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Sample Olympics Database

This repository contains a sample PostgreSQL database aimed at helping people new to SQL practice.

Setting up

  1. Install PostgreSQL on your computer
  1. Create a database called olympics
  2. Download the latest relase of the test database and unzip it. You should have a file called olympics-database.sql
  3. Pipe the database file into your database with psql olympics < olympics-database.sql
  4. Now you should be able to connect and see some data:
olympics=# \dt

│ Schema │    Name    │ Type  │ Owner │
│ public │ appearance │ table │ peter │
│ public │ athlete    │ table │ peter │
│ public │ country    │ table │ peter │
│ public │ event      │ table │ peter │
│ public │ games      │ table │ peter │
│ public │ sport      │ table │ peter │



    athlete {
        id integer
        name varchar
        sex sex
        height integer
        weight integer

    sport {
        id integer
        name varchar

    country {
        code char
        name varchar
        alternative_name varchar

    games {
        code char
        name varchar
        year integer
        season season "Summer or Winter"
        city varchar

    event {
        id integer
        sport_id integer
        name varchar
        sex sex

    appearance {
        athlete_id integer
        country_code char
        games_code char
        event_id integer
        age integer
        medal medal

    athlete ||--|{ appearance : competes
    country ||--|{ appearance : "represents"
    games ||--|{ appearance : "is made at"
    sport ||--|{ event : "belongs to"
    event ||--|{ appearance : "in"


  1. How many gymnastics events are there?
  2. When and where were the first Winter Olympic Games?
  3. Which athlete taller than 2m has the last name alphabetically?
  4. Who is the youngest ever competitor at any games?
  5. Which five events have the longest names?
  6. Which sports did France win medals at in teh 1952 summer games?
  7. Which country won the most biathlon medals between 1990 and 2010?
  8. Which sports were included before 1920 but not after?
  9. Which ten countries have the most gold medals in table tennis?
  10. How many games did Linford Christie compete at?
  11. How many athletes have competed at both the summer and winter Olympic games?