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Merge pull request #23913 Backport "Fix incremental compilation with …
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…modules" to 7.6.1

Backport from #23119 to 7.6.1.

Also backport from #23251 to 7.6.1

Fixes #23224

Co-authored-by: Anže Sodja <>
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bot-gradle and asodja committed Feb 17, 2023
2 parents ed6d092 + 51db260 commit 952184f
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Showing 18 changed files with 398 additions and 36 deletions.
20 changes: 20 additions & 0 deletions subprojects/docs/src/docs/userguide/jvm/java_plugin.adoc
Expand Up @@ -509,6 +509,26 @@ To help you understand how incremental compilation works, the following provides
* Having a source structure that does not match the package names, while legal for compilation, might end up causing trouble in the toolchain.
Even more if annotation processing and <<build_cache.adoc#build_cache,caching>> are involved.

Additionally, Gradle might temporarily change the output location while running incremental compilation.
This might affect some annotation processors that inspect output locations or accept file paths as arguments (e.g., `-XepExcludedPaths` in Error Prone).
There are two options:

- Disable `incremental after failure` by setting link:{javadocPath}/org/gradle/api/tasks/compile/CompileOptions.html#getIncrementalAfterFailure--[`options.incrementalAfterFailure`] to `false` on the JavaCompile task.
- Keep `incremental after failure` enabled by instead passing a temporary output value to the annotation processor as a parameter so that the annotation processor is aware of the temporary path.

In the case of Error Prone, `-XepExcludedPaths` must be set. Given an existing value of `-XepExcludedPaths=.\*/build/generated/.*`, the updated value would be

The following table shows the mapping from default output location to temporary output location:

.Compiler output to temporary output location
| JavaCompile location property | Default output location | Temporary output location
| `destinationDirectory` | `build/classes/java/main` | `build/tmp/<task-name>/compileTransaction/compile-output`
| `options.generatedSourceOutputDirectory` | `build/generated/sources/annotationProcessor/java/main` | `build/tmp/<task-name>/compileTransaction/annotation-output`
| `options.headerOutputDirectory` | `build/generated/sources/headers/java/main` | `build/tmp/<task-name>/compileTransaction/header-output`

== Incremental annotation processing

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Expand Up @@ -173,6 +173,13 @@ Use `implementation.bundle(libs.bundles.testing)` instead.

For more information, see the updated <<jvm_test_suite_plugin.adoc#sec:declare_an_additional_test_suite, declare an additional test suite>> example in the JVM Test Suite Plugin section of the user guide and the link:{groovyDslPath}/org.gradle.api.artifacts.dsl.DependencyAdder.html[`DependencyAdder`] page in the DSL reference.

==== Incremental compilation temporarily changes the output location

Incremental Java and Groovy compilation may now change the compiler output location.
This might affect some annotation processors that allow users to wire some action to file paths (e.g. `-XepExcludedPaths` in Error Prone).
This behaviour can be disabled by setting `options.incrementalAfterFailure` to `false`.
Please refer to the <<java_plugin#sec:incremental_compilation_known_issues, userguide section about known incremental compilation issues>> for more details.

=== Deprecations

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Expand Up @@ -262,6 +262,7 @@ private GroovyJavaJointCompileSpec createSpec() {
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Expand Up @@ -19,6 +19,8 @@ package
import org.gradle.api.internal.cache.StringInterner
import org.gradle.api.internal.tasks.compile.incremental.recomp.PreviousCompilationAccess
import org.gradle.integtests.fixtures.CompiledLanguage
import org.gradle.util.Requires
import org.gradle.util.TestPrecondition
import spock.lang.Issue

import static org.junit.Assume.assumeFalse
Expand Down Expand Up @@ -222,6 +224,56 @@ abstract class BaseIncrementalCompilationAfterFailureIntegrationTest extends Abs

class JavaIncrementalCompilationAfterFailureIntegrationTest extends BaseIncrementalCompilationAfterFailureIntegrationTest {
CompiledLanguage language = CompiledLanguage.JAVA

def "incremental compilation after failure works with modules #description"() {
file("impl/build.gradle") << """
def layout = project.layout
tasks.compileJava {
modularity.inferModulePath = $inferModulePath
doFirst {
source "package a; import b.B; public class A {}",
"package b; public class B {}",
"package c; public class C {}"
file("src/main/${}/module-info.${}").text = """
module impl {
exports a;
exports b;
exports c;
succeeds language.compileTaskName
outputs.recompiledClasses("A", "B", "C", "module-info")

outputs.snapshot {
source "package a; import b.B; public class A { void m1() {}; }",
"package b; import a.A; public class B { A m1() { return new B(); } }"

