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fix(deps): update dependencies-non-major (#1664)
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This PR contains the following updates:

| Package | Change | Age | Adoption | Passing | Confidence |
([source]( | [`3.370.0` ->
| [@clerk/nextjs](
([source]( | [`4.23.0` ->
| [@headlessui/react]( |
[`1.7.15` ->
| [@paralleldrive/cuid2]( |
[`2.2.0` ->
| [@playwright/test](
([source]( | [`1.36.1` ->
| @​radix-ui/colors | [`1.0.0` ->
| [@rive-app/canvas](
([source]( | [`1.2.1` ->
| [@rive-app/react-canvas]( |
[`3.0.54` ->
([source]( | [`7.60.0`
([source]( |
[`4.14.195` ->
([source]( |
[`18.17.0` ->
([source]( |
[`18.2.15` ->
([source]( |
[`4.11.2` ->
([source]( |
[`5.14.8` ->
| [`6.1.0` ->
| [@urql/exchange-auth](
([source]( | [`2.1.4` ->
([source]( | [`4.0.0` ->
| [dayjs](
([source]( | [`1.11.8` ->
`1.11.9`]( |
| [eslint](
([source]( | [`8.45.0` ->
`8.46.0`]( |
| [`8.8.0` ->
| [jest](
([source]( | [`29.6.1` ->
`29.6.2`]( |
| [jest-environment-jsdom]( |
[`29.6.1` ->
| [jsdom]( | [`22.0.0` ->
`22.1.0`]( |
| [marked](
([source]( | [`5.1.1` ->
`5.1.2`]( |
| [pnpm]( ([source]( |
[`8.6.10` ->
`8.6.11`]( |
([source]( | [`2.37.1` ->
| [stripe]( | [`12.14.0` ->
`12.16.0`]( |
| [turbo](
([source]( | [`1.10.9` ->
`1.10.12`]( |
| [vite](
([source]( | [`4.4.6` ->
`4.4.7`]( |


### Release Notes

<summary>aws/aws-sdk-js-v3 (@&#8203;aws-sdk/client-kms)</summary>



**Note:** Version bump only for package



**Note:** Version bump only for package



**Note:** Version bump only for package


<summary>clerkinc/javascript (@&#8203;clerk/nextjs)</summary>



##### Patch Changes

- Updated dependencies


<summary>tailwindlabs/headlessui (@&#8203;headlessui/react)</summary>



##### Fixed

- Ensure the caret is in a consistent position when syncing the
`Combobox.Input` value
- Improve "outside click" behaviour in combination with 3rd party
- Ensure IME works on Android devices
- Calculate `aria-expanded` purely based on the open/closed state
- Submit form on `Enter` even if no submit-like button was found


<summary>ericelliott/cuid2 (@&#8203;paralleldrive/cuid2)</summary>




<summary>Microsoft/playwright (@&#8203;playwright/test)</summary>



##### Highlights

- \[REGRESSION] Character classes are not working in globs in 1.36

##### Browser Versions

-   Chromium 115.0.5790.75
-   Mozilla Firefox 115.0
-   WebKit 17.0

This version was also tested against the following stable channels:

-   Google Chrome 114
-   Microsoft Edge 114


<summary>rive-app/rive-wasm (@&#8203;rive-app/canvas)</summary>








<summary>rive-app/rive-react (@&#8203;rive-app/react-canvas)</summary>



> 25 July 2023

- chore: move to manual npm publish workflow
- chore: release 3.0.57
- chore: remove dryrun from release it script



> 24 July 2023

- chore: release 3.0.56
- patch: bump rive-wasm for follow-path patch



> 19 July 2023

- chore: release 3.0.55
- feature: add onAdvance callback through wasm bump too 1.2.2


<summary>getsentry/sentry-javascript (@&#8203;sentry/nextjs)</summary>



- fix(nextjs): Match folder paths with trailing separator
- fix(replay): Ignore clicks with `shift` pressed
- fix(replay): Use `session.started` for min/max duration check





##### Bug Fixes

- **eslint-plugin:** \[member-ordering] account for repeated names
- **eslint-plugin:** \[no-unsafe-enum-comparison] exempt bit shift
- **eslint-plugin:** \[prefer-nullish-coalescing] handle case when type
of left side is null or undefined
- **eslint-plugin:** use a default export for the rules type

##### Features

- **eslint-plugin:** \[class-methods-use-this] add extension rule
- **eslint-plugin:** sync getFunctionHeadLoc implementation with

You can read about our [versioning
on our website.


