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Using the Kotlin language for production, test and build makes it easier for everyone to work with your software code base. Let’s go 100% Kotlin!


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Kotlin, one language to build them all!

This repository contains the applications and slides used in the talk named Kotlin, one language to build them all!.

All notable changes to this project will be documented in the Changelog .

Set up the environment

You need the following on all platforms:

Warning You need macos to write and run ios-specific code on simulated or real devices. This is an Apple requirement. On non-macos systems building ios-specific code is automatically disabled.

On macos you need:

In case of trouble you can use KDoctor.

Browser Application

Run application in a browser

./gradlew :web-app:jsBrowserRun 

Run application, rebuild on source code changes with live-reload

./gradlew :web-app:jsBrowserRun --continuous

Build "htdocs" in applications/web-app/build/distributions

./gradlew :web-app:jsBrowserProductionWebpack

Desktop Application

Run application

./gradlew :desktop-app:run

Run application, rebuild on source code changes, close the app to trigger rebuild

./gradlew :desktop-app:run --continuous

Android Application

Run the application on a device or emulator

  • Open the project in Android Studio >= Giraffe
  • Select the android-app run target and a device or emulator
  • Click the run button

Build the APK in applications/android-app/build/outputs/apk/debug

./gradlew :android-app:assembleDebug

ios Application

Run the application on a device or simulator

  • Run ./gradlew :ios-app:podInstall
  • Open applications/ios-app/iosApp/iosApp.xcworkspace in xcode
  • Select a simulator or device
  • Click the run button


Build "htdocs" in slides/build/docs/asciidocRevealJs

./gradlew :slides:asciidoctorRevealJs

Builds "htdocs" continuously, opens a browser

./gradlew :slides:asciidoctorRevealJs --continuous

Builds PDF

./gradlew :slides:exportPdf

Note that building the slides PDF requires a JVM with JavaFX bundled.


Using the Kotlin language for production, test and build makes it easier for everyone to work with your software code base. Let’s go 100% Kotlin!




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