fails language.compileTaskName

outputs.snapshot {
source "package a; import b.B; public class A { void m1() {}; }",
"package b; import a.A; public class B { A m1() { return new A(); } }"
succeeds language.compileTaskName

outputs.recompiledClasses("A", "B", "module-info")

description | inferModulePath | compileArgs | doFirst
"with inferred module-path" | "true" | "[]" | ""
"with manual module-path" | "false" | "[\"--module-path=\${classpath.join(File.pathSeparator)}\"]" | "classpath = layout.files()"

class GroovyIncrementalCompilationAfterFailureIntegrationTest extends BaseIncrementalCompilationAfterFailureIntegrationTest {
Expand Down
Expand Up @@ -20,6 +20,7 @@ package
import org.gradle.integtests.fixtures.CompiledLanguage
import org.gradle.util.Requires
import org.gradle.util.TestPrecondition
import spock.lang.Issue

abstract class CrossTaskIncrementalJavaCompilationIntegrationTest extends AbstractCrossTaskIncrementalCompilationIntegrationTest {
CompiledLanguage language = CompiledLanguage.JAVA
Expand Down Expand Up @@ -72,6 +73,103 @@ abstract class CrossTaskIncrementalJavaCompilationIntegrationTest extends Abstra
result.hasErrorOutput("package a is not visible")

def "incremental compilation works with modules #description"() {
file("impl/build.gradle") << """
def layout = project.layout
tasks.compileJava {
modularity.inferModulePath = $inferModulePath
doFirst {
source api: ["package a; public class A {}"]
file("api/src/main/${}/module-info.${}").text = """
module api {
exports a;
source impl: [
"package b; import a.A; import c.C; public class B extends A {}",
"package c; public class C {}",
"package c.d; public class D {}"
file("impl/src/main/${}/module-info.${}").text = """
module impl {
requires api;
exports b;
exports c;
exports c.d;
succeeds "impl:${language.compileTaskName}"

impl.snapshot { source api: "package a; public class A { void m1() {} }" }

succeeds "impl:${language.compileTaskName}", "--info"
impl.recompiledClasses("B", "module-info")

description | inferModulePath | compileArgs | doFirst
"with inferred module-path" | "true" | "[]" | ""
"with manual module-path" | "false" | "[\"--module-path=\${classpath.join(File.pathSeparator)}\"]" | "classpath = layout.files()"

def "incremental compilation works for multi-module project with manual module paths"() {
file("impl/build.gradle") << """
def layout = project.layout
tasks.compileJava {
modularity.inferModulePath = false
options.compilerArgs << "--module-path=\${classpath.join(File.pathSeparator)}" \
<< "--module-source-path" << file("src/main/$languageName")
doFirst {
classpath = layout.files()
source api: "package a; public class A {}"
def moduleInfo = file("api/src/main/${}/module-info.${}")
moduleInfo.text = """
module api {
exports a;
file("impl/src/main/${}/my.module.first/b/").text = "package b; import a.A; public class B extends A {}"
file("impl/src/main/${}/my.module.first/module-info.${}").text = """
module my.module.first {
requires api;
exports b;
file("impl/src/main/${}/my.module.second/c/").text = "package c; import b.B; class C extends B {}"
file("impl/src/main/${}/my.module.second/module-info.${}").text = """
module my.module.second {
requires my.module.first;
file("impl/src/main/${}/my.module.unrelated/unrelated/").text = "package unrelated; class Unrelated {}"
file("impl/src/main/${}/my.module.unrelated/module-info.${}").text = """
module my.module.unrelated {
exports unrelated;
succeeds "impl:${language.compileTaskName}"

impl.snapshot { source api: "package a; public class A { public void m1() {} }" }

succeeds "impl:${language.compileTaskName}"
// We recompile all also for unrelated modules, but we don't recompile unrelated classes
impl.recompiledFqn("my.module.first.b.B", "my.module.second.c.C", "my.module.first.module-info", "my.module.second.module-info", "my.module.unrelated.module-info")

def "recompiles when upstream module-info changes"() {
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Expand Up @@ -16,22 +16,25 @@

package org.gradle.api.internal.tasks.compile;

import org.gradle.api.internal.tasks.compile.processing.AnnotationProcessorDeclaration;
import org.gradle.api.tasks.compile.CompileOptions;

import java.util.ArrayList;
import java.util.Arrays;
import java.util.List;
import java.util.Set;

import static;

public class DefaultJavaCompileSpec extends DefaultJvmLanguageCompileSpec implements JavaCompileSpec {
private MinimalJavaCompileOptions compileOptions;
private List<File> annotationProcessorPath;
private Set<AnnotationProcessorDeclaration> effectiveAnnotationProcessors;
private Set<String> classes;
private List<File> modulePath;
private List<File> sourceRoots;
private boolean isIncrementalCompilationOfJavaModule;

