendFile(path string, gzip ...bool)

{% endcode %}

{% code title="Example" %}

app.Get("/not-found", func(c *fiber.Ctx) {

  // Disable gzipping:
  c.SendFile("./static/index.html", true)

{% endcode %}


Sets the status code and the correct status message in the body, if the response body is empty.

{% hint style="success" %} You can find all used status codes and messages here. {% endhint %}

{% code title="Signature" %}

c.SendStatus(status int)

{% endcode %}

{% code title="Example" %}

app.Get("/not-found", func(c *fiber.Ctx) {
  // => 415 "Unsupported Media Type"

  c.Send("Hello, World!")
  // => 415 "Hello, World!"

{% endcode %}


Sets the response’s HTTP header field to the specified key, value.

{% code title="Signature" %}

c.Set(field, value string)

{% endcode %}

{% code title="Example" %}

app.Get("/", func(c *fiber.Ctx) {
  c.Set("Content-Type", "text/plain")
  // => "Content-type: text/plain"

{% endcode %}


{% hint style="info" %} Not implemented yet, pull requests are welcome! {% endhint %}


Sets the HTTP status for the response.

{% hint style="info" %} Method is a chainable. {% endhint %}

{% code title="Signature" %}

c.Status(status int)

{% endcode %}

{% code title="Example" %}

app.Get("/", func(c *fiber.Ctx) {
  c.Status(fiber.StatusBadRequest).Send("Bad Request")

{% endcode %}


An array of subdomains in the domain name of the request.

The application property subdomain offset, which defaults to 2, is used for determining the beginning of the subdomain segments.

{% code title="Signature" %}

c.Subdomains(offset []string

{% endcode %}

{% code title="Example" %}

// Host: ""

app.Get("/", func(c *fiber.Ctx) {
  c.Subdomains()  // ["ferrets", "tobi"]
  c.Subdomains(1) // ["tobi"]

{% endcode %}


Sets the Content-Type HTTP header to the MIME type listed here specified by the file extension.

{% code title="Signature" %}

c.Type(t string) string

{% endcode %}

{% code title="Example" %}

app.Get("/", func(c *fiber.Ctx) {
  c.Type(".html") // => "text/html"
  c.Type("html")  // => "text/html"
  c.Type("json")  // => "application/json"
  c.Type("png")   // => "image/png"

{% endcode %}


Adds the given header field to the Vary response header. This will append the header, if not already listed, otherwise leaves it listed in the current location.

{% hint style="info" %} Multiple fields are allowed. {% endhint %}

{% code title="Signature" %}

c.Vary(field ...string)

{% endcode %}

{% code title="Example" %}

app.Get("/", func(c *fiber.Ctx) {
  c.Vary("Origin")     // => Vary: Origin
  c.Vary("User-Agent") // => Vary: Origin, User-Agent

  // No duplicates
  c.Vary("Origin") // => Vary: Origin, User-Agent

  c.Vary("Accept-Encoding", "Accept")
  // => Vary: Origin, User-Agent, Accept-Encoding, Accept

{% endcode %}


Appends any input to the HTTP body response.

{% code title="Signature" %}

c.Write(body ...interface{})

{% endcode %}

{% code title="Example" %}

app.Get("/", func(c *fiber.Ctx) {
  c.Write("Hello, ")         // => "Hello, "
  c.Write([]byte("World! ")) // => "Hello, World! "
  c.Write(123)               // => "Hello, World! 123"

{% endcode %}


A Boolean property, that is true, if the request’s X-Requested-With header field is XMLHttpRequest, indicating that the request was issued by a client library (such as jQuery).

{% code title="Signature" %}

c.XHR() bool

{% endcode %}

{% code title="Example" %}

// X-Requested-With: XMLHttpRequest

app.Get("/", func(c *fiber.Ctx) {
  c.XHR() // true

{% endcode %}