<summary>urql-graphql/urql (@&#8203;urql/exchange-auth)</summary>



##### Patch Changes

- `authExchange()` will now block and pass on errors if the
initialization function passed to it fails, and will retry indefinitely.
It’ll also output a warning for these cases, as the initialization
function (i.e. `authExchange(async (utils) => { /*...*/ })`) is not
expected to reject/throw
Submitted by [@&#8203;kitten]( (See



##### Patch Changes

- Handle `refreshAuth` rejections and pass the resulting error on to
`OperationResult`s on the authentication queue
Submitted by [@&#8203;kitten]( (See





- Revert
Remove throw when refresh runtime is loaded twice to enable usage in
micro frontend apps. This was added to help fix setup usage, and this is
not worth an annoying warning for others or a config parameter.



- Fix fast-refresh for files that are transformed into jsx



- Support [Vitest
- Support using components inside web workers


<summary>iamkun/dayjs (dayjs)</summary>

### [`v1.11.9`](


##### Bug Fixes

- Add null to min and max plugin return type
- check if null passed to objectSupport parser
- dayjs.diff improve performance
- dayjs(null) throws error, not return dayjs object as invalid date
- objectSupport plugin causes an error when null is passed to dayjs
function (closes
- Optimize format method
- update Duration plugin add/subtract take into account days in month
- update MinMax plugin 1. ignore the 'null' in args 2. return the only
one arg ([#&#8203;2330](


<summary>eslint/eslint (eslint)</summary>

### [`v8.46.0`](


#### Features

feat: `require-unicode-regexp` support `v` flag
(SUZUKI Sosuke)
feat: `no-useless-escape` support `v` flag
(Yosuke Ota)
feat: `no-empty-character-class` support `v` flag
(Milos Djermanovic)
feat: deprecate no-return-await
(Carlos Lopez)
feat: `no-control-regex` support `v` flag
(Yosuke Ota)
feat: `prefer-named-capture-group` support `v` flag
(Yosuke Ota)
feat: Better error message for flat config plugins
(Nicholas C. Zakas)
feat: `no-misleading-character-class` support `v` flag
(Yosuke Ota)
feat: `no-regex-spaces` support `v` flag
(Yosuke Ota)
feat: `prefer-regex-literals` support `v` flag
(Yosuke Ota)
feat: `no-useless-backreference` support `v` flag
(Yosuke Ota)
feat: `no-invalid-regexp` support `v` flag
(Yosuke Ota)
feat: adds option for allowing empty object patterns as parameter
(Tanuj Kanti)
feat: Improve config error messages
(Nicholas C. Zakas)

#### Bug Fixes

fix: FlatESLint#getRulesMetaForResults shouldn't throw on unknown rules
(Milos Djermanovic)
fix: Update no-loop-func to not overlap with no-undef
([#&#8203;17358]( (Matt

#### Documentation

docs: update with TypeScript info
docs: File extension named processor deprecation
([#&#8203;17362]( (Matt
docs: Update README (GitHub Actions Bot)
docs: fix overlapping of `open in playground` button
(Tanuj Kanti)
docs: Add private class features info to no-underscore-dangle
([#&#8203;17386]( (Matt
docs: Migrating `eslint-env` configuration comments
(Francesco Trotta)
docs: fix Ignoring Files section in config migration guide
(Milos Djermanovic)
docs: Update README (GitHub Actions Bot)
docs: Update README (GitHub Actions Bot)
docs: Update README (GitHub Actions Bot)

#### Chores

chore: Update ecosystem dependencies
(Nicholas C. Zakas)
chore: package.json update for eslint-config-eslint release (ESLint
chore: package.json update for
[@&#8203;eslint/js]( release (ESLint
chore: Add PRs to triage project
(Nicholas C. Zakas)