public MinimalJavaCompileOptions getCompileOptions() {
Expand Down Expand Up @@ -75,17 +78,25 @@ public void setClasses(Set<String> classes) {
public List<File> getModulePath() {
if (modulePath == null || modulePath.isEmpty()) {
int i = compileOptions.getCompilerArgs().indexOf("--module-path");
if (i >= 0) {
// This is kept for backward compatibility - may be removed in the future
String[] modules = compileOptions.getCompilerArgs().get(i + 1).split(File.pathSeparator);
modulePath = Lists.newArrayListWithCapacity(modules.length);
for (String module : modules) {
modulePath.add(new File(module));
// This is kept for backward compatibility - may be removed in the future
int i = 0;
List<String> modulePaths = new ArrayList<>();
// Some arguments can also be a GString, that is why use Object.toString()
for (Object argObj : compileOptions.getCompilerArgs()) {
String arg = argObj.toString();
if ((arg.equals("--module-path") || arg.equals("-p")) && (i + 1) < compileOptions.getCompilerArgs().size()) {
Object argValue = compileOptions.getCompilerArgs().get(++i);
String[] modules = argValue.toString().split(File.pathSeparator);
} else if (arg.startsWith("--module-path=")) {
String[] modules = arg.replace("--module-path=", "").split(File.pathSeparator);
} else if (modulePath == null) {
modulePath = ImmutableList.of();
modulePath =
return modulePath;
Expand All @@ -95,6 +106,16 @@ public void setModulePath(List<File> modulePath) {
this.modulePath = modulePath;

public boolean isIncrementalCompilationOfJavaModule() {
return isIncrementalCompilationOfJavaModule;

public void setIsIncrementalCompilationOfJavaModule(boolean isIncrementalCompilationOfJavaModule) {
this.isIncrementalCompilationOfJavaModule = isIncrementalCompilationOfJavaModule;

public List<File> getSourceRoots() {
return sourceRoots;
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Expand Up @@ -47,6 +47,10 @@ public interface JavaCompileSpec extends JvmLanguageCompileSpec {

void setModulePath(List<File> modulePath);

boolean isIncrementalCompilationOfJavaModule();

void setIsIncrementalCompilationOfJavaModule(boolean isIncrementalCompilationOfJavaModule);

default boolean annotationProcessingConfigured() {
return !getAnnotationProcessorPath().isEmpty() && !getCompileOptions().getCompilerArgs().contains("-proc:none");
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import org.slf4j.Logger;
import org.slf4j.LoggerFactory;

import javax.annotation.Nullable;
import javax.inject.Inject;
import java.nio.charset.Charset;
import java.util.Iterator;
Expand Down Expand Up @@ -66,7 +68,8 @@ private JavaCompiler.CompilationTask createCompileTask(JavaCompileSpec spec, Api
StandardJavaFileManager standardFileManager = compiler.getStandardFileManager(null, null, charset);
Iterable<? extends JavaFileObject> compilationUnits = standardFileManager.getJavaFileObjectsFromFiles(spec.getSourceFiles());
boolean hasEmptySourcepaths = JavaVersion.current().isJava9Compatible() && emptySourcepathIn(options);
JavaFileManager fileManager = GradleStandardJavaFileManager.wrap(standardFileManager, DefaultClassPath.of(spec.getAnnotationProcessorPath()), hasEmptySourcepaths);
File previousClassOutput = maybeGetPreviousClassOutput(spec);
JavaFileManager fileManager = GradleStandardJavaFileManager.wrap(standardFileManager, DefaultClassPath.of(spec.getAnnotationProcessorPath()), hasEmptySourcepaths, previousClassOutput);
JavaCompiler.CompilationTask task = compiler.getTask(null, fileManager, null, options, spec.getClasses(), compilationUnits);
if (compiler instanceof IncrementalCompilationAwareJavaCompiler) {
task = ((IncrementalCompilationAwareJavaCompiler) compiler).makeIncremental(task, result.getSourceClassesMapping(), result.getConstantsAnalysisResult(), new CompilationSourceDirs(spec));
Expand All @@ -87,4 +90,12 @@ private static boolean emptySourcepathIn(List<String> options) {
return false;

private static File maybeGetPreviousClassOutput(JavaCompileSpec spec) {
if (JavaVersion.current().isJava9Compatible() && spec.isIncrementalCompilationOfJavaModule() && !spec.getDestinationDir().equals(spec.getOriginalDestinationDir())) {
return spec.getOriginalDestinationDir();
return null;

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