- Added: \[vue/array-element-newline]. Thanks to


<summary>facebook/jest (jest)</summary>



##### Fixes

- `[jest-circus]` Fix snapshot matchers in concurrent tests when nr of
tests exceeds `maxConcurrency`
- `[@jest/core]` When running global setup and teardown, do not try to
change the `message` property of the thrown error object when the
`message` property is unwritable
- `[jest-snapshot]` Move `@types/prettier` from `dependencies` to
- `[jest-snapshot]` Throw an explicit error if Prettier v3 is used
- `[jest-reporters]` Add "skipped" and "todo" symbols to Github Actions
Reporter ([#&#8203;14309](

##### Chore & Maintenance

- `[@jest/core]` Use `pluralize` from `jest-util` rather than own
internal ([#&#8203;14322](


<summary>jsdom/jsdom (jsdom)</summary>



-   Added `crypto.randomUUID()`. (jamesbvaughan)
-   Added `DOMRect` and `DOMRectReadOnly`.
-   Added `AbortSignal.timeout()`.
-   Added `abortSignal.throwIfAborted()`.
- Added support for the `submitter` argument to the `FormData`
constructor. (jenseng)
- Improved `getComputedStyle()`'s results for color-based properties, to
resolve named colors and attempt to provide initial inheritance support.
- Updated `Window`'s event handler properties (e.g. `oncopy`,
`ontouchstart`, etc.) to reflect the latest list from the standard.
- Fixed `DOMParser`-created documents to inherit their URL from the
creating document.


<summary>markedjs/marked (marked)</summary>

### [`v5.1.2`](


##### Bug Fixes

- Add support for Node 16


<summary>pnpm/pnpm (pnpm)</summary>

### [`v8.6.11`](


##### Patch Changes

- Change the install error message when a lockfile is wanted but absent
to indicate the wanted lockfile is absent, not present. This now
reflects the actual error
- When dealing with a local dependency that is a path to a symlink, a
new symlink should be created to the original symlink, not to the actual
directory location.
- The length of the temporary file names in the content-addressable
store reduced in order to prevent `ENAMETOOLONG` errors from happening
-   Don't print "added" stats, when installing with `--lockfile-only`.
- Installation of a git-hosted dependency should not fail if the
`pnpm-lock.yaml` file of the installed dependency is not up-to-date
- Don't ignore empty strings in params
- Always set `dedupe-peer-dependents` to `false`, when running
installation during deploy
- When several containers use the same store simultaneously, there's a
chance that multiple containers may create a temporary file at the same
time. In such scenarios, pnpm could fail to rename the temporary file in
one of the containers. This issue has been addressed: pnpm will no
longer fail if the temporary file is absent but the destination file
- Authorization token should be found in the configuration, when the
requested URL is explicitly specified with a default port (443 on HTTPS
or 80 on HTTP) [#&#8203;6863](

##### Our Gold Sponsors

      <td align="center" valign="middle">
<a href=""
target="_blank"><img src=""
      <td align="center" valign="middle">
<a href=""
<source media="(prefers-color-scheme: light)"
srcset="" />
<source media="(prefers-color-scheme: dark)"
srcset="" />
            <img src="" width="180" />
      <td align="center" valign="middle">
<a href=""
<source media="(prefers-color-scheme: light)"
srcset="" />
<source media="(prefers-color-scheme: dark)"
srcset="" />
<img src="" width="180" />
      <td align="center" valign="middle">
<a href="" target="_blank"><img
src="" width="240"></a>

##### Our Silver Sponsors

      <td align="center" valign="middle">
          <img src="" width="80">
      <td align="center" valign="middle">
<a href=""
<source media="(prefers-color-scheme: light)"
srcset="" />
<source media="(prefers-color-scheme: dark)"
srcset="" />
<img src="" width="180" />
      <td align="center" valign="middle">
<a href=""
<source media="(prefers-color-scheme: light)"
srcset="" />
<source media="(prefers-color-scheme: dark)"
srcset="" />
<img src="" width="200" />
      <td align="center" valign="middle">
<a href=""
<source media="(prefers-color-scheme: light)"
srcset="" />
<source media="(prefers-color-scheme: dark)"
srcset="" />
<img src="" width="200" />
      <td align="center" valign="middle">
<source media="(prefers-color-scheme: light)"
srcset="" />
<source media="(prefers-color-scheme: dark)"
srcset="" />
<img src="" width="200" />
      <td align="center" valign="middle">
<a href=""
<source media="(prefers-color-scheme: light)"
srcset="" />
<source media="(prefers-color-scheme: dark)"
srcset="" />
<img src="" width="200" />


<summary>rudderlabs/rudder-sdk-js (rudder-sdk-js)</summary>





##### Features

- **adobe:** remove 2 delimiter fields from config and fetching that
info from mapping fields itself
- implement usage of connectionMode wherever useNativeSDKToSend is used
- **VWO:** add campaignName and variationId in properties

##### Bug Fixes

- \*\* integration:\*\* fb pixel build payload
- destination sdk load check
- ignore localstorage NS_ERROR_STORAGE_BUSY from reporting
- **lemnisk:** add rudder message identifier flag


##### Bug Fixes

- **mixpanel:** alias id ordering


<summary>stripe/stripe-node (stripe)</summary>



- [#&#8203;1853](
Update generated code
- Add support for `monthly_estimated_revenue` on
`Account.business_profile`, `AccountCreateParams.business_profile`, and
- [#&#8203;1859](
Revert "import \* as http -> import http from 'http'"



- This version included a breaking change
[#&#8203;1859]( that
we should not have released. It has been deprecated on Please
do not use this version.


<summary>vercel/turbo (turbo)</summary>

Turborepo v1.10.12


<!-- Release notes generated using configuration in
.github/turborepo-release.yml at v1.10.12 -->

#### What's Changed

##### Changelog

- release(turborepo): 1.10.11 by
[@&#8203;github-actions]( in
- fix(prune): copy pnpm workspace file to top level out directory by
[@&#8203;chris-olszewski]( in
- fix: use correct enum values for task output mode by
[@&#8203;chris-olszewski]( in

**Full Changelog**:

Turborepo v1.10.11


<!-- Release notes generated using configuration in
.github/turborepo-release.yml at v1.10.11 -->

#### What's Changed

##### Changelog

- release(turborepo): 1.10.10 by
[@&#8203;github-actions]( in
- fix: re-enable go-daemon by
[@&#8203;chris-olszewski]( in

**Full Changelog**:

Turborepo v1.10.10


<!-- Release notes generated using con



### Configuration

📅 **Schedule**: Branch creation - "before 4am on Monday" (UTC),
Automerge - At any time (no schedule defined).

🚦 **Automerge**: Disabled by config. Please merge this manually once you
are satisfied.

♻ **Rebasing**: Whenever PR becomes conflicted, or you tick the
rebase/retry checkbox.

👻 **Immortal**: This PR will be recreated if closed unmerged. Get
[config help]( if
that's undesired.


- [ ] <!-- rebase-check -->If you want to rebase/retry this PR, check
this box


This PR has been generated by [Mend
Renovate]( View
repository job log


Co-authored-by: renovate[bot] <29139614+renovate[bot]>
  • Loading branch information
renovate[bot] committed Jul 31, 2023
1 parent da02c1b commit 72a9b2b
Showing 1 changed file with 2 additions and 2 deletions.
4 changes: 2 additions & 2 deletions package.json
Original file line number Diff line number Diff line change
Expand Up @@ -13,15 +13,15 @@
"react-dom": "18.2.0"
"devDependencies": {
"@types/react": "18.2.15",
"@types/react": "18.2.17",
"@types/react-dom": "18.2.7",
"@vitejs/plugin-react": "^4.0.0",
"monaco-editor": "0.40.0",
"monaco-graphql": "1.2.4",
"pathfinder": "workspace:*",
"ui": "workspace:*",
"vite-plugin-monaco-editor": "1.1.0",
"vite": "4.4.6",
"vite": "4.4.7",
"zustand": "4.3.9"

0 comments on commit 72a9b2